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天津市四合庄中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期期中试题 满分: 120分 考试用时: 100分钟 班级:_ 姓名:_第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When will the man leave? AOn Tuesday. BOn Wednesday. COn Friday. 2 What does the woman suggest they do? ATake the bus. BSee another show. CWalk to the theater. 3 How does the woman feel now? ARelaxed. BNervous. CBored. 4What does the man mean? AHe cant give her a ride. BHe cant write a speech. CHe cant find the museum. 5What does the man think of the play? AToo short. BQuite good. CDisappointing. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 6Where is the woman going? ATo a history class. BTo the swimming pool. CTo the professors office. 7Why cant the man go with the woman now?AHe has to finish a paper. BHe has to take a math test. CHe has to speak with a professor. 8What does the woman offer to do for the man? ATeach him how to write a poem. BHelp him with his studies. CLend him a textbook. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 9Why does the man want to buy a bike? ATo go on a tour. BTo enter a race. CTo get some exercise. 10What does the woman suggest the man buy? AA motorbike. BA used bike. CA top-class bike. 11What does the woman tell the man to consider first in choosing his bike? Afort. BPrice. CQuality. 听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题。 12When was the party originally planned to end? AAt 6 a.m. BAt 9:30 p.m. CAt midnight. 13Who will benefit from the door money? ASome sick children. BThe club owner. CThe organizer. 14What is the invitation used as? AA ticket for free drinks. BA reminder of the party. CA membership card. 15What is the purpose of the talk?ATo introduce a club. BTo explain some rules. CTo announce some changes. 第二部分: 英语知识运用第一节:单项填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. Hearing the _ story, she had an _ look on the face. A. amused; amusing B. amusing; amused C. amusing; amusing D. amused; amused17. The first Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C., didnt include women players. A. play B. to be played C. played D. to be play18. The area is flooded again. It _ happens in summer.A. similarly B. pletely C. frequently D. separately19. The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much20.-An Indian or a Chinese meal? -_. A. Its up to you B. Ill follow you C. Thats settled D. Thats OK 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I live in a big city. Its noisy and dirty and I got very 21 .At the weekends I like to leave the city and get some 22 air and a good rest. A few weeks ago I decided to go to see my 23 . I was really looking forward to it. My parents live a long way 24 . I went to see them with James, a friend, and we drove on Friday night. In the middle of the 25 it began to rain. The road became very 26 and it was difficult to drive. We arrived home just after midnight, feeling very 27 . The next 28 it was still raining. James took his 29 to a garage which was very good. In the afternoon the 30 improved. We wanted to go for a 31 . My parents lent us their car. That was no good. Their car didnt 32 . We rang up the garage. “Oh,” they said, “your car 33 be ready till tomorrow.” So it wasnt 34 to go for a drive. We decided to play a word game. When we didnt 35 a word we looked for a dictionary. It wasnt there. 36 suddenly my mother remembered, “I lent it to your sister. She took it with her when she left.” The word game wasnt any good 37 a dictionary. On Sunday my mother dropped a heavy box on her 38 and we had to hire a 39 to take her to hospital. When James and I drove back we got stuck in a car accident. Next time I want a rest, Ill stay 40 . 21. A. angry B. surprised C. sad D. bored 22. A. warm B. cool C. cold D. fresh 23. A. aunt B. friends C. parents D. workmates 24. A. away B. here C. there D. far25. A. day B. night C. journey D. road 26. A. narrow B. wet C. dirty D. crowded 27. A. happy B. excited C. tired D. thirsty 28. A. morning B. day C. afternoon D. evening 29. A. clothes B. car C. books D. machine 30. A. car B. clothes C. weather D. work 31. A. drive B. trip C. ran D. walk 32. A. move B. run C. start D. work 33. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. wouldnt D. wont 34. A. interesting B. necessary C. possible D. wonderful 35. A. agree about B. talk about C. think over D. go over 36. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Slowly D. Quickly 37. A. for B. in C. with D. without 38. A. foot B. leg C. head D. floor 39. A. truck B. taxi C. bike D. bus 40. A. in the country B. in the city C. in my home D. in the garage 第3节 :阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A A Shoe Pattern Harry is eighteen now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can bee a famous man. So they often tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man es back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy something in the shops. Once Harrys father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. Leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all what her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldnt do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didnt know where to get on the bus! Yesterday Harrys mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didnt know how to choose. The woman had a sigh(叹息) and gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样) and told him to buy a pair of shoes himself. Its Saturday today and Harry doesnt go to school. With a policemans help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked, Whats the matter, young man?Im sorry, Ive left the shoe pattern at home! 41. _ always does some housework in the morning. A. Harrys father B. Harrys mother C. HarryD. Nobody 42. Harrys parents do all instead of him because _. A. hes too young B. he has poor health C. hes busy with his studies D. they hope he spends all time on studies 43. The woman had to look after her son by herself because _. A. her husband wasnt at home B. she was stronger than her husband C. she knew the young man well D. she was freer than her husband 44. When the man was in London, _. A. Harry had to stay at home B. Harry didnt find the bus stop C. Harry fell behind in his class D. Harry wouldnt go to school 45.The woman told her son to buy a pair of shoes because _. A. she didnt know what kind he needed B. she was busy with the housework C. something was wrong with her D. she wanted her son to do something himself B How do you get a man to do his share of the housework? If you are like most women, youve faced this question the hard way.A man will enjoy a clean, orderly house, but he usually wont make the effort to clean or organise it. This doesnt mean that a woman has to do all the housework; she may have to manage many of the household duties, and request her partners participation(参与). A woman can often say that men and women should take equal responsibility(责任) for housework.Very few men are raised to be fully responsible for housework, and many men look on housework as womens work. On the other hand, most men will readily work around the yard, make repairs and plete projects on weekends or evenings, and its important that you give your man appreciation(欣赏) for those things, too. Most men will take on a little housework around the house if asked politely. They are even more likely to do housework if they can choose what they want to do, and do it without being monitored(监视). Heres the key: men want to feel that they are doing housework either because they want to do a task, or because they simply want to please their women. Men are much less likely to take on household tasks they consider uninteresting and unimportant. In other words, men are likely to do a household task just for the good of the house.46. The passage is mainly about how to _.A. get men to do some housework B. get men to serve their families C. praise men houseworkD. make men do all the housework47. According to the passage, a man_.A. is willing to do housework B. likes to be told to do houseworkC. is taught to be responsible for housework from childhoodD. likes a clean house but doesnt make efforts to clean it48. In order to get men to do some housework, women should often_.A. order them to do their share B. ask them to do some housework politelyC. blame mens lazinessD. monitor mens work49. According to the passage, the underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that men wont _.A. work without any payment B. do unimportant household tasks C. do housework without womens praise D. please their wives50. According to the passage, which of the following would a husband most probably like to do?A. Cleaning the table. B. Doing some washing.C. Painting the fence. D. Asking his wife to work on the yard. C Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesnt matter where you livein the middle of a modern city, or a faraway villagethe chances are that youll be disturbed by jet planes, transistor radios, oilpowered engines, etc. We seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they re working. Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be a very frightening experience for a human being. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓). The noise level in some discos is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas. One recent report about noise and concentration suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really influences their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise which doesnt change too much(music, for example)may even help people to concentrate. 51.According to this passage, the noise pollution _. A. has bee the worst in the countryside B. has bee better in big cities C. has been controlled in modern cities D. has spread from cities to villages 52.What does background music refer to? A.Music played while people are working. B. Music played in the backyard. C. Music used to help people to concentrate. D. Noise that continues while youre listening to other noises. 53.Some people have their hearing harmed _. A. while listening to pop music B. in plete silence C. while watching TV D. when speaking loudly 54.Which of the following isnt included among the things causing noise? A.trucks B. motorcycles C. jet planes D. electric engines 55.Scientists have discovered that what prevents people from concentrating on something is_. A.all kinds of noise B. great changes in the level of noise C. popular music D. background noise 第三部分: 第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容用英语回答问题。Eileen Collins is the first woman ever chosen to be a spaceship pilot. She is also the first woman to mand (指挥) a spaceship. Today she has flown more than 5, 000 hours in more than 30 kinds of airplanes. Talking about high school, she said, “I began reading all kinds of books about famous women pilots. These women went and flew into dangerous places. Their stories encouraged me.” In 1977 Eileen got a pilots license and the following year she graduated(毕业) from university. She went into space in 1999 at the age of 43. She took with her the hopes and dreams of a nation of young people on the earth. Eileen is not only an astronaut (宇航员) but also a wife and the mother of a young daughter. She has short curly hair and friendly brown eyes. She met her husband, Pat, while they were together in the air force(空军). When she was named as the First Woman Spaceship mander in 1998, Eileen smiled and said, “When I was a child, I dreamed about space. It was only a dream that I would be one of the astronauts someday. I hope all children will be encouraged to reach for their dreams, when they see I go into space. I believe dreams do e true!”56: How many hours has Eileen flown?_57:When did Eileen go into space?_58:What does Eileen look like?_59:Who did Eileen meet in the air force?_60:Did Eileen believe that her dream would e true?_用所学新词汇填空61. The ancient city of Pingyao located in Shanxi P_ attracts millions of visitors from all over the world every year. 62. For more details of the product, please visit our _ (网站).63. I_(感激)your help very much.64. Last night my parents waited up for me till _ (午夜). 65.The photo made him quite _(有吸引力的). 66.Dont b_(打扰) me; I am doing quite well. 67.He didnt _(反应)to the sad news. 68. We must keep the _(平衡)between work and life. 69.The course is _(设计) for beginners. 70. The beautiful paintings made a deep _(印象)on our students.第三节 书面表达(15分) 根据下面表格中的要点写一篇有关美国残疾女作家海伦凯勒(Helen Keller) 的短文。1880年出生于美国 19个月因病丧失视力、听力及语言能力7岁时遇上女老师Miss Sullivan, 在其帮助下学会了读、写和讲话。24岁时以优异成绩毕业于Radcliffe学院著作The Story of My Life, Let Us Have Faith etc. 贡献倾注毕生精力为全世界的盲人和聋哑人服务词数:120 左右; 参考词汇: the deaf-mute 聋哑人_ 参考答案 总分120分1. 听力 (共20分)1-5 每题1分 6-15 每题 1.5 分1-5 BCAAC 6-10 BABCB 11-15 ACABC2. 单项填空 (共5题 每题1分,共5分)16-20 BCCDA3. 完型填空 (共20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)21-25 DDCAC 26-30 BCABC 21-25 ADDCA 36-40 BDABB4. 阅读理解 (共15小题,每题2分,共30 分)41-45 ADABC 46-50 ADBBC 51-55 DAADB第二部分1.阅读表达(每题2分,共10分)Some possible versions:56-6056. More than 5000 hours.57. In 1999.58. She has short curly hair and friendly brown eyes.59. Her husband,Pat.60. Yes,she did.2. 单词填空:61. province 62. website 63. appreciate 64. midnight 65 attractive 66. Bother 67. react 68 balance 69.designed 70 impression71. 书面表达(15分)One possible version: Born in 1880, Helen Keller is a well-known American woman writer with disabilities. At the age of 19 months, it was unexpected that Helen Keller was robbed by illness of sight and hearing, which caused her to bee mute. Fortunately, when Helen was 7 years old, she met Miss Sullivan who is very kind-hearted and helpful. Miss Sullivan managed to help Helen learn to read, write and talk. With the help of Miss Sullivan, Helen went to study at Radcliff College and graduated from it with honors at the age of 24. During her whole life, Helen wrote some excellent books, such as The Story of My Life and Let Us Have Faith. Besides, she devoted all her lifetime to working for the blind and the deaf-mute both at home and abroad. All in all, Helens example has encouraged a lot of people whether they are normal or disabled.

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