2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 2 English around the World》词汇学案 2.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 2 English around the World词汇学案 2. New words1. base vt 以.为依据 n.基础,基地,基部【观察与思考】Vt. This news report is based mainly on facts.I base my hope on the good news we had yesterday. The movie is based on a real life incident. What are you basing your theory on? n. the base of a building We camped at the base of the mountain.【完成句子】1)The film _(根据)a novel by Lawrence is exciting. 2)One should always _ facts。(观点以事实为根据)3)Success is _( 成功的基础是努力工作)2. mand n/vt 命令,指令,掌握【观察与思考】n. .an order/ a control I never promised to obey his mand.He has a hundred men under his mand.Begin when I give the mand. Jill has a good mand of spoken English 短语:under ones demand 在某人控制之下 have a good mand of 精通,掌握Vt. to direct, to order I mand you to start at once. =I mand that he (should) start at once. 【完成句子】1) In English, _ _(发命令)is less polite than making a request. 2) The general _ his men _(命令。攻打) the city. 3)The army is _(国王直接统帅)3. request vt/n. 要求,请求【观察与思考】Vt. to ask, to demand politely I requested him to be on time. I requested that he (should) be on time. You are requested to arrive at the hall on time. She requested that no one should be told of her decision.You must request permission(许可) from your teacher if you want to leave. n. sth that has been asked for, a polite demandHu Jintao paid a visit to America at Bushs request(应。之邀) last week. She made a request for some water.【完成句子】1)May I request you _(停止谈话)?2)I requested that _(他来) an hour earlier. I requested him _an hour earlier.3)He came _(应我的邀请).4)Visitors _(被要求不要) touch the exhibits.(2001全国)5) We requested that the next meeting _(在周五开)4. recognize vt.辨认出,承认,公认【观察与思考】Vt. to know sth or sb one has seen before; to accept Oh, its you! I recognize you by your red hat.Tom is recognized as/to be the best footballer in the school. The new government hasnt been recognized by many countries.【完成句子】1) Who is that? I_ over the phone.(听不出你的声音)2)Everyone has him _the monitor.(承认/公认)3) I _(认识他) for ten years. But I didnt _ him just now because he has changed so much.4)Can you _(认出他的笔迹)?5. present adj. /n/vt【观察与思考】adj. 现在的,目前的,出席的,在场的 We are concerned about the present situation.There were 200 people present at the meeting. 有200人出席会议。 出席 be present at 缺席 be present from现在,目前 the present( time), at present /at the present time I dont need the book at present /at the present time. There is no time like the present. n. 礼物(gift),Vt. to give, to offer 捐献,赠送 They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. When he left, the manager presented him with a gold watch.【完成句子】1)All the people _(出席聚会的) were his supporters. (02京)2)He _(把鲜花赠给他的老师)3)It was based more on German than the English we speak_(目前)6. expression n. 词句,表达,表情 n. “Shut up” is not a polite expression. I sent them flowers as an expression of thanks. There was no expression on her face. 【完成句子】 1) There was a _(焦急的表情) on her face. 2) Try to recite the important words and _. 拓展:express vt. 表达,表示 adj 快速的,快递的 3) Teachers _(表达担心) about his studies. 4) Teenagers have difficulty _ themselves.5) an express train II. phrases:1. because of 因为,由于 【观察与思考】 He was late because of the traffic jam. =Because he was caught in the traffic jam ,he was late.thanks to + n./ pron. 多亏,由于 Thanks to your help, we finished the task on time/ahead of time. as a result of 因为的结果 The flight was delayed as a result of fog.【完成句子】Her face went red _what he had said.(因为)He couldnt go any further _. His wounded leg.I decided to go with him, mainly _ I had nothing better to do.2. such as /for example【观察与思考】John likes to make furniture, such as chairs and tables.I like drinks such as tea and soda.Many great men have risen from the poverty Lincoln and Edison, for example.For example, John has the same opinion.【归纳】such as:_ for example: _【完成句子】Some students, _, John, lives in the neighbourhood.Some of the rubbish, _ _ food, paper and iron, rots away over a long period of time. 3. more than Do you know that there is more than one kind of English in the world?More than one house was burnt down in the fire.不止一间房子在火灾中被毁。Her performance was more than good, it was perfect.她的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。 【归纳规则】more than _more than 修饰 _【完成句子】1) That mountain is _ (超过) 1500 meters high.2) He likes summer _(胜于)autumn.【拓展】morethan Actually, it was based more on German than present day English.It was more the way he said it than what he said that made her sad.造成她不快的原因,与其说是他所说的话,倒不如说是他的说话方式。完成句子3) The elephant is like a spear _ anything else.(与其说倒不如说)4) She was _ sad _(甚于) angry when her son lied again.当堂检测一:单选1 Ten years later, we found Marie changed so much that we could hardly _ her. A. remember B. see C. believe D Recognize2 The hotel offers the highest _ of fort and service. A. rules B. requests C. series D. standards3 As _ as 80 people lost their lives in the fire, _ five firefighters. A. many, including B. much, including C. many included D. much, to include4 What do you think _ an important part in their lives? - Music. A. takes B. plays C. acts D. makes5 The army officer _ his men to fire as soon as the enemies came up. A. requested B. suggested C. begged D. manded二:翻译句子1. 博物馆要求参观的游客不得在馆内拍照。2. 因为暴风雨他没有去那儿。3. 我立刻认出了我的老朋友。4. 我有很多工作要做,所以要利用好时间。 5. 这部小说是以事实为根据的。 6. 不止一个人在大火中丧生。当堂检测答案一 单选题DDABD二:翻译句子1 The visitors are requested not to take photos in the museum.2 He didnt go there because of the storm.3 I recognized my old friend at once.4 I have a lot of work to do, so I will make good use of time. 5 The novel is base on facts.6 More than one person was killed in fire.BookUnit 2 English around the World 单词学案II答案1.1) based on/ which is based on 2) base opinions on 3) based on hard work2.1) giving mands 2) manded, to attack 3) under the kings direct mand3.1) to stop talking 2) he (should) e, to e 3) at my request 4) are requested not to 5)(should) be held on Friday.4.1) cant recognize your voice 2) recognized to be/as 3) have known him, recognize 4) recognize his handwriting5.1) present at the party 2) presented flowers to his teacher 3) at present6.1) worried expression 2) expressions 3) expressed their concern 4) in expressing1. because of Because of Because2. 列举(多个) 单个列举 For example Such as3. 1) more than2) more than3) morethan4) morethan

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