2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修5 Unit1 第3课时 Great Scientists 教案1.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语必修5 Unit1 第3课时 Great Scientists 教案1. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about science and contributions of scientistsPractice expressing will, hope and suggestionsPractice expressing the stages in examining a new scientific ideaLearn to organize a scientific researchLearn to use the past participle as the predicative & attributePractice describing peoples characteristics and qualitiesDevelop the skills of persuasive and descriptive writing. 目标语言功 能 句 式Describing people What nationality is this scientist?When was he / she born?When did he / she die?What kind of family did he / she e from?What kind of education did he / she receive?What did he / she achieve in his / her scientific work?Why did he / she achieve great success?Was it because of his / her talent / intelligence / hard work / persistence / confidence / curiosity / enthusiasm / luck?词 汇1 四会词汇engine, characteristic, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, conclusion, analyse, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, test, severe, valuable, pump, pub, blame, immediately, handle, addition, link, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, strict, movement, god, backward, plete, spin, enthusiastic, cautious, reject, view2 认读词汇infect, infectious, cholera, deadly, outbreak, clue, Cambridge, germ, certainty, creative, cooperative, Nicolas Copernicus, revolutionary, calculation, loop, privately, bright-ness, persuasive, logical3 词组put forward, make a conclusion, in addition, link . to ., apart from, be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view, expose to, absorb into, be to blame, physical characteristic结 构The past participle as the predicative & attributeFind out the functions of the past participle in sentences.Discover the similarities and differences between the passive voice of the predicate and the past participle used as predicative & attribute.重点句子1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician. P22. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. P23. It seemed the water was to blame. P24. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined. P35. Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the center of the solar system. P66. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. P77. To his surprise, he found that he could cross six of the bridges without going over any of them twice or going back on himself. P44. 教材分析和教材重组1. 教材分析本单元主要话题是How to organize scientific research。旨在通过本单元的教学培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观;帮助学生了解科学的本质和科学家的特质,使学生懂得科学探究的基本步骤和要素;指导学生如何对科学家及其所从事的科研工作进行描述、发表看法,并针对自己的个性特征和兴趣专长,畅谈个人的职业志向和人生规划。1.1 Warming Up 通过问答形式使学生回顾不同领域不同时代的10位科学家,了解他们对人类的贡献及其成果。1.2 Pre-reading 通过对几个问题的讨论,使学生了解传染病和“霍乱”的基本常识,并了解科研过程中验证某些观点的基本程序和方法。1.3 Reading 介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过课文学习,使学生了解科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。1.4 prehending 共设计了四个题型。1.5 Learning about Language 共设计了两大部分,8个练习,对本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目进行训练。第一部分的1-4题旨在训练学生对重点词汇、短语的运用;第二部分旨在练习过去分词作定语和表语的用法。1.6 Using Language 由两部分组成:Listening and speaking 是一段关于中国著名科学家钱学森先生的生平介绍的听力材料;Reading and writing是一段关于伟大天文学家哥白尼发表“日心说”过程的短文。2 教材重组2.1 将Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading和prehending三部分整合为一节“精读课”。2.2 将Using Language中的Copernicus Revolutionary Theory和Workbook中的FINDING THE SOLUTION整合为一节“泛读课”。2.3 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures和Discovering useful words and expressions以及Workbook中的USING STRUCTURES和USING WORDS AND EXPRES-SIONS整合为一节“语言学习课”。2.4 将Using Language中的Listening与Workbook中LISTENING和LISTENING TASK三个部分整合为一节“听力课”。2.5 将Using Language中的Speaking与Workbook中的TALKING和SPEAKING TASK三个部分整合为一节“口语课”。2.6 将 Using Language中的Reading and Writing以及Workbook中的WRITING TASK整合为一节“写作课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Extensive Reading 3rd Period Language Study 4th Period Listening 5th Period Speaking 6th Period Writing. 分课时教案ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言重点词汇和短语astronomer, astronaut, institute, specialist, sort out, produce, parrot, species, revise, foundation, symbol, analyze, pure, sin, cousin, geometry, calculus, mechanics, practical, topology2. Ability goals 能力目标Get the students to know more about scientists and science.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students to talk about scientific research.Teaching important & difficult points教学重难点Learn about how to organize a scientific study. Teaching methods 教学方法Task-based learning approach.Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式StepLead-inAsk the students to describe the picture on page 6 and guess what details may be talked about in the listening.T: Now well listen to a piece about a great Chinese scientist named Qian Xuesen. He was closely related to Chinas space industry. Any volunteers to describe the picture on page 6?S1: There is a satellite set on a guided missile launcher.S2: This is the Xichang launching site.S3: There are three or more rockets around the satellite on the guided missile launcher.S4: The sky is very high, clear, clean and blue.S5: The surrounding is very open and wide. It is a vast expanse of land.Step Listening and Speaking (Page 5)Ask the students to listen to the recording and answer the questions.T: Yu Ping and her friend Steve Smith are talking about Qian Xuesen, who has made great contributions to the development of Chinas space industry. Lets look at the screen and read the new words in the material after me: astronomer(天文学家),astronaut(宇航员),institute(研究所).Play the recording and then check the answers. T: Now I have an additional question for you: Who is the first to visit the space in China?Ss: Yang Liwei!T: Great! And whats the name of the satellite?Ss: Shenzhou V manned spaceship of China!T: What do you think Qian Xuesen would feel if he knew it?Ss: Of course, he would be very happy and proud.Step Listening (Page 41)Task 1: Describe the pictureT: First, lets look at the beautiful flowers in the picture. Who knows the name of it?S1: Its rose, white rose.S2: Its chrysanthemum, I think.S3: Maybe its lily. My mother raises lily at home.Task 2: Help the students learn the possible new words in the listening.T: Now class, in order to understand the listening easily, Ill tell you some new words in it. Now read after me: species(种类),parrot(鹦鹉),blackbird(乌鸦).Play the tape. And then check the answers.Step Listening task (Page 44)Task 1: Introduce to the students the life and work of Leonhard Euler. Help the students to gain some know-ledge about topology.T: Please turn to page 44 and read the questions and the new words. Can you tell me sth. about topology and “Euler Path”? S4: Euler was a mathematician. He could be called “the father of modern mathematics.”S5: His rule “the Euler path” is like this: If a figure has more than two odd points, you can not go over it without lifting your pencil from the page or going over a line twice.S6: Topology is one of the newest branches of mathematics. It is not about distance or size but about the connections between things.Then ask the students to listen to the recording and then check the answers. Step HomeworkAsk the students to write a short passage about Euler and his job based on the listening material.The Fifth Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语persevere, patient, creative, hard-working, co-operative, confident, brave, positive, pleasant, polite, determined, energetic, generous, depend-able, strong-willed, talented, easy-going, ambitious, sympathetic, confident, enthusiasticb. 重点句式I always wanted to . because . P6The experience I will need is . P6I need to practise . P6My greatest problem will be to . P62. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to use telephone skills to make an appointment.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students to talk about the personalities and characters of the scientists and their life, work and contributions.Teaching important points教学重点How to describe a persons appearance and personalities.Teaching difficult points 教学难点How to talk about a scientist and his / her job.Teaching methods 教学方法Task-based learning approach.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式StepRevision and Lead-in Ask the students to discuss what scientific job they would like to choose.T: Now, class, would you please tell me what per-sonality you have?S1: I am open and active, but less diligent.S2: I am confident and enthusiastic, but less careful.S3: I am the most honest person in the world! I am strong-willed and ambitious. But I hate hard-working?S4: I am persevering, determined, but less co-operative. I like working alone.S5: I am pleasant, easy-going to work with but I am less intelligent. Attention: just less intelligent not foolish!T: Very good. All of you know yourselves well. Thats very important. If we know ourselves well, we may develop ourselves in a certain way. We may fit or suit ourselves to a certain job or environment. Now please tell me what you would like to do in the future according to your personality or character?S6: I would like to be a volunteer. Because I am generous, sympathetic, full of emotion and helpful. I would like to help the poor, especially the poor children in poor areas in China.S7: I would like to be a researcher. Because I am persevering, quiet, careful and hard-working. If I start a program, Ill keep on with it to the end.S8: I want to be a manager. Because I am polite, easy-going, energetic and creative. All these personalities can help me to municate with others.Step Speaking (Page 6)Help the students to think of phrases used in making an appointment.T: Please speak out some phrases used in telephone dialogues.S1: Hello. This is . speaking. Is . in?S2: Sorry, He is not in. May I take a message for you?S3: Hold on please. Ill get him.S4: Would you like him to ring you back?S5: The line is busy. I cant get it through.T: Wonderful. Would you please tell me what other expressions can be used in making an appointment?S1: Sorry, hes busy at the moment. Could you please wait for a moment.S2: What time would you like to meet him? Please wait a second. Let me check the schedule.S3: Im sorry, He is fully engaged today. Can you make an appointment another day?S4: Lets make it 8 oclock tomorrow; If you can not e, will you let me know ahead of time?Step Talking (Page 41)Encourage the students to describe the appearance and specialty of themselves and their classmates, or their teachers. Dont tell who they are describing, let others guess who it is.T: Now, class. Everybody has their unique specialty in appearance and looking. If we want to recognize a person, we should remember his / her specialty in both looking and wearing. Lets describe a person and guess who it is.S5: OK. Let me have a try. The person is tall and thin with thick glasses. The person is very serious and always wear white T-shirts. Who is it?Ss: Our physics teacher.S5: Yes, Thats right. S6: Ill give a description. I call this person A. A is always smiling. A is always wearing big earrings. A has a round face, bright eyes with long brown curly hair. A is good at singing and dancing.Ss: We got it. She is Miss Liu, our music teacher.S6: Yes, you got it.S7: Now. This person is H. H always wears short hair. H is very tall and a bit hunchback. H always walks with his or her feet outwards.Ss: Oh, we see. He is our monitor, Wang Ling!S7: Yes.T: Well done. Now work in pairs. Imagine you are going to meet a specialist about a newly found flower. Your partner will be the assistant to the flower specialist. You both need a description of the other so you can recognize each other when you meet. Now ring the assistant to sort out the necessary information. A sample dialogue: S1: Hello. This is Dr Evans office. Can I help you?S2: Yes, please. Id like to change my arrangement to meet Dr Evans. I want to show him this new orchid that Ive found. We originally arranged to meet in the University laboratory but now Im unable to do that.S1: Oh yes. Ive got it down here in his diary. Where would you like to meet now then?S2: Outside the Botanical gardens on Trumpington Road. But its always very crowded there, so I wonder if you could give me an idea of how I could recognize Dr Evans?S1: Yes, of course. Hes tall and thin with long, grey hair and glasses.S2: That sounds very clear. What other special features does he have?S1: Yes. He walks with a limp because he broke his leg when he went skiing many years ago. What do you look like?S2: Dr Evans can easily recognize me. Im short and thin with brown, curly hair. I always wear a duffle coat and a bobble hat. Ill be carrying my flower.S1: Ill tell him. Thank you for your clear descrip-tion. Im sure Dr Evans is looking forward to meeting you. Goodbye.S2: Goodbye.Step Speaking task (Page 46)Encourage the students to discuss a certain scientist. T: Now class. In pairs discuss the life and work of any scientists that you know. Using the questions in the workbook. A sample dialogue:S1: Who shall we choose?S2: Ive done some research on Edison and his child life.S1: What did you find out about him?S2: Well, little “Al” Edison, who was the last of seven children in his family, did not learn to talk until he was almost four years old. S1: Really? I only know about some of his inventions.S2: At age 11, Toms parents tried to teach him how to use the resources of the local library. This led him to prefer learning through independent self instruction. By age 12, Tom had already bee an “adult”. He not only talked his parents into letting him go to work selling newspapers, snacks, and candy on the railroad, he had started an entirely separate business selling fruits and vegetables.S1: What else do you know?S2: One of the most significant events in Toms life now occurred when as a reward for his heroism the boys grateful father taught him how to master the use of Morse code and the telegraph. Over the next years, Edisons progress in creating successful inventions for industry really took off.S1: He is really a good example for us to learn from.Step HomeworkT: The following is a piece of writing about a great physiologist named Claude Bernard. Read and then change it into a dialogue with your partner. Show the following on the screen. Claude Bernards1 Ambition2French physiologist3 Claude Bernard (1813-18 78) dropped out of school4 because it was his ambition to bee a great writer. At the age of twenty-one, he wrote a five-act tragedy5 called Arthur of Brittany and brought it to a well-known Parisian critic6. The critic read the play and strongly advised young Claude to return to school at once and forget all about writing. Claude did and became one of the greatest biologists7 in history, virtually8 founding “experimental physiology”. When he died in 1878, he was given a state funeral, the first scientist upon whom France had bestowed9 this honor.Notes:1. Claude Bernard 克劳德.贝尔纳2. ambition 雄心; 抱负; 野心3. physiologist 生理学家4. drop out of school 中途退学; drop out 退出; 离队5. tragedy 悲剧 (edy 喜剧)6. critic 批评家; 评论家; critics of art and literature 文艺批评家7. biologist 生物学家8. virtually 实际上; 事实上9. bestow 把赠与; 把给与A sample dialogue:S1: Do you know Claude Bernard?S2: Sorry. Who was the men?S1: He was a French physiologist. S2: What do you know about him?S1: He once dropped out of school because he wanted to bee a great writer. S2: What did he write?S1: He wrote a five-act tragedy called Arthur of Brittany and brought it to a well-known Parisian critic. S2: What did the critic say about it?S1: The critic strong advised him to return to school at once and forget all about writing. S2: Did Claude follow the advice of the critic?S1: Yes. He worked hard from then on and became one of the greatest biologists in history. S2: Do you know what his achievement is?S1: He founded experimental physiology.S2: He was really something. 附件1:律师事务所反盗版维权声明


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