2018-2019学年高中英语 课时分层作业4 Unit 14 Careers 北师大版必修5.doc

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课时分层作业(四)语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空1The boy was rewarded(reward) the boy for bringing back the lost dog.2He was charged with obstructing the highway.3You,rather than she,are (be) my guest.4They were accused of aiding him in his escape.5The pany has problem paying(pay) off its debt.6It is said that Jack takes charge of farm now,which is the biggest one in this country.7Her diligence has set an example to the others.8Were just in time to catch the train.9Make sure that you put down every word she says.10He did not know how to do with the matter.完成句子1早上人们一醒来就发现房屋外边的世界完全变了。In the morning people woke up and found the world outside their houses pletely changed2对不起,我不知道什么时候下车。I am sorry I do not know when to get off3在老师的帮助下,他英语写作提高很大。With the aid of the teachers,he improved English writing greatly.4为了享受美景,她宁愿花几个小时在火车上,而不是坐飞机旅行。To enjoy the scenery,she would spend long hours on the train rather than travel by air5老板让我在她离开期间负责管理办公室几天。My boss asked me to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解As more Americans go to mainland China to take jobs,more Chinese and Americans are working side by side.These crosscultural partnerships,while beneficial in many ways,are also highlighting tensions that expose differences in work experience,pay levels and munication.In the last few years,a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment,attracted by its fastergrowing economy and lower jobless rate.Their Chinese coworkers are often around the same age.But the two groups were raised differently.The Americans have had more exposure to freemarket principles.“Young Americans were brought up in a mercial environment,” said Neng Zhao,28,a senior associate at Blue Oak Capital,a private firm based in Beijing.“We werent.So the workplace is a unique learning process for my generation.”Managers hiring workers in China appear to be paying for Western experience.Foreigners tend to earn 10 to 15 percent more than their Chinese counterparts (persons working in similar positions),said Michael Norman,senior vice president at Sibson Consulting,an American firm.That imbalance does not go unnoticed by Chinese workers.“There is definitely the belief that Americans get paid more for the same work,” said Ting Wang,25,an associate at Wild China,a travel pany based in Beijing.On the other hand,Chinese workers have a deeper understanding of the influences,like Confucianism and munism,which play a part in their countrys culture and economy.It is important and necessary for Americans working in China to adjust,said Mr.Norman,who works on management and work force issues for multinational panies operating in Asia.“In the West,there is such a bonus on getting things done quickly,but when you e to work in China,you need to work on listening and being more patient and understanding of local ways of doing business,” he said.【语篇解读】随着越来越多的美国人到中国工作,中国人和美国人之间的跨文化合作也越来越频繁,这种合作存在许多益处,但同时也暴露出了中美员工工作经验、收入水平与交流沟通等的种种差异。1More Americans go to China to take jobs because Athey want to experience different culturesBChinese workers are easier to cooperateCthey cant find proper jobs in AmericaDthe economy of China is developing rapidlyD细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In the last few years,a growing number of Americans in their 20s and 30s have been heading to China for employment,attracted by its fastergrowing economy and lower jobless rate.”可知答案为D。2What is mainly talked about in the passage?ACrosscultural conflicts.BCrosscultural partnerships.CMultinational panies in China.DDifferent pays for the same work.B主旨大意题。文章的第一段就点出了主题“These crosscultural partnerships,while beneficial in many ways,are also highlighting tensions.”故选B。3What can we learn from the passage?AAmericans benefit more from working in China.BChinese and American employees have the same experience.CYoung Chinese can benefit from crosscultural partnerships.DMore Americans working in China cause higher jobless rate.C推理判断题。本文讲的是这种跨文化的合作存在许多益处,由第三段最后一句可知中国的年轻人在这跨文化的合作中得到的好处多。故选C。4What does the underlined word “imbalance” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AUnfair pay levels.BDifferent working experience.CUnequal opportunities.DDifferent upbringing environment.A词义猜测题。根据第三段“Managers hiring workers in China appear to be paying for Western experience.Foreigners tend to earn 10 to 15 percent more than their Chinese counterparts.”,可知,这种不平衡是指薪酬的不平衡。故选A。.阅读七选五(2017鄂尔多斯高二下期中) Knowing how and when to say goodbye is often difficult,even in informal situations. 1 It will help you maintain your relationships and let people know you care.Its also easier than it seems sometimes.Read on to learn how to recognize opportunities and anticipate(预料) others needs when you leave.Recognize when to leave.When youre at any kind of party or gathering,or even a oneonone conversation,it can be difficult to get away.Learning to recognize good opportunities to leave will make a shortterm goodbye much easier. 2 If more than half the people have left,it might be a good time to leave. 3 Overstaying your wele is rude,but it can often be difficult to distinguish.People dont like telling you that theyd like you to leave,so try to watch for signals.This may be some other family members starting to pack up or the fact that there is hardly anyone left.Make plans to see each other again.Even saying,“See you at school tomorrow,” or “Cant wait to see you again at Christmas” keeps the goodbye light and focused forward.If you havent already made plans,use it as an opportunity to make them. 4 Tell the truth.It can be tempting to e up with a “good excuse” when youre ready to leave.You dont need to. 5 It doesnt need to be any more plicated than that.AWatch body language.BLeave when you want.CNotice if the crowd seems to be decreasing.DEven saying,“See you soon” suggests just that.EIf you want to leave,just say,“Ill be going.See you later.”FBut learning to say goodbye appropriately is a musthave skill.GDont make plans with people you dont really care about saying goodbye to.1F句意理解题及推理判断题。由前面Knowing how and when to say goodbye is often difficult,even in informal situations,知道如何以及何时说再见往往是困难的,可知学会合适的说再见是一项要学的技能,故选F。2C句意理解题及推理判断题。由后面If more than half the people have left,如果大多数人走了的话,可知是在说注意人群的数量,故选C。3A句意理解题及推理判断题。由后面This may be some other family members starting to pack up or the fact that there is hardly anyone left.要注意有人开始打包或者没有人离开,可知这是别人的肢体语言,故选A。4D句意理解题及推理判断题。由前面If you havent already made plans,use it as an opportunity to make them.即使你没有任何计划,适当的表达也可以,故D选项简单的再见,符合题意,故选D。5E句意理解题及推理判断题。由后面It doesnt need to be any more plicated than that,这不需要很复杂,可知E选项如果你想离开,只是说再见即可,符合语境,故选E。.语法填空(2017南阳六校高二联考) Ive recently discovered that I have a second personality(个性) when I speak English,pared to the original me when I speak Chinese.Speaking English brings out 1. more outgoing,enthusiastic,relaxed and confident side of me.I am also more open 2. physical expressions when speaking English,such as hugging,gesturing and using more exaggerated (夸张的) 3. (face) expressions.I have to say I love this new version of me 4. (well)Similar things happened to my friend when we were travelling in Japan.My friend,a Chinese 5. (speak) fluent Japanese,showed a more modest and gentle attitude when using Japanese.I think it must have something 6. (do) with the fact 7. the Japanese use special words and styles to show respect for an older person or a person at a higher position than themselves.So learning a new language is really worthwhile.We can not only have direct 8. (municate) with people from other countries,but also fully understand 9. (we) and explore the different sides of us.Ive recently started to learn German.Probably in a few years I 10. (see) a more cautious,accurate and hardworking version of myself.【语篇解读】“我”最近发现“我”说英语的时候会让“我”展现出另外一种个性,这跟“我”原有的性情不一样。“我”学日语的朋友也是如此,他在说日语的时候会显得更谦恭。“我”想,这一定是跟语言背后的文化有关的。1a说英语会让“我”展现出一个更外向、热情、放松和自信的另一面个性。a 不定冠词,表泛指。2tobe open to sth.对开放,易于接受。当说英语时“我”也会用更多的身体动作,例如拥抱、手势、并且使用更加夸张的面部(facial)表情。3facialfacial adj. 面部的。facial expression 面部表情。 解析见上题。4better“我”得说,我更(better)喜欢这样的自己。此处用比较级,其实是暗含了比较的对象,比起只说母语时候的自己的性情来说。5speaking现在分词短语speaking fluent Japanese做a Chinese的后置定语,一个日语说得很流利的中国人。现在分词与其所修饰的中心词之间是主谓关系。6to dohave sth.to do with.与有关。这一定跟日本人在跟长者或者地位比他们高的人说话的时候用敬语有关。7thatthat在此处引导同位语从句。同位语从句所修饰的词通常是表示抽象概念的词,同位语来解释说明它的含义和内容。8munication此处需要填名词munication做宾语。have direct munication with.与有直接的交流。 9ourselves反身代词做宾语,指主语(我们)自己。我们不但能与外国人直接交流,也能更全面地了解自己,发现自己的另一面。此处考察将来时态。 10will see或许几年后,“我”将会见到(will see)一个更谨慎,更精确,更努力的另一个“我”。

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