2018-2019学年高中英语Unit9WheelsSectionⅣCommunicationWorkshop&ampCultureCorner&ampBulletinBoard课后演练提能北师大版必修3 .doc

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Unit 9 Wheels Section munication Workshop & Culture Corner & Bulletin Board 03课后演练提能夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. She said she didnt like it, but p_ I thought it was very good.答案:personally2. The workers are making a t_.答案:tunnel3. Five p_ three is eight.答案:plus4. The storm caused great d_.答案:damage5. What is the bus f_ to London?答案:fare6. There happened an accident at the _ (交叉路口)答案:crossing7. The book was _ (无处) to be found.答案:nowhere 8. It is _ (危险的) to ride a bike in the centre of town.答案:dangerous9. Use these _ (短语) to make a sentence.答案:expressions10. Rains are _ (频繁的) here in spring.答案:frequent. 选词填空work.out, thanks to, rely on, be likely to, pull up, give up, pare.to, be addicted to1. Never _! You will be successful one day.答案:give up2. I have spent one hour on the problem, but I still cant _ it _.答案:work; out3. _ your help, I finished the work on time.答案:Thanks to4. He _ the puter games so that he stays before the screen for days without sleep.答案:is addicted to5. Today is Sunday, so he _ go to play basketball with his friends.答案:is likely to6. When the traffic lights are red, the cars must _.答案:pull up7. Nowadays more and more children _ their parents for they are the only child in the family.答案:rely on8. People often _ children_ the flowers of the country.答案:pare; to. 完成句子1. The flood _ great damage _ many places in the north.这次洪水给北方许多地方造成了重大的破坏。答案:caused/did; to2. The bookshop was _ by the government.这家书店被政府关闭了。答案:closed down3. It is necessary for all of us to have some _.体育锻炼对我们都有必要。答案:physical exercise4. e to pick me up _ your _.在你方便的时候来接我。答案:at; convenience5. _ Zhang Ziyi _ I met in the street yesterday.昨天我在街上遇见的是章子怡。答案:It was; that. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. As is known to all language learners, newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless _ (frequent) used in everyday munication.答案:frequently句意:众所周知,新学的单词如果每天不频繁使用,会很快被忘记。frequently“频繁地”,符合句意。2. It was not _ she took off her glasses _ I realised she was my former classmate.答案:until; that考查not until的强调句。句意:直到她摘下眼镜我才认出她是我以前的同学。“It was not until.that.”为not until强调句型的基本句型结构。3.Are you pleased with what he has done?It couldnt be _ (bad). Why didnt he put more effort into his work?答案:worse“couldnt.比较级”相当于最高级,意为“再不过了”。4. _ watched the 2012 London Olympic Games agreed that some Chinese Athletes performed perfectly, such as Sun Yang and Ye Shiwen.答案:Whoever考查主语从句。从句中缺主语,又是指人,故用whoever“无论是谁”,符合句意。5. Thank God youre safe!I stepped back, just _ time to avoid the racing car.答案:in考查固定短语辨析。句意:谢天谢地,你安全了!我向后退了一步,正好及时避开了那辆赛车。in time意为“及时”,符合语境。6. She_(telephone) her husband, but there is no answer. 答案:has been telephoning考查动词时态。句意:她一直在给她丈夫打电话,但没有人接。现在完成进行时可用来表示目前某阶段内反复的、连续的动作。它强调动作的持续性,常译作“一直”,符合语意语境。7. Not until he got up this morning _ (he, realize) that he had forgotten to turn out the light when he went to bed last night.答案:did he realize考查倒装结构。not until放在句首时,主句要用倒装结构,又因realize这一动作与got up相继发生,所以时态应一致,用一般过去时。本句也可以这样表达:He didnt realize that he had forgotten to.last night until he got up this morning.。8. I would do nothing but _ (tell) him the truth.答案:tellbut前面有do,故后面省略to,故用动词原形。9. _(call) me tomorrow and Ill let you know the lab result.答案:Call句意:明天给我打电话,我就告诉你实验结果。考查特殊句式“祈使句and陈述句(一般将来时)”。故填Call。10. If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow, why dont you take _? I wont read them this week.答案:both由句意知此处指“两者都”,用both。提升实战能力. 完形填空A long time ago, there was a group of goats who were friends with each other. They lived high on the hills and were _1_ with whatever food that they could get. They _2_their foods and lived happily in the pany of each other. One day, as they _3_ from above they saw some farm goats grazing in the fields below. They came down to meet the farm goats and be _4_ with them.When the farmer who owned the farm goats saw this, he was very _5_. He invited the wild goats _6_ to his home. “e to my home,” he said to the _7_ goats, “I have prepared a really nice _8_ for you all.”The friends talked with each other. They discussed about the farmers _9_ among themselves. They _10_ that they should go to the farmers home, _11_ it was only for once.That night the farmer _12_ the wild goats to a grand feast. The goats were very happy. But as they were _13_their meal, they found that the farmer had only given scraps to his own goats.“Now we _14_ why the farmer has treated us to this feast,” they said to each other, “He is hoping that we would _15_ his herd and make it bigger.”And that is what the farmer had really thought. When he _16_ gave the goats the advice that they could join his herd, they _17_ it directly.“Why?” cried the farmer, “Did I treat you _18_? Did you not enjoy the meal? Did I insult you in any way?”“No, you did not. We enjoyed your _19_. But we saw what your own goats had,” the wild goats answered. “If we _20_ with you, we will soon starve like your own goats.”本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是一群野山羊与一群家山羊成为朋友后,家山羊的主人却想通过丰盛的食物来让这群野山羊加入到自己的羊群中来。而最终被野山羊们拒绝了这个建议,因为这位农民对待自家的山羊非常不好。1. A. excitedB. satisfied C. disappointed D. interested答案:B由上句中friends with each other可知:这些野山羊是朋友,下句中lived happily可知它们生活地很快乐。由此可知:它们“满意”于所取得的食物。2. A. shared B. owned C. searched D. discovered答案:A从本句中lived happily in the pany of each other可知:它们互相陪伴快乐地生活着。这告诉我们:它们之间的关系非常融洽,故能互相“分享着”食物。3. A. turned up B. took up C. looked up D. stood up答案:C野山羊低头吃草,“抬头”看山下的家山羊。A项turned up“出现,发生”;B项took up“占用,开始从事”;C项looked up“向上看”;D项stood up“起立,竖起”。故本题应选C项。4. A. enemies B. brothers C. partners D. friends答案:D从第一段第三句中lived happily in the pany of each other告诉我们:这些野山羊生活快乐。由此可以推断出它们都是“朋友”。5. A. proud B. pleased C. willing D. hopeful答案:B从下句中invited可知:当这个农民看到一群野山羊和自家的羊在一起时,感到很“高兴”,故邀请这群野山羊回家做客。6. A. warmly B. quickly C. suddenly D. gradually答案:A由下段中的have prepared a really nice meal for you all可知:这位农民是非常“热心地”邀请这群野山羊回家做客。A项warmly“热心地”符合题意。7. A. good B. different C. wild D. happy答案:C根据上段中He invited the wild goats可知:在这里,这位农民是对野山羊说的。8. A. grass B. water C. meat D. meal答案:D从第六段最后一句中their meal可知这里指的是这位农民给这群野山羊准备好了一顿美味的“饭菜”。9. A. thought B. invitation C. plan D. action答案:B从下句可知:这群野山羊正在讨论的是农民“邀请”这件事。10. A. considered B. demanded C. decided D. argued答案:C本句中they should go to the farmers home告诉我们:它们应该去。这说明这群野山羊做出了“决定”。因为它们已经讨论过了,故不能选A项considered“考虑”,B项demanded“要求”和D项argued“争论,辩论”。所以本题的答案应选C项。11. A. even if B. if so C. as if D. so that答案:A本句中it was only for once告诉我们:“即使”这是唯一的一次,它们也应该去。而B项if so“假如这样的话”,用逗号与句子隔开,故可排除;C项as if“好像,仿佛”与D项so that“以便”均不符合题意。所以本题的答案应选A项。12. A. supplied B. offered C. helped D. entertained答案:D本句中to a grand feast告诉我们:那个晚上,这个农民盛情“款待”了这群野山羊。D项entertain“款待”符合题意。13. A. enjoying B. eating C. preparing D. ordering答案:A本段第一句中的a grand feast告诉我们:这是一顿盛宴。故这群野山羊正在“享受”。14. A. learn B. know C. understand D. think答案:B下句中He is hoping.的内容告诉我们:这群野山羊“知道了”这个农民为什么给它们盛宴的原因了。所以本题的答案应选B项。15. A. like B. watch C. join D. attend答案:C本句中的make it bigger告诉我们:这个农民想让自己的羊群变大,而这群野山羊的“加入”就会产生这样的效果。所以该空应填“join”。16. A. lately B. happily C. immediately D. finally答案:D根据上段的描写和下文的讲述可知:这位农民是在这群野山羊吃完盛宴后说的,而这也是农民“最后”想说的事情了。A项lately“最近”;B项happily“高兴地”;C项immediately“立即”;D项finally“最后”。故只有D项符合题意。17. A. refused B. agreed C. accepted D. noticed答案:A由下段中“Why?”cried the farmer告诉我们:这群野山羊“拒绝”了农民的建议。18. A. wonderfully B. badly C. greatly D. pletely答案:B通过本段中的not enjoy和insult等词可知,这里是这位农民的自问:难道我粗鲁地对待你们了吗?只有B项badly“恶劣地”符合当时这位农民的自问。故本题的答案应选B项。19. A. heart B. home C. feast D. goats答案:C由第12题That night the farmer entertained the wild goats to a grand feast.可知,这里讲述的是:这群野山羊享受了农民的“盛宴”。故本题的答案应选C项。20. A. work B. leave C. face D. stay答案:D根据文章倒数第三段第二句中join his herd可知:这里是这群野山羊对与这位农民“待在”一起,所得到的结果进行假设。故该题应选D项。. 阅读理解It is a matter of mon observation that although money ine keeps going up over the years, we never seem to bee richer. Prices are rising continuously. This condition is what we call inflation: the money supply is being inflated so that each unit of it bees less valuable. We have got used to higher and higher rates of inflation in recent years. What could be bought twenty years ago for one pound now costs well over 2 pounds. And at present this rate of inflation seems to be rising rather than falling. If in the real world our money ines go up at the same rate as prices do. One might think that inflation doesnt matter. But_it_does. When money is losing value it also loses one of the qualities of a good moneystability of value. It is no longer acceptable as a store of value; and it bees an unsuitable means of delayed payment. Nobody wants to hold a wasting possession, so people try to get rid of money as quickly as possible. Inflation therefore simply simulatesour spending and discourages saving.本文是说明文。介绍了有关于通货膨胀的一些知识。1. From the passage we can know that inflation is a situation in which _.A. everyones ines rise B. money will hold its valueC. we can watch our money grow D. money constantly loses its value答案:D细节理解题。本文第三句解释的很清楚。2. In the writers view, if ines and prices rise at the same rate, _.A. inflation maybe still be a problem B. we have nothing to worry aboutC. inflation is no longer a problem D. we will bee richer and richer答案:A细节理解题。“If in the real world our money ines go up.But it does.”这一句即为答案。3. Under inflation people are likely to _.A. go to the bank more often than usual B. save more money since their ines riseC. spend money quickly rather than to save it D. keep money at home instead of going to banks答案:C细节理解题。根据文中“It is no longer acceptable as a store of value.”得知答案。4. We can conclude according to the passage that _.A. the writer is a government official B. the writer is worried about inflationC. the writer encourages people to spend money D. the writer has bee richer because of inflation答案:B观点态度题。纵观全文可知,本文作者为通货膨胀而担忧。5. Which of the following words is omitted (省略) at the end of the underlined sentence “But it does”?A. Matter. B. Goes.C. Rises.D. Falls.答案:A推理判断题。根据上文可以判断,省略的是matter。. 短文改错Dear Jack,I am pleasing to hear from you and know that you had a greatly time working parttime in a fastfood restaurant. Now I would like to share your working experiences with you during the past summer.In the beginning of the summer vacation, I was hired as shopping guide in a big supermarket. I stood for ten hours a day and smiled to everyone I have met. Sometimes I was laughed at, and most of the time, I was praised for my wonderful works by many people. Half a month passed quickly after I knew it, and I learned how to deal with different people.Above all, I have learned that smile is the key to solve any problem.Best wishes.Yours,Li Ming答案:Dear Jack,Yours,Li Ming

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