2019-2020年高一英语 Lessons 25-26 My father He usually plays tennis教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Lessons 25-26 My father He usually plays tennis教案I. 教学材料:Lesson 25 My Father My father does the same thing every morning. He gets up at six oclock. He washes, brushes his teeth and bs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven oclock he leaves the house. My father has very regular habits. 我的父亲我父亲每天早上都做相同的事。他六点起床。他洗脸、刷牙,梳头发。然后他就穿衣吃早饭。他六点半听收音机播报的新闻。他七点整出门。我父亲有很规律的习惯。Lesson 26 He Usually Plays Tennis Jeff : What do you usually do on Sundays?Betty: I usually go for a walk in the mountains.Jeff : Does your husband go with you?Betty: No. He doesnt.Jeff : What does he do?Betty: He usually plays tennis. 他通常打网球杰弗:你星期天通常做些什么事?贝蒂:我通常到山中走一走。杰弗:你先生跟你一块儿去吗?贝蒂:不,他不去。杰弗:他做什么呢?贝蒂:他通常打网球。II 教学步骤:1. 导入:Who is he? Would you like to know something about his daily life?2. 小组讨论+听录音:观察红色词汇,判断练习哪种语法并填空: 听发音,核对答案 用has有, brushes刷, bs梳, does做, puts on穿, washes洗, gets up起床, eats吃, leaves离开, listens to听填空 Toms father _ the same thing every morning. He _at six oclock. He_, _his teeth and _his hair. Then, he _his clothes and _ breakfast. At six-thirty he _the news on the radio. At exactly seven oclock he_the house. Toms father _very regular habits.3. 处理重难点: 观察分析归纳语法:一般现在时谓语形式和时间状语词汇和短语 Toms father does the same thing every morning. He gets up at six oclock. He washes, brushes his teeth and bs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven oclock he leaves the house. Toms father has very regular habits. 4. 领读、齐读:每个句子两遍,并列结构升降调的使用 Toms father does the same thing every morning. He gets up at six oclock. He washes, brushes his teeth and bs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven oclock he leaves the house. Toms father has very regular habits. 5. 背诵Reciting导背:recite by following the teacher 自背:recite by yourself 齐背:recite together 踊跃背:volunteer 抽签背:recite by name导背关键词 does, 6, gets up, washes, brushes, bs, Then, puts on, eats, 6:30, listens to, 7, leaves, has.6. 默写和互改Dictation and Correction她通常打网球 Betty : What do you usually do on Sundays?Jiang Shan : I usually go for a walk in the mountains.Betty : Does your wife go with you?Jiang Shan : No. She doesnt.Betty : What does she do?Jiang Shan : She usually plays tennis. 贝蒂:你星期天通常做些什么事?姜山:我通常到山中走一走。贝蒂:你妻子跟你一块儿去吗?姜山:不,她不去。贝蒂:她做什么呢?姜山:她通常打网球。8.小组活动:新对话 + 角色表演: - -What do you usually do on Sundays?-I usually watch TV / wash my clothes/ play puter games / sleep.


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