2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future夯基提能作业 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 3 Life in the future夯基提能作业 新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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Unit 3Life in the future.阅读理解(2018安徽合肥高三调研,C)Social networks are a big part of nearly every teenagers life in this day and age. Many teens have QQ, WeChat, and Weibo but little do a lot of teens know that they can be held responsible for anything they post online. Everything you post online is part of a digital footprint that can always be traced(追踪)back to you. The things include every post, ment, and favorite that you have ever mitted. All the pictures youve posted have been stored in a digital database, and it is the panies right to keep all of these documents that you believe have been deleted or hidden.If you think you are safe from Servite finding out one funny ment you made six months ago on a meaningless picture, you are probably wrong. Recently, a senior, Aaron, at Servite learned this lesson. He wrote a series of ugly ments on a web page, ignoring potential consequences.This student, however, did have to face consequences from Servitehe was removed from all of his leadership roles at the school. Surprisingly enough, he fully agreed with the punishment handed down by the administration and fully understood why he was given such severe punishment.So, next time youre about to post something that you think might be considered offensive or inappropriate, think twice, think again.1.What does the author think the teens should do in the first paragraph?A.Avoid using social media.B.Remove their own digital documents.C.Be responsible for what they put online.D.Learn to balance their online and offline time.2.What mistake did Aaron make online?A.Drawing some meaningless pictures.B.Making some bad ments.C.Failing to take his lessons.D.Breaking a special web page.3.What did Servite do with Aarons case?A.It didnt respond.B.It helped Aaron get rid of ill effects.C.It gave Aaron a severe punishment.D.It stood on Aarons side.4.For whom is the text probably intended?A.Teenagers. B.Teachers.C.Parents. D.Network engineers.七选五(2018河南郑州一中高三入学考试)In the age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting lessons are on the way out.Steve Graham, a literacy professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, has been hearing about the death of handwriting for fifteen years.1He said,“If the results of the survey we have published are accurate, it is being taught by about ninety percent of the first-to third-grade teachers.”Ninety percent of the teachers also said that they were required to teach handwriting.2Professor Graham says one study published this year found that about three out of every four teachers said that they were not prepared to teach handwriting.3Others teach it for sixty to seventy minutes a day.Many adults remember learning that wayby copying letters over and over again.4Many experts also think handwriting should not be taught. Instead, they say it should be used as a way to get students to express ideas. 5Teachers monly report that about one-fourth of their students have poor handwriting. Some people might think handwriting is not important anymore because of puters and voice recognition(识别)programs.A.After all, that is why we write.B.Nowadays teachers pay more and more attention to their students writing.C.So is it still being taught?D.But who cares if people know how to write well?E.But studies have to answer the question of how to teach it well.F.Todays thinking is that short periods of practice can be better.G.He says some teachers teach handwriting for ten or fifteen minutes a day.完形填空As a general rule,all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine(常规)basis.As a matter of fact,we can see this1at work in people of all2.For example,on Christmas morning,children are excited about3with their new toys.But their4soon wears off and by January those5toys can be found put away in the basement.The world is full of6stamp albums and unfinished models,each standing as a monument to someones7interest.When parents bring home a pet,their child8bathes it and brushes its fur.Within a short time,however,the9of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents.Adolescents enter high school with great10but are soon looking forward to11.The same is true of the young adults going to college.And then,how many12,who now plain(抱怨)about the long drives to work,13drove for hours at a time when they first14their drivers licenses(执照)?Before people retire,they usually15to do a lot of16things,which they never had17to do while working.But18after retirement,the golfing,the fishing,the reading and all of the other pastimes bee as boring as the jobs they19.And,like the child in January,they go searching for new20. 1.A.principleB.habitC.wayD.power2.A.partiesB.racesC.countriesD.ages3.A.workingB.livingC.playingD.going4.A.confidenceB.interestC.anxietyD.sorrow5.A.sameB.extraC.funnyD.expensive6.A.well-organizedB.colorfully-printedC.newly-collectedD.half-filled7.A.broadB.passingC.differentD.main8.A.silentlyB.impatientlyC.gladlyD.worriedly9.A.promiseB.burdenC.rightD.game10.A.courageB.calmnessC.confusionD.excitement11.A.graduationB.independenceC.responsibilityD.success12.A.childrenB.studentsC.adultsD.retirees13.A.carefullyB.eagerlyC.nervouslyD.bravely14.A.requiredB.obtainedC.noticedD.discovered15.A.needB.learnC.startD.plan16.A.greatB.strangeC.difficultD.correct17.A.timeB.moneyC.skillsD.knowledge18.A.onlyB.wellC.evenD.soon19.A.lostB.choseC.leftD.quit20.A.petsB.toysC.friendsD.colleagues答案精解精析.阅读理解语篇解读本文作者呼吁青少年对自己发送的网络言论负责。1.C细节理解题。根据第一段中but little do a lot of teens know that they.be traced(追踪)back to you.可知,青少年应该为他们的网络言论负责。故选C。2.B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知选B。3.C细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,Aaron受到了严厉的惩罚,故选C。4.A推理判断题。本文告诫青少年要对自己发送的网络言论负责,由此可见这篇文章是写给青少年的。故选A。.七选五语篇解读这篇文章讲述了科技对传统书法课的冲击。1.C根据上文提到的“书法的消亡”和下文提到的“大约百分之九十的一年级到三年级的老师在教书法”可知,此空应该是起承上启下的作用,故选C。2.E90%的老师也说他们被要求教书法。根据语境可知下文应该提到怎样教好。故选E。3.G根据下文可知选G项。4.F根据下文“许多专家也认为书法不应该被教。”可知,今天的看法是短期练习可能效果更佳。故选F。5.A上句提到书法应该被用作一种让学生表达思想的方式,下句要承接上句。故选A。.完形填空语篇解读本文为议论文,题材为社会生活类。文章主要讲述了各种活动一旦成为我们日常生活的一部分,无论哪个年龄阶段的人都会感到厌倦。1.A根据上文的“As a general rule”可知各种活动一旦成为我们日常生活的一部分,无论哪个年龄阶段的人都会感到厌倦,这是一种规律,故选A项。2.D根据下文列举的例子可知,这一规律适用于各个年龄阶段的人,故选D项。3.C根据常识,玩具当然是用来玩耍的,故选C项。4.B根据下文7空后的interest可知选B项。5.A到一月份的时候,同样的那些玩具就被发现被弃置在地下室里了。6.D根据下文“unfinished models”可推断世界上充满了没有集满的集邮册,故选D项。7.Bpassing短暂的,一时的;passing interest一时的兴趣。8.C当父母把宠物带回家的时候,他们的孩子会很高兴地为宠物洗澡和梳理毛发。A:默不作声地;B:不耐烦地;C:高兴地;D:担忧地。9.B然而,不久照料动物的重担就交给父母了。A:诺言;B:负担;C:权利;D:游戏,比赛。10.D青少年刚进入中学的时候很兴奋,但很快就盼着毕业了。A:勇气;B:冷静,沉着,平静;C:混淆;D:兴奋。11.A解析见上题。A:毕业;B:独立,自立;C:责任,职责;D:成功。12.C根据下文的内容可判断出空格处指的是具有驾驶资格的成年人,故选C项。13.B根据上文很多成年人现在抱怨开很长时间的车上班的事实,可推断他们刚拿到驾照时渴望连续几个小时驾车,故选B项。14.B解析见上文。obtain a drivers license获得驾照。15.D此处表示人们在退休前会有很多计划。plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”。16.A根据下文的例子可知选A项。17.A计划退休后做的事当然是工作时没有“时间”做的。18.D但是,退休后不久,打高尔夫、钓鱼、读书和所有其他的消遣方式都变得无聊了。此处仍然在强调随着时间的推移人们兴趣的减弱,故选D项。19.C这些想做的事就像他们离开的工作一样变得索然无味了。they left是定语从句,修饰限定the jobs,与前面的retire和retirement照应。20.B根据上文“like the child in January”可知,此处与第一个例子中儿童对新玩具的态度呼应。

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