2019-2020年语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 7《Computers》word教案.doc

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2019-2020年语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 7《Computers》word教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年语文版中职英语(基础模块 上册)Unit 7putersword教案一、教材分析1、教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块高教版)第七单元的第二课时Language Study。具体内容为:队本章的Useful Words and Expressions展开的相关练习。本节课在整个单元中有非常重要的作用,它既是对上节听说课的复习和巩固,又为本单元的任务-积累丰富的词汇做好阅读和写作的准备。2、教学重点、难点(1)教学重点学习Useful Words and Expressions(2)教学难点通过阅读和多种练习使学生能对本单元的词汇有熟练地运用。二、教学目标1、知识目标学生能掌握下列词和词组: allow, sell goods, drive a car, put up posters, hand out booklets, provide sth. for sb., be in trouble, be glad to do, more and more, look forward to, have no way, look around, whetheror not2、能力目标通过阅读学生能理解dark screen的具体内,并了解课文中出现的重点词汇和语言点,再通过各种形式的练习,从而提高阅读和写作能力3、情感目标鼓励学生多运用电脑操作,加深对电脑技术的运用和推广。三、教学步骤Step One Warm up 1. Teach new word “Internet”and show some key words and phrases: Get sb. into trouble 让某人陷入困境More and more 越来越多的In ones daily life 在某人的日常生活中Wait for 等待Booking office 售票处puter is down 电脑死机Pretty girl 漂亮的女孩Step3 Concept Match the phrases and the pictures1. Internet 因特网Taking notes 记笔记!2. Searching information 搜索信息3. Booking office 售票处 Book V. 登记,预定 book a ticket 订票 book n. 书籍 Trouble: 麻烦 Double 双倍的 Couple 夫妇 Get into trouble 使某人陷入困境 Too much money will get you into trouble. 太多钱会让你陷入困境 -be in trouble 处于困境中 I am in trouble.you are a big trouble. Trouble:麻烦 double(双倍的) couple(夫妇)Get into trouble 使某人陷入困境 Too much money will get you into trouble. 太多钱会让你陷入困境 -be in trouble 处于困境中 I am in trouble. you are a big trouble.Show some pictures on the screen. They are about: sell goods, drive a car, put up posters, hand out booklets, play volleyball, play the piano and be in trouble .When students are doing it, teacher asks them to tell the Chinese meaning. 设计意图:通过阅读学生能理解dark screen的具体内,并了解课文中出现的重点词汇和语言点,再通过各种形式的练习,从而提高阅读和写作能力Step Four Practiceplete the sentencesT: Just now we learned some words and phrases, now lets use them to plete the following sentences.Show some pictures and ask students to plete the following sentences according to the given pictures.(1)find out She is _.(2)have no way He is _.(3)be down He is _.(4)point out He is _(5)getinto trouble Wang Yang is _. 设计意图:本环节是对Ex 1 的分解学习。通过词组与图片的配对,引出本节课中的主要词汇和词组的学习,为完成句子做好准备。Activity 3: EvaluationStudents evaluate their group work. And choose the best group and the most active students in class according to the scores they got. Teacher praises the whole class, glad to reach the purpose of encouraging students to take an active part in the classroom activities.设计意图:课堂最后进行总结评价,对优胜组进行表扬。评选上课最积极的极为同学作为鼓励,可延续每位学生的学习劲头,使她们能在学习中找到快乐。 Step Five summary Ask students to review what we have learned in this class. Read it together.适时的复习巩固本节课所学知识,尤其是对语言点的掌握和运用。 Step Six Homework According to the survey made in class, write an e-mail to the teacher to tell me this news. Youd betteruse puter to work on it.通过对语言点的练习和老师对本节课内容作进一步的拓展和延伸,同时也是一种检查。也加深了学生对词汇的掌握和增加了他们学英语的兴趣。 StepSeven 板书设计 Internet put up posters He is putting up posters on the notice-board.hand out booklets He is driving a car. be in trouble They are providing translation and more and more They are placing flowers on the roads.look forward to whetheror not StepEight Teaching reflection:1、 要求每个同学都能按照板书上的交际用语根据实际情况回答问题 ,提高同学的口语交际能力。2、本单元词汇部分,由于时间关系,主要着重练习熟读识记,便于课后课文的预习。


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