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牡一中2018级高一学年下学期期中考试英 语 试 题一、 单项选择(满分20分) 1. The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. AatmosphereBstate Csituation Dphenomenon2. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _Aability B. force Cstrength Dmind3 People around the world are being more and more _ about the population explosion. Aconcerned Binterested Cinvolved Ddisappointing4Dont be _by products promising to make you lose weight quickly. Ataken off Btaken out Ctaken away Dtaken in5. If you dont _ your smoking,I will _ your supply. Acut up;cut down Bcut down;cut off Ccut in;cut off Dcut in;cut up6. Pop music is such an important part of society _it has even influenced our language. Aas Bthat Cwhich Dwhere7. If theres a lot of work_,Im happy to just keep on until it is finished. Ato do Bto be doing Cdone Ddoing8. _ with so much trouble, we failed to plete the task on time.A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face9. I missed the last bus and had no money for a taxi,so I could do nothing but _ home last night. Ato walking Bwalk Cwalking Dwalked10. Dogs have a very good _ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. A. sense B. view C. means D. idea 11. _manners are very important in every country is known to all,but the trouble is that different countries have different ideas about _good manners are. AThat;what BThat;that CWhat;that DWhat;what12. The reason _he didnt e was _he was ill. A. why; that B. that; why C. for that; that D. for which; what 13. Nowadays people bee more practical and buy only _ they need. A. where B. which C. when D. what14. After three days waiting, there was a little doubt in the mothers mind _ the police could find her lost child. A. how B. that C. where D. whether15. 10. She was so angry at _ he was doing _ she stayed up all night. A. that; that B. that; which C. what; that D. what; as16. 13. Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing _we live can we save the earth. A. that B. what C. how D. where17. The news has spread all over the country _ the spaceship succeeded in returning to the earth. A. that B. whichC. whether D. what18. You should keep those old jam bottles -you never know _ you might need them. A. when B. how C. what D .where19. The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get. A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whenever20. We cannot figure out _ quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. A. that B. as C. why D. when二、 阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AFamous Modern Chinese BuildingsBeijing International AirportThe first place most visitors see when they arrive in China is Beijing International Airport. The airport was constructed in the 1950s. It has an indoor garden, a childrens playground, and over 70 food businesses in Terminal 3 alone. Shanghai World Financial Centerpleted in 2008, SWFC took over 10 years to plete due to financial shortages and construction delays. Since its pletion, it has won countless architectural awards.Tourists are wele at SWFCs viewing platform, which at 474 meters above ground is the worlds highest closed viewing platform.The Water CubeIt was constructed for use during the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics. Now visitors can express surprise at the architecture of the building. They can enjoy the indoor atmosphere as well.Among the offerings of the Water Cube are a restaurant and bar, a shopping area, and Water World, a family water parkThe Birds Nest, BeijingIt was designed mainly for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It can hold up to 80,000 people and has been used for a winter theme park. Nowadays, its main ine is as a tourist attraction. It draws more than 20,000 tourists every day.National Center for the Performing ArtsIt was pleted in 2007. The building is surrounded by a man-made lake, requiring guests to enter via an underground hallway. It is home to an Opera Hall, Music Hall, and Theater.21. Which of the following buildings was first constructed? A. Beijing International Airport. B. Shanghai World Financial Center.C. The Water Cube. D. The Birds Nest, Beijing.22. Why was the construction of Shanghai World Financial Center delayed?A. It needed more construction workers. B. It was short of money.C. It added an extra viewing-platform. D. It faced too much terrible weather.23. How does the birds Nest operate daily?A. By renting the winter theme park. B. By increasing its opening time.C. By charging tourists for admission fees. D. By giving some live concerts.24. What can you do in National Center for the Performing Art?A. Enjoy sports events. B. Play musical instruments.C. Attend science lectures. D. Watch different performances.BHave you ever noticed how Americans fill up their entire glass with ice and then pour their beverage(饮品) in, but Europeans take their drinks at room temperature? In the U.S., weve created fridges that give you cold ice at the press of a button, but in Britain they typically serve their tap water warm.This tradition-if thats what you want to call it-dates back to the 19th century. During that time, it was already monplace for most American homes to have an ice box. Ice would be harvested in northern America or Canada and shipped across the Atlantic and sold at a high price in British department stores. Can you imagine heading to Macys to treat yourself to a block of ice?Putting ice in your drink started to bee somewhat of a fashion(时尚)trend for the wealthy in Britain. Some would put a few cubes in their champagne and sip on their chilled drinks at high-class parties. But, like with any fashion trend, it eventually faded, mainly because the ice was just too expensive. And even once ice boxes began appearing in homes in Britain as well, Brits never took a liking to ice in their drinks.So, next time you travel overseas, dont feel offended(被冒犯) when your server gives you an eye roll when you ask for ice water. 25. Who has written the text?A. A European B. An American C. A Canadian D. An Asian.26. Why do Europeans take their drinks at room temperature?A. Because they have no fridges. B Because they have warm taps.C. Because they are accustomed to it. D Because they cant afford ice.27. What can we infer about Europeans?A. They have ice boxes later than Americans.B. They dont know where to get ice blocks.C. Wealthy people like to have ice in their drinks.D. Wealthy people always follow what Americans do.28. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Why Americans like icy drinks while Europeans don t.B. When people overseas have icy drinks with their meals.C. Where people can entertain themselves with icy drinks.D How Europeans and Americans make different beverage.CMy favorite book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, talks about a formula called “SFF” which stands for “stopping finding faults”. I used to be a critical person and tried to find faults. I guess I somehow inherited this character from my father. Actually, many good qualities of my father are worth admiring except this.My father is the person who constantly looks for mistakes in other people and he thinks no one is perfect in the world. His character created a negative atmosphere in my family. I was the same as my father, so I often felt angry, disappointed, depressed, and lonely in school.After I had read my favorite book I began to seek “good things” in other people. It has pletely changed my life. Now I feel happier, I have more friends, I have more trust in people, and I realize everyone has their own strength! Another important lesson I got from this book is that I should always behave myself in a positive manner. Lets admit that we sometimes plain about our situation. Thats not good. “Believe it or not, people dont like to listen to negative opinions.”One more valuable lesson I got from the book is that I should be a good listener. When I was younger, I only wanted people to pay whole attention to my words so that I could show them how important I was. I was very proud and would show off my achievements in school without considering others feeling. I had very few friends and most people considered me as an “arrogant” person. Now, I find it mush easier to make friends after making some changes!29. Why does the author like the book The Secret?A. Because hes found the secret of success from it.B. Because the book uncovers the secrets of happiness.C. Because hes learnt his fathers characters from it.D. Because it helps him change his attitude towards life.30. What do you know about the authors father?A. He makes his son feel angry and disappointed.B. He likes finding faults with people around him.C. He seems a critical person but in fact easy-going.D. He can create a negative atmosphere when necessary.31. The underlined word “arrogant” probably means “_”.A. self-importantB. admirableC. troublesomeD. cold-blooded32. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To persuade readers to be good listeners.B. To share his painful changing experience.C. To tell readers the influence of a book on him.D. To show the result of his fathers negative character.DWele to Inspire 21Our aim is to provide “Inspiring words for the 21st century”. So, here we offer a unique collection of inspiring short stories, motivational short stories, and humorous short stories for you to read and share.If you do care to share, click the “SHARE” button in the bottom left corner of each page. And thanks for telling others about Inspire 21.The inspiring stories that are labeled (标记) “TRUE” are done so to the best of our knowledge, but we do not have full proof in some cases. However, all of these stories and messages are provided because of their uplifting content, whether true or not. Many books weve read and movies weve watched were totally untrue, but we enjoyed the inspiration they gave usespecially if they had a happy ending.So, please read and share these stories at your own discretion (判断力). Thank you for your understanding!Also, many of the inspiring stories used here are used with permission from the author. However, we cannot grand(授予) permission to reuse any of these inspirational stories, as the majority of them are not ours.Lastly, many inspiring stories (emailed to us or we came across online) are listed as “Author Unknown”. If you happen to know the authors name, to whom credit should be given, please contact us with that information so we can keep our inspiring story collection accurate. Thank you again!33. What does Inspire 21 do?A. Encourage people to use inspiring words.B. Offer books and movies with a happy ending.C. Collect both true stories and untrue message.D. Provide short storied for people to read and share.34. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to inspiring?A. Uplifting B. Unique C. Accurate D Humorous35. What are the readers expected to do in the last paragraph?A. Reuse inspiring stories. B. Give credit to unknown authors.C. Write more true stories. D Make Inspire 2I more popular.第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Summer is the perfect time to relax. As you plan for your trip, here are some tips on how to protect yourself. 36 Fight against the mosquitoes in the hot spots.There are many mosquito-borne illnesses in tropical regions, which are traditionally vacation hot spots. Therefore, mosquito repellent(驱蚊剂)that contains DEET should be an essential item in your travel bag. 37 . In lesser-developed countries there is less equipment for clean water and public health. If you cant avoid unhealthful water, make sure you bring along a tea or coffeemaking pot that will boil water for you. Youd better buy a case or two of water and check that all bottle caps are sealed to assure the bottled water isnt just a refilled bottle of dirty tap water. Always protect your feet. Its best to wear slippers in the shower, but if you must be barefoot, put a towel down on the floor. 38 You should never walk barefoot in any area of a foreign country, including your hotel room. Be sure to eat safe fruits. 39 They may have been washed in the same water, or wiped with the same rag used to clean work surfaces in kitchens. The best advice is to bring your own peeler(削皮器)so that you know that something clean has been applied to the fruit. Enjoy the smell of roadside stands, not the food. Unless the food is piping hot when served, its best to stay away from roadside stands, no matter how good the smell of the food might be. If you are concerned about whether a restaurant is clean, order the food to go. 40 .A. Dont trust the local waterB. Any fruit served fresh may be pollutedC. Look out for any water not served in a bottleD. The boxes may be cleaner than the plate or fork on the tableE. You should know how to keep yourself away from dirty fruitsF. They are necessary to avoid ing back with a major illness from your tripG. Parasites(寄生虫)can enter the skin of your feet and travel to different parts of the body三、 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the 41 home from work in the evenings. A man will be 42 the newspaper, and seconds later it 43 as if he is trying to 44 it.Or he will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger 45 next to him. 46 place where unplanned short sleep 47 is in the lecture hall where a student will start snoring(打鼾)so 48 that the professor has to ask another student to 49 the sleeper awake. A more embarrassing(尴尬)situation occurs when a student starts falling into sleep and the 50 of the head pushes the arm off the 51 ,and the movement carries the 52 of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no 53 of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when 54 . Police reports are full of 55 that occur when people fall into sleep and go 56 the road. If the drivers are 57 , they are not seriously hurt. One womans car, 58 , went into the river. She woke up in four feet of 59 and thought it was raining. When people are really 60 , nothing will stop them from falling asleep-no matter where they are. ( )41.A.way( )42.A.buying ( )43.A.acts ( )44.A.open ( )45.A.lying( )46.A.Next ( )47.A.goes on( )48.A.bravely( )49.A.leave( )50.A.size( )51.A.cushion ( )52.A.action( )53.A.memory( )54.A.thinking( )55.A.changes ( )56.A.up( )57.A.lucky ( )58.A.in time ( )59.A.dust( )60.A.tired Btrack Bfolding Bshows Beat Bwaiting BEvery Bends up Bhappily Bshake Bshape BdeskBpositionBreasonBworkinBeventsBoff Bawake Bat firstBwater Bdrunk CpathCdeliveringCappears CfindCtalking CAnother Clasts CloudlyCkeepCweightCshoulderCrestCquestionCwalking Cideas Calong CcalmCas usualCgrass ClonelyDroadDreading DsoundsDfinishDsitting DOne Dreturns DcarelesslyDwatch DstrengthDbookDsideDpurpose Ddriving Daccidents DdownDstrongDfor example DbushDlazy四、 主观题第一节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)According to a recent survey, violence does exist in schools. Students show their fear and parents and teachers also 61 (express) their great concern about it. Experts hope 62 whole society will pay more attention to the mental health of adolescents. Nowadays, school violence is a big issue. I think this is a phenomenon(现象), which 63 (call) for our great concern. We should try every effort 64_ (prevent) school violence happening, for more and more students would drop out of school if their personal 65 (safe) could not be guaranteed (保证). In fact, violence can be learned. 66 (actual), children learn violent behavior from adults or from 67 they see on television or the Internet. If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence with violence, for it will result in 68 (much) fights. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and protect me 69 the bad guys.All in all, we students should behave 70 (we) and keep away from violence.61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _第二节 单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。71. Lucy has many positive personality _ that make her popular at school.72. Red is a _ (象征) of good luck in many cultures.73. Being a public _ (人物) today,however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be.74. The new railway station being built in our city will be three times the size of the _ (以前的) one.75. We havent discussed yet where we are going to place our new _(家具).76. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was _ (袭击) by floods.77. The development of industry has been a gradual _(过程) throughout human existence. 78. Would you rather _ (抱怨) than do anything about it?79. Do you have any idea why the engineer _ (辞职)?80. What made the school _ (自豪) was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. 第三节改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A lecture will be hold in the lecture hall of our school from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon of May 23rd, 2018. The lecture is about the difference and similarities between China and American education. They will be given by Professor Steve, that is now teaching at Beijing University. Anyone interesting in this subject will be warm wele to attend the lecture. Please do remember to arrive on the time. In addition, it is suggested that you take a notebook or a pen with you.第四节 作文(25分)假设你是李华,准备参加在你市举办的国际青少年文化节志愿者招聘活动。活动主办方要求能够熟练运用英语。请你用英文写封信,推荐自己。内容包括: 1.你的自荐理由2.你对活动的理解。注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Sir,Thank you for reading my letter._

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