2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》(Period 5-6)素材.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》(Period 5-6)素材.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》(Period 5-6)素材.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4Music Born in America(Period 5-6)素材Goals To learn the way to pare the present and the pastProceduresStep 1: Warming-up exercisesFirst read these opinions from LISTENING on page 49 and answer the questions. Then do this individually, and then check your answers with a partner. Finally call back answers from the whole class.For reference1. The mother2. er than; such as; as. as; much more 3. used to /didnt use toStep 2: While reading Check the opinions that your parents have about the music you listen to.Now work in pairs and discuss your answers. You are asked to do this individually, and then pare answers with a partner. Finally Ill call back answers from the whole class. You can ask them to start with “My parents (dont ) think that.”Step 3: Exercises plete these sentences, making similar parisons between the present and the past. Use the words in brackets. Do this individually, and then check answers with a partner. Finally Ill call back answers from the whole class.For reference1. Modern pop stars earn more money than pop stars used to in the sixties.2. Old rock bands used to work harder than young rock bands do today.3. These days, bands dont sing and play instruments as well as the old bands used to. 4. These days, music fans spend less money in buying records than people used to do.5. In the old days, there used to be less opportunity to listen to music than there are now.Period 6 SpeakingGoals To find helpful information from the text To talk about the function of classical music ProceduresStep 1:Now read the following sentences on page 51 and choose the correct meanings. Do this individually, and then check answers with a partner. Finally I call back answers from the whole class, having one student read a phrase and another a paraphrase.For reference1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (a)Step 2: ExercisesWork in groups. Discuss what you have learnt in this module about the following:the origins of jazz the origins of hip hopWork in groups of four to do this activity. Then appoint a secretary to note down their answers. Finally Ill call back suggestions from the secretaries in a whole-class setting. Step 3: Look at the photos of musicians in this module (on pages 44-45). Discuss the following questions. Work in groups for this activity, but change the secretaries. Then I will call back ideas from the secretaries in a whole-class setting. Try to develop it into a class discussion.For reference1. They dress less formally now; they play electric instruments now, or their instruments and voices are amplified.2. Yes, but often they are electric versions 3. Students answers.Step 4: Discuss the questions about modern music. Work in groups for this activity, but change the secretaries. Then Ill call back ideas from the secretaries in a whole-class setting.

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