2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels写作园地-应用文:如何写报告 北师大版必修3.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels写作园地-应用文:如何写报告 北师大版必修3.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels写作园地-应用文:如何写报告 北师大版必修3.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 9 Wheels写作园地-应用文:如何写报告 北师大版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 9 Wheels写作园地-应用文:如何写报告感悟范文假设你是校报的记者李明,五一黄金周期间作了一次市场调查。基于调查后所列的图表和文字记录,写一篇报道投给校英语报,简要描述我国私人轿车的增长情况以及可能会带来的影响,并提出解决措施。出行方便快捷;有助于汽车工业的发展;污染空气;交通事故增多注意:词数120左右。开头已给出。To: The School NewspaperFrom: Li Ming Date: 01.05.04Subject : Development of private carsIn recent years the number of private cars has been increasing rapidly in our country. _范文To:_The_School_NewspaperFrom:_Li_Ming_Date:_01.05.04Subject_:_Development_of_private_carsIn_recent_years_the_number_of_private_cars_has_been_increasing_rapidly_in_our_country._ In 1990, there were about one million private cars. As time went on, the number of private cars went up to 5 million in 1999, and there were more than 10 million private cars in 2009. On one hand, it is very convenient to go to any place if we have a car. Besides, the increase of the number of private cars can help car industry to develop faster.However, more cars may cause traffic accidents and more air pollution. Whats more, waste gases from cars can do great harm to our health.Its high time that people should pay enough attention to these problems and the government should take strict measures to deal with the related matters.技法讨论调查报告是记载调查成果的书面报告。从调查目的和最终形成的书面报告的内容综合评价,调查报告大体可分为以下类型:总结典型经验的调查报告:这类报告是为了概括出先进人物或先进地区、先进单位的正面经验,使其便于在面上发挥影响。反映情况的调查报告:这类报告因调查目的、范围和用途的差异而有两种区别:一种是反映具体情况的个案性调查报告。其调研目的是为了把某一个具体问题界定清楚,调研范围单一、具体,报告的内容一般用来作为处理某一具体问题的依据或重要参考。另一种是反映基本情况的综合性调查报告,调研的目的是为了掌握某一领域或某一方面的概貌,调研范围相对宽广,涉及的对象较多,报告的内容主要用作宏观决策参考,或者用于说明某种客观现象,某一学术观点。揭露问题的调查报告:揭露问题的调查必须在已有线索的基础上展开。调查的目的是为了查清事实,获得足以说明问题性质、程度的材料。调查报告惯用的结构由标题、序言、主体、结尾组成。(1)标题调查报告的标题形式多样,总的来说可分为两种类型:一种是单行标题,一种是双行标题,单行标题又可分为公文标题写法和一般文章标题写法两种。采用公文标题写法的优点是能使人一下子明确文种,并了解调查的对象和调查报告的目的。(2)序言序言是调查报告的开头部分,可用来交代调查的时间、地点、目的、对象、范围;也可以用来概述调查的主要内容,取得的主要收获;还可以交代调查工作的背景以及通过调查所获得的结论。(3)主体主体内容是一篇调查报告的主干。主体通常以叙述为主,叙议结合,围绕导语所提出的问题依次展开。(4)结尾调查报告的结尾写法不一,或一段,补充说明有关事项;或一句,顺便交代某一问题;或总结全篇,深化主题;或指出调查存在的不足之处。黄金表达1. The aim of this report is to.2. On one hand, there are some advantages about.3. On the other hand, there exist several problems/disadvantages about.4. On the other hand, some things exist not so good.5. On the other hand, I find these things disappointing.6. However, there are many things which could be improved.7. In conclusion.need to do something to.亮点分析亮点一:句中的时间状语从句as time went on用得很地道。亮点二:句中的on one hand、句中的besides、句中的however和句中的whats more起到了很好的过渡作用,使行文流畅,层次清楚。亮点三:句中的高级句式Its high time that.用得恰到好处。类文演练现在有些父母经常翻看孩子日记或书包,这一现象引起了很大关注。现在请你针对这一社会现象写一篇报告。根据如下内容写一篇英文报告:1父母经常翻看孩子的日记或书包;2不同人对这种现象的不同看法;3你自己的见解。4词数:120左右。联想词汇1. 频繁地_答案:frequently, constantly, often2. 厌烦,讨厌 _答案:be fed up, be bored3. 争论 _答案:argue about4. 对敏感 _答案:be sensitive to5. 责任 _答案:responsibility, duty6. 有益于 _答案:benefit, do good to7. 印象 _答案:impression8. 心贴心的交谈 _答案:a hearttoheart talk连词成句1. 现在一些家长经常查看孩子的书包或日记,这使得他们很厌烦。_, some parents _ look into their childrens school bags or read their diaries, and _.Nowadays, some parents look into their childrens school bags or read their diaries _, _.答案:Now; often; it makes their children bored; frequently; which makes their children fed up2. 他们认为父母没有责任这么做,因为人人都有权利为自己的隐私保密。They think their parents _, _ everyone has his right to _.They think their parents _to do so, for everyone has his right to _.答案:should not do such a thing; because; keep their secret; have no responsibility; have his own secret3. 另一些家长认为:他们想了解自己的孩子是因为他们关心自己的孩子。Others think they want to know their children _.Others think _ because their parents care about them _ they want to know their children.答案:because their parents care about them; it is; that4. 我认为:与父母心贴心的交谈是解决这个问题的好办法。_, we should _ parents, _ a good measure to deal with this problem._, _ with parents should be a good measure to deal with this problem.答案:Personally; have a hearttoheart talk with; which is; As far as Im concerned; to have a hearttoheart talk连句成章_答案:Nowadays, some parents look into their childrens school bags or read their diaries frequently, which makes their children fed up. People have been arguing about this topic for a long time.On one hand, some students are sensitive to this phenomenon and they think it has annoyed them and affected the relation between them and their parents. They think their parents have no responsibility to do so, for everyone has his right to have his own secret.On the other hand, others think it is because their parents care about them that they want to know their children and this may benefit their better development, although it may make a bad impression on them.As far as Im concerned, to have a hearttoheart talk with parents should be a good measure to deal with this problem.

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