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名词性从句 Nounclauses 在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句 NounClauses 名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组 它在复合句中能担任主语 宾语 表语 同位语等 因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能 名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 1 Whetherwe llgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather 2 Goandgetyourcoat It swhereyouleftit 3 I lltellhimwhenhecomesback 4 Thenewsthatourteamhaswonistrue 注 从句须用陈述语序 一 主语从句 主语从句在句中作主语 它可以放在主句谓语动词之前 但多数情况由it作形式主语 而把主语从句放在主句之后 1 that引导主语从句 1 Thatthedrivercouldnotcontrolhiscarwasobvious 2 Thathewillcomeiscertain 注 that引导主语从句时 不同于其他的连词 在主语从句中无任何意义 也不充当任何成分 只是单纯的连词 通常不可省略 在通常情况下 that引导主语从句时 常用it作形式主语 而将that从句置于句尾 在这种结构中连词that有时可以省略 Itiscertainthatshewilldowellinherexam 毫无疑问她考试成绩会很好 Itislikelythathewillcome A It be 形容词 obvious true wonderful natural important strange surprising good funny possible likely certain probable etc that从句 It sapitythatwecan tgo 很遗憾我们不能去It snosurprisethatourteamshouldhavewonthegame B It be 名词词组 nowonder nosurprise ashame anhonor agoodthing apity etc that从句 常用形式主语it的结构 D It 不及物动词 that 分句Itappearsthat 似乎 Ithappensthat 碰巧 Itoccurredtomethat 我突然想起 IthappenedthatIwasoutthatday 碰巧我那天外出了 Itseemsthatheiswrong ItissaidthatMr GreenhasarrivedinBeijing 据说格林先生已经到了北京 ItisreportedthattherewillbeastormthisafternoonC It be 过去分词 said reported thought expected decided announced arranged etc that从句 注 1 在表示惊讶 喜悦 遗憾等感情色彩时 that分句中的谓语动词也常用should V原形 2 在表示建议 命令 要求等先行it结构中 that分句中的谓语动词常用should V原形 1 Itisbestthathe should go 2 It sapitythatheshouldhavemissedthetrain 3 Itissuggestedthatthemeeting should beheldthisafternoon 4 Itisdemandedthathe should leaveatonce 3 if引导的主语从句只能放在句尾 而whether引导的主语从句既可以放在句首 也可以放在句尾Whetherthereislifeonotherplanetsisnotyetknown Itisnotsureifhewillsucceed 2 注意连接代词whoever whatever whichever等引导主语从句的含义Whoevercomeswillbewelcome whoever anyonewho 无论谁来都将受到欢迎 Whateverhedidwasright whatever anythingthat 无论他做什么事情都是正确的 Whicheverofyoucomesinwillreceiveaprize whichever anyoneofyouwho 你们当中不论哪个进来将会得到奖励 二 表语从句 表语从句即在句中作表语的从句 按引导词的不同 可分为下面四类 1 由从属连词引导 if不能引导表语从句 Thefactisthatwearebehindothergroups Thequestioniswhetherweshouldaskthemforhelp 2 由连接代词引导Chinaisnotwhatisusedtobe Theproblemiswhowillstay Whatshewantstoknowiswhichdresssheshouldbuy 3 由连接副词引导Thisiswhereyouarewrong Thatwashowtheyweredefeated Thatiswhyhedidn tpasstheexam 4 有时as asif asthough because也可以引导表语从句Thingsarenotalwaysastheyseemtobe Itlooksasifitweregoingtorain Itisbecauseyoueattoomuch 注 reason作主语时 后面的表语从句表示原因是要用that引导 一般不用because或why 而用it this that作主语时 后面的表语从句可用because或why引导 1 Thereason 连系动词 that引导的表语从句 理由是 Thereasonwasthathefellill 理由是他生病了 2 It This That 连系动词 thereason why引导的定语从句 这就是 的原因 理由 Thatwasthereasonwhyhefellill 这就是他病倒的原因 3 It This That 连系动词 because引导的表语从句 这是因为 或 这是由于 缘故 Thatwasbecausehefellill 这是因为他病倒了 4 It This That 连系动词 why引导的表语从句 这就是 的原因 Thatwaswhyhefellill 这就是他病倒的原因 三 宾语从句 宾语从句是只在复合句中作及物动词宾语的从句 也可作介词和某些形容词的宾语 Idoubtwhetherhewillsucceed 我怀疑他是否会成功 Youmaydowhatyouwill 你可做任何你想做的事 Iamgladthatyouaresatisfiedwithyourjob 1 当及物动词带双宾语时 宾语从句用作直接宾语 注 Thesephotoswillshowyoumyvillage Thesephotoswillshowyouwhatourvillagelookslike Hethoughtitapitythathemissedthefilm Wethinkitwrongthathetoldalietoeveryone 2 如果宾语从句后边该有宾语补足语 则要用it作形式宾语 而将宾语从句放在宾补之后 3 介词的宾语从句不可用which和if来引导 Sheaskedif whetheryouhavereceivedtheletter Theyaretalkingaboutwhetherhewillwinthegame that从句一般不作介词的宾语 只在表示 除 外 的介词except but besides后偶尔能看见 Iknownothingabouthimexceptthathelivesnextdoor 我对他一无所知 只知道他住在隔壁 4 某些作表语的形容词后可跟宾语从句 常见的有 sure certain gald pleased happy surprised等 Noonecanbesurewhatmanwilllooklikeinamillionyears 5 在表示要求 建议 命令 意见 看法等动词后跟的宾语从句中 要用虚拟语气 动词形式为 should 动词原形 HeinsistedthatTomshoulddothejob 四 同位语从句 同位语从句跟在抽象名词后面 进一步说明该名词的具体内容 用于同位语从句的名词主要有fact news word promise idea plan knowledge law opinion truth hope belief thought doubt answer information story possibility problem suggestion等 引导词用that 不可省略 whether及连接副词how when where why等 1 Wemustfacethefactthatwehadspentallthemoney 2 Thequestionwhetherwecouldcollectenoughmoneycameupatthemeeting 3 Ihavenoideawhenhewillbeback 4 Thesuggestionwhereweshouldbuildournewfactoryshouldbeconsidered 1 从语法角度上看 引导同位语从句的that是连词 只起连接作用 在从句中不作任何句子成分 而引导定语从句的是关系代词 除了起连接作用外 还在从句中作句子成分 如主语 宾语等 Thenewsthatwe llgoonapicnicthisSundayisn ttrue 这个星期天我们要去野餐的消息不是真的 Thenews that you veheardisn ttrue 你听到的消息不是真的 2 从语义角度上看 同位语从句与先行词是等同关系 一个具体 一个抽象 两者常可以转换为主表关系 而定语从句与它前面的名词是所属关系 表示 的 同位语从句与定语从句的区别 注意问题 一 常用whether而不宜用if的六种情况 1 引导主语从句放在句首时 Whetherhewillcomeisuncertain 2 引导表语从句 同位语从句Theproblemiswhetherweneedit Theproblemwhetherwe llbuildanotherschoolhasn tbeensettled 3 作介词宾语以及动词discuss后 HewasworriedaboutwhetherhepassedheEnglishexamination Wearediscussingwhetherwecanfinishtheworkontime 4 句子中有ornot时 Itdoesn tmatterwhethershewillcomeornot 5 动词不定式前 Idon tknowwhethertogo 不可省略的情况 1 介词except in but等后的连词 2 引导主语 同位语 表语从句的连词 3 动词后带宾补时 it作形式宾语的宾语从句连词 4 并列宾语从句中 后面的从句引导词 Thatshewaschosenmadeusveryhappy Weheardthenewsthatourteamhadwon Thereasonisthatheistoocareless Ithinkitnecessarythatyoushouldreadaloud Hetold that hisfatherhaddiedandthathehadtomakealivingbyhimself That的省略的问题 作定语的连接代词 whose which what三个词都带有形容词性质 whose表示所有 意为 谁的 which和what意为 那一个 什么 Whosebookitisisnotimportant Pleasetellmewhichschoolyouwanttogo Hedidn tknowwhattimeitwas 一般说来 which指的是在一个有限的 较小的范围 而what则指较广的范围 Idon tknow whichfoodyouwant 说话人之眼前的几种 food whatfoodyouwant 指许多的 food 说话人心中没有数 exercise 用关系词填空 1 Allofuswonder cleanedtheclassroom 2 Thefact hedidn tkeephispromisemademeveryangry 3 heisrightiscertain 4 Thetruthis hehascomeback 5 Heasked wasthematter 6 Idon tknow ornottheprofessorwillgiveusalecture 7 shouldbedonehasbeendone who that That that what whether What 1 Thequestionis thefilmisworthseeing A ifB whatC whetherD how2 Oneofthemenheldtheview thebooksaidwasright A thatwhatB whatthatC thatD whether3 Theyreceivedorders theworkbedoneatonce A whichB whenC D that C A D 单项填空 4 Energyis makethingswork whatB everythingC somethingD anything5 Thereason Ihavetogois mymotherillinbedis A why whyB why becauseC why thatD that because6 Itwasorderedthatallthesoldiers tothefront A shouldsendB mustbesentC shouldbesentD mustgo A C C 7 Itnowappears theyareinneedofhelp A thatB whichC whatD how8 Itisgoodnews theywillarriveinafewdays A whichB whatC thatD how9 It Joedrivesbadly A thoughtthatB thinksthatC isthoughtwhatD isthoughtthat 10 Thisis shewasborn A whereB whichC thatD what11 Thequestionis wecan tgotheretoday A thatB whatC whichD when12 Thequestionis itisworthdoing A ifB whetherC whichD what13 Thereasonhehasmadesuchgreatprogressis hehasneverwastedhistime A becauseB whyC thatD what14 Weheardthenews ourteamhadwon A whichB thatC whatD where 15 Mysuggestionis weshouldturnthelandintoricefields A whatB thatC whichD where16 Hisproposalisthatthedam atthefootofthemountain A buildB willbuildC bebuiltD willbebuilt17 Dr BlackcomesfromeitherOxfordorCambridge Ican tremember A whereB thereC whichD that C HAPPYEVERYDAY Bye bye


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