2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业2 Unit 13 People 北师大版必修5.doc

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课时分层作业(二)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1Its difficult to tell(tell) Jean from Joan; they look so alike.2The patient is going to have his temperature taken(take)3They persuaded me in to shelter from the rain.4I was quite relieved(relief) when the plane landed safely.5Your requirement that she (should) wait(wait) till next week is reasonable.6If we can reduce desires,there is nothing really worth getting upset about7The time is approaching when we must be on board.8They watched our performance with satisfaction.9She was tired of the humdrum life in the countryside and desired to go(go) out.10Do you think the President will give in to the terrorists demand?.完成句子1区别双胞胎并不容易。It is not easy to distinguish between twins.2如果她够幸运的话,她的商业计划会被接受。If shes lucky,shell have her business plan accepted3你应完成作业再离开。Its desired that you finish your homework before you leave.4她从不满足于已取得的成就。She was never satisfied with what she had achieved. 5我们在一间无人居住的屋子里躲避暴风雨。We took shelter from the storm in a deserted house.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解(2017辽宁葫芦岛高二下期末) Regarded as one of the English languages most gifted poets,John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery,human nature,and philosophy (哲学)Although Keats didnt receive much formal literary education,his own studies and passion brought him much success.Additionally,his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middleclass family,the young John didnt attend a private school,but went to a public one.His teachers and his familys friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies.After his fathers death in the early 1800s,followed by his mothers passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核),he began viewing life differently.He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.At around the age of 16,the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might bee a doctor.However,his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy,especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser.He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816,entitled O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817,Keats had written an entire volume of poetry,but was sharply criticized (批评) by a magazine.However,the negative response didnt stop his love of rhythm (韵律)John Keats next work was Endymion,which was published in May 1818.The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boys hope to overe the limitations of being human.Following Endymion,however,he tried something more narrativebased (叙事体的) and wrote Isabella.During this time,John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences.He would have to have the “knowledge” associated with his poems.His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to bine all that he learned.However,a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.【语篇解读】文章主要讲述了约翰济慈在诗歌方面取得的成就。1John Keats attitude towards life changed because of Ahis early education from schoolBthe deaths of his parentsCEhmund Spensers poetryDthe criticism of a magazineB细节理解题。根据第二段After his fathers death in the early 1800s,followed by his mothers passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核),he began viewing life differently.He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.可知他对待人生的态度发生转变是在他父母去世后。2What is the mon thing between John Keats and his mother?AThey read many books.BThey had a bad childhood.CThey died of the same disease.DThey showed strong interest in poetry.C细节理解题。根据第二段followed by his mothers passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核)可知他的母亲死于肺结核,再根据文章最后一句话However,a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.可知他也死于肺结核。3While trying to achieve his dream of being a poet first,John Keats was AdeterminedBexperiencedCknowledgeableDimpatientA推理判断题。根据文章第一段Although Keats didnt receive much formal literary education,his own studies and passion brought him much success.Additionally,his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.可知是他自己的学习和热情使他在诗歌方面取得了巨大的成功,再根据后几段的内容可知无论家庭遭遇变故还是自己受到批评,the negative response didnt stop his love of rhythm (韵律)所以可以得出他是意志力坚定的人。4What do we know from the passage?AKeats received little education at school.BEndymion was about a real love story.CIn 1816 Keats spent two months writing a poem.DKeats once had a chance of being a doctor.D推理判断题。根据文章第三段At around the age of 16,the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might bee a doctor.可知济慈曾经学过医。根据第一段Although Keats didnt receive much formal literary education,可知他没有接受过正规的文学教育,但不是没上过学。所以A项错误。根据最后一段 John Keats next work was Endymion,which was published in May 1818.The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boys hope to overe the limitations of being human.可知Endymion不是真实的爱情故事。根据第三段可知1816年他发表了诗歌,1817年的两个月中不断受到批评,所以C项错误,属于张冠李戴。.完形填空I sat in the chair reflecting on(回想,回顾) the past year.At that time,my 1 Charley came into the room.Charley took one look at my face and she could 2 I was off in another world.Charley said,“You have that 3 on your face! Tell me what you were 4 ” “Well,Charley,” I replied,“I was listening to a song on the radio that asked 5 you have done over the last year.When I 6 on the year,Ive realized I have had such good fortune,with a few bumps (碰撞) along the way.”Charley immediately asked,“Tell me about the three things that 7 you the most during this year.”I sat thinking if I had to 8 only three things that influenced me,what would they be? After a few minutes,I said,“OK,here are the three things that influenced me the most: My family.Throughout the year I had many 9 ,but my family were always there 10 support and encouragement.My friends.Over the years I have 11 my dreams and my goals with my friends.Some goals I have 12 and other goals I have not. 13 friends like you always supported and 14 me.My colleagues.I have worked with some 15 people over the last year.I have been very 16 to have the opportunity to work with these excellent people over the last year.”Charley smiled and said,“Do you realize that everything you have said has one thing in 17 ?”“What are you saying,Charley?” I asked.She replied,“One mon thing is 18 Neither the material things in your life,nor your job has had the most meaning in your life.It is the people in your life that have made the biggest 19 in your life!”I smiled.Material things are not 20 ,and while our jobs provide the means of existence for us,the important things in life are the people who touched our lives.【语篇解读】本文通过作者列出生活中影响最大的事情,告诉大家一个道理:物质的东西是不重要的,尽管我们的工作为我们提供生存方式,但是生活中重要的事情是影响我们生活的人。1AsisterBclassmateCmother DfriendD根据下文friends like you always supported像你这样的朋友总是支持帮助我。可知这里Charley是我的朋友。故选D。2Aargue BsuggestCtell DwonderCargue争论;suggest建议,表明;tell告诉,判断;wonder想知道。句意:Charley看了我一眼,她能判断我的思绪正在漫游。根据句意可知选C。3Alook BappearanceCmark DmaskAlook表情;appearance外貌;mark分数;mask面具。句意:你脸上这种表情!故选A。4Adoing BthinkingClistening DannoyingB根据上文她能判断我的思绪在漫游,可知这里她问我在想什么。故选B。5Awhere BthatCwhat DwhyC考查宾语从句引导词以及对语境的理解。句意:我在收音机里听了一首歌问你在过去的一年里做了什么。动词asked后的宾语从句you have done 缺少宾语,故选C。6Acall BtalkCinsist DreflectDreflect反思,反映,反射;这里呼应文章第一句I sat in the chair reflecting on the past year.可知这里当我反思这一年时,我意识到虽然有一些磕磕碰碰我还是有这么好的运气。故选D。7Ainfluenced BdemandedCentertained DmotivatedA根据下句 I sat thinking if I had to 8 only three things that influenced me,what would they be?我坐在那想如果我必须只选三样影响我的事情,那会是什么呢?可知这里Charley是让我告诉她在这一年里影响我最大的三件事情。根据句意可知选A。8Awrite BpickCget DownBwrite写;pick挑选;get得到;own拥有。句意:我坐在那想如果我必须只选三样影响我的事情,那会是什么呢?故选B。9Aplans BexperiencesCchallenges DachievementsC句意:我的家人。这一年里我遇到很多的挑战,但是我的家人总在那里给我支持和鼓励。根据语境可知选C。10Areceiving BexpectingCwinning DofferingDreceive收到;expect期望;win赢得;offer提供。句意:我的家人。这一年里我遇到很多的挑战,但是我的家人总在那里给我支持和鼓励。故选D。11Ashared BprovidedCconnected DparedAshare分享;provide提供;connect联系;pare比较。句意:我的朋友们。这么些年,我和我的朋友们分享我的梦想和目标。share sth.with sb.和某人分享某事。故选A。12Aset BachievedCfailed DscoredBset设置,安置;achieve实现,获得;fail失败;score得分。句意:我实现了一些目标,而一些目标没有实现。故选B。13ABut BMeanwhileCOtherwise DUnlessA根据上句我实现了一些目标,而一些目标没有实现,可知这里转折,但是像你这样的朋友们总是支持和鼓励我。故选 A。14Aaccepted BsatisfiedCreplaced DencouragedDaccept接受;satisfy使满意,满足;replace取代;encourage鼓励。根据上句释义,可知选D。15Astupid BbraveCoutstanding DordinaryC根据下句 work with these excellent people over the last year可知这里在过去的一年里,我和一些优秀的人一起工作。故选C。16Afortunate BmiserableCunhappy DsurprisedAfortunate幸运的;miserable痛苦的;unhappy不快乐的;surprised惊讶的。句意:在过去的一年里,有机会和这些优秀的人一起工作我感到很幸运。故选A。17Acharacter BstoreCmon DnatureChave one thing in mon 有一个共同点。 句意:你意识到你所说的都有一个共同点了吗?故选C。18Aeffort BspiritCmotivation DpeopleD根据上文列出来的对自己影响最大的是:家人,朋友,同事可知这个共同点是“人”。故选D。19Achoice BdifferenceCproblem DprogressBmade the biggest difference起最大作用,有最大影响。句意:你生活中的人在你的生活中有最大的影响。根据语意可知选B。20Auseful BimportantCpractical DunnecessaryB句意:我笑了。物质的东西是不重要的,尽管我们的工作为我们提供生存方式,但是生活中重要的事情是影响我们生活的人。故选B。

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