2019-2020年牛津译林版高一英语必修二教学设计:Unit2 Wish you were here-Grammar and usage 2.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高一英语必修二教学设计:Unit2 Wish you were here-Grammar and usage 2单元:Unit 2 Wish you were here板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:通过语法规则的阐述及附加例子的说明,让学生在观察、体验、讨论、合作、参与和探究的过程中充分理解并比较全面系统地掌握本单元的语法知识。练习设计尽量贴近学生生活实际或和本单元话题相联系。努力使语言学习的过程成为学生主动思维、大胆实践、从而形成自主学习能力的过程。Teaching aims:After learning,the students will get a clear idea of the cases where future in the past is used. They will be able to use the tense in different forms. Besides, they will improve their reading skills by doing a lot of reading with tenses like future in the past or future continuous tense in it.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up & Lead-inTest the Ss knowledge of tenses by giving them a quiz to do like this:Tell what tense is used in each sentence:1. Many teenagers like reading adventure stories. (simple present)2. I have read about an adventure in Africa. ( present perfect)3. Toby and Colin will live with the local people in their villages. ( simple future)4. They will be walking everyday for two weeks. ( future continuous)5. You were having a meeting at this time yesterday. (past continuous)6. They held a party on the campus last weekend. ( simple past)7. He is now living an interesting life in Africa. ( present continuous)8. They set off at 9 a.m. and would reach the airport an hour later. (simple past & future in the past)For the 8th sentence, help the Ss to say the new grammar item “future in the past” and write it down on the blackboard.这样的知识竞赛不仅让学生对以前学过的时态进行回顾,往往还能刺激学生的思维,让他们在课堂开始的时候就高度集中思想,从而为下一个环节的学习做好充分的准备。Step 2 Presentation Show more examples on the screen and help the Ss to have a clear idea of what the tense is like.1. Future in the past is used(A) To report an action in the past from a time when it was still in the future. E.g. they were sure that they would win the final victory. (“be sure” happened in the past, the action “win the final victory” happened in the future pared with action of “be sure”)(B) To indicate a past intention E.g. He told me he was going to learn another foreign language.(C) To indicate a past arrangement. E.g. I was meeting him in town the next day.(D) To mean that the future action actually happened. E.g. Toby said goodbye to his friend, not knowing that they were never to meet again2. Different forms of future in the past(A) would + do E.g. I told you Colin and I would spend a few weeks traveling. She would go for a walk after she had supper.(B) was/were going to E.g. we were going to see the wild animals, but then we didnt have time.(C) was/were to E.g. It was his last day at school, and he was to leave the next morning.(D) was/were about to E.g. Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him. (E) was doing (only for some verbs) E.g. Colin called Jennifer to say that he was seeing her later that afternoon.通过这个环节,学生对过去将来时的基本用法及结构有了一个全面的认知。例句或和单元内容相关或富有生活气息,更容易使学生接受新的语法项目。Step3 Practice 1. Ss Book, Page 30, Part A.Ask the Ss to tick out the sentences which express future in the past. 1). Colin told me he would be in Africa. ()2). John was always going to the beach when he was a kid.3). Jennifer mentioned that she was going to Hawaii on holiday. ()4). I was having dinner with some friends between 8 and 10 yesterday evening.5). Toby and Colin were to fly to Morocco the next day. () 2. Ss Book, Page31, Part BAllow the Ss several minutes to plete Colins diary with expressions in the box individually. Then check the answers with the whole class. Answers: 1) were going to watch 2) were about to turn 3) would blow 4) wouldnt see 5) wouldnt give 6) would stop 7) would fall 8) was to remember3. Some supplementary exercises for Ss to do: 1) Finish the passage according to Paragraph 2 on Page 22. Dear Karen, How are you? Im going to tell you something about Tobys adventure in Africa. He said they _ London on 15th July and they _ to Morocco, in North Africa. They _ on camels through the Sahara Desert. It is the biggest desert in the worldabout the size of the US. He expected it _ very hot, dry and dusty there. They _ by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground in their big, thick sleeping bags. He had heard that could see beautiful stars on clear nights. He _ a torch with him so that he _ see in the dark. The whole trip _ six days. That meant he _ to sit on a camel for almost a week. He said how unfortable it was. He hoped his camel liked him! I will send you some post cards from Toby.Love,Aihua Answers: would leave; would fly; were going to travel; would be; would be traveling; would bring; would be able to; would take; would have. 2) Multiple choices Alice, why didnt you e yesterday? I_, but I had an unexpected visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did I first met Lisa three years ago. She _at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was working C. had just started D. had worked We were all surprised when he made it clear that he_ office soon. A .leaves B. would leave C. left D. had left e in, Peter. I want to show you something. Oh, how nice of you! I_ you_ to bring me a gift. A. never think; are going B. never thought; were going C. didnt think; were going D. hadnt thought; were going He_ anyone the minute he _ they needed help. A. would help; saw B. helped; saw C. will help: sees D. helps; sees As I _ the next day, I went to bed early on Thursday evening. A. was leaving B. had left C. will leave D. leftI had no idea if he _ the meeting. A. will attend B. attends C. will have attended D. would attend I _ to start off when it began to rain. A. was B. was able C. wanted D. was about They wanted to know what _next. A. would happen B. has happened C. will happen D. is going to happenAnswers: CBBBAADDA 根据语言教学的规律,这个环节的练习设计由易到难,由简单到复杂。语言技能的训练也体现了循序渐进、循环递进的特征。Step 4 Homework1. Review the tense of future in the past.2. Finish ExxC2 & D1 in the workbook on Pages 96-97.

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