2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 23 Conflict单元综合测评 北师大版选修8.doc

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Unit 23 Conflict.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AA failed plot to kill Barack Obama,uncovered by US federal agents recently,has reminded people of the ideas that some humans associate with simple numbers.Two white American NeoNazi racists(新纳粹种族主义者)had planned to kill 88 African Americans,before finally assassinating(暗杀) Obama.The number “88” is equated with “HH”, initials(首字母) for the Nazi greeting, “Heil Hitler”“H” is the eighth letter of the alphabet.Many people were not familiar with the NeoNazi importance of 88,but associations attached to other numbers are more wellknown,if not always believed.The number 13,for instance,is considered deeply unlucky.In the US,many buildings do not have a floor numbered 13.They instead label it 12A,or use the letter M,which is the 13th letter in the English alphabet.New Yorks John FKennedy International airport does not have a gate number 13.And the popular Irish flight carrier, Ryan Air, has banished(摒弃) row 13 from all its planes.Last year when Brussels Airline put 13 dots in their new logo,the flood of plaints was so vast that the airline was forced to change their “unlucky logo” and add an additional dot.The fear es from a Bible story,which states that Judas Iscariot,the disciple(门徒)who betrayed(出卖) Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table in the Last Supper.But the most fascinating fear of the number relates to Friday the 13th.Its a day of double bad luck.In the US,many people would not schedule a wedding for Friday the 13th.According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in the US,an estimated 17 to 21 million Americans are affected by a fear of this day.【语篇解读】本文通过一个刺杀总统奥巴马未遂的谋杀,介绍了人与数字的联系。1From the first two paragraphs, we can know that _.Aa lot of Americans want to kill Barack ObamaBthe number 88 is equated with 13Cthere are still racists in the USDthe two white Americans had killed 88 African Americans before killing Barack Obama【解析】细节理解题。由第二段可知在美国仍有新纳粹种族主义者。【答案】C2When you go aboard the Ryan Air,you will probably find that _.Arow 13 is replaced with 12 ABthere is no gate 13Cpassengers plain there is 13 dots on its logoDnone of their planes have row 13【解析】细节理解题。由第四段中的“And the popular Irish flight carrier,Ryan Air,has banished(摒弃) row 13 from all its planes.”可知D项正确。【答案】D3If you are in the US,you will probably not _.Alive on the 13th floorBattend a wedding on Saturday the 14thCsee a floor numbered 3Dhave an M floor【解析】细节理解题。由第四段可知A项正确。【答案】A4From the passage,we can know that the Brussels Airline _.Adoesnt have row 13Bhas 14 dots on its logoChas no flight take off on FridaysDwas once stuck in a flood【解析】细节理解题。由第五段可知B项正确。【答案】BBCan dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight.A recent research has found a new recipe for success.According to the study, if the cat is adopted before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly probable that the two pets will get along swimmingly.Twothirds of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.However, it wasnt all sweetness and light.There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression and fighting were observed in 10% of the homes.One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite.For example, when a cat turns its head away it signals aggression, while a dog doing the same signals submission.In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers observed a surprising behavior.They are learning how to talk each others language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk Dog, and dogs can learn how to talk CatWhats interesting is that both cats and dogs have appeared to develop their intelligence.They can learn to read each others body signals, suggesting that the two may have more in mon than was previously suspected.Once familiar with each others presence and body language, cats and dogs can play together, greet each other nose to nose, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa.They can easily share the same water bowl and in some cases groom (梳理) each other.The significance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets to people who dont get along, including neighbors, colleagues at work, and even world superpowers.If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,说明了狗和猫可以和平相处,它们相互学习、理解彼此的语言,通过这篇文章,人们也应该和平相处,积极打造和平世界。5Some cats and dogs may fight when _.Athey are cold to each otherBthey look away from each otherCthey misunderstand each others signalsDthey are introduced at an early age【解析】细节理解题。由第二段第四行“One reason for this is probably that some of their body signals are just opposite.”可以知道答案,所以选C。【答案】C6What is found surprising about cats and dogs?AThey eat and sleep together.BThey observe each others behaviors.CThey learn to speak each others language.DThey know something from each others voices.【解析】细节理解题。由第三段“They are learning how to talk each others language.It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk Dog, and dogs can learn how to talk Cat”可以知道答案,所以选C。【答案】C7It is suggested in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs _.Ahave mon interestsBare less different than was thoughtChave a mon body languageDare less intelligent than was expected【解析】推理判断题。由第五段第一句话“The significance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets”和第四段的第二句话“They can learn.suspected”可以推出答案,所以选B。【答案】B8What can we human beings learn from cats and dogs?AWe should learn to live in harmony.BWe should know more about animals.CWe should live in peace with animals.DWe should learn more body languages.【解析】推理判断题。由最后一段最后一句“If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance.”和第一段第一句“Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home?”可以推出答案,所以选A。【答案】ACOne evening, a man was on his way home when he saw a woman e by, hauling a cart full of flowers.The smell of her flowers perfumed the air with sweetness so easily that it seemed to lift his spirits.He had never experienced such wonder from the flowers of his own garden.“How much must I pay for your wonderful flowers?” he asked.“Take what you wish for.”“What return must I make for them?”he asked again.“Your gratitude is enough.” She said.So he filled his arms with flowers and hurried joyfully home.His wife and children also liked the remarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sight of them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul.In order not to lose his treasure,the man planted the flowers in his garden.Sunlight and water kept them amazingly beautiful and they still performed their powerful magic.When his children came to play in the yard, the man cautioned them against carelessness and wild play in case they damage the flowers.But the flowers remained hardy and strong as long as there are enough sun and moisture to nourish them.As the family grew and more children came to play in the garden, the man was even more concerned about his remarkable flowers.He even built a high wall to protect them with the utmost care.Unfortunately,this_began_to_cause_consternation _among_the_family_members.If the children caused their father stress, he would refuse them access to the flowers.Later, he set up rules as to who could enter the garden and what they must do while they were there.He also established offices to determine accessibility.Eventually, it became necessary to have lawyers to defend, judges to weigh, guards to safeguard.The mans family, however, saw less and less of the flowers and experienced less and less of their magical power.In the meantime, many of them went out in search of the flower lady.Well, she was still out there, still giving away her amazing flowers.【语篇解读】本文通过一个小故事告诉我们一个哲理:美的东西要与别人分享这样才能体现美的价值所在。9The family found that the smell of the flowers could _.Aremove their spiritsBmake them energeticCbring them what they wantDmake them smell sweet【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句话:His wife and children also liked the remarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sight of them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul.可知老人的家人们也喜爱那花,认为那花可以给人力量,故选B。【答案】B10In order to protect the flowers, the man _.Aasked the policemen to help him take care of the gardenBbuilt a high building to keep the children away from the gardenCset up offices to decide, who can get close to the flowersDemployed lawyers, judges and guards toprotect the flowers【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段:Later, he set up rules as to who could enter the garden and what they must do while they were there.He also established offices to determine accessibility.可知老人为了保护他的花,建立了一间办公室来决定谁有权看花,故选C。【答案】C11What can we learn from the underlined sentence?AThe man began to prevent the family members ing into his garden.BThe man asked the family members to enjoy his flowers but no one wanted to.CWhat the man did made the family members less interested in flowers.DWhat the man did made the family members panic.【解析】细节推理题。根据划线部分的前后文可知老人为了保护花而做出了些许令人费解的行为,使得他与家人之间的关系开始疏远,所以从划线部分可以看出老人的家人们对于老人所作的一切感到惊恐,故选D。【答案】D12What lesson can we get from the fathers behavior?ATo give is more fruitful than to get.BShared beauty is real beauty.CA problem shared is a problem halved.DMany hands make light work.【解析】细节推理题。根据最后一段的第一句话:The mans family, however, saw less and less of the flowers and experienced less and less of their magical power.可知由于父亲过激的保护花的行为使得最开始喜爱花的一家人慢慢地缺少了分享花给他们带来的喜悦,慢慢地和父亲开始疏远,所以作者想表达美好的事情应该一起分享,从而能使人开心,人们之间的关系更加和谐,故选B。【答案】BDIn US, the potato is one of the most widely consumed crops.French fries are monly found in typical American fastfood burger joints and cafeterias.French fries were introduced to the US when Thomas Jefferson served them in the White House during his presidency from 1801 to 1809.Potato chips are popular with consumers as well.The humble potato is more than just a kind of food.In many ways its part of the American pop culture.Lets take a look at some pop culture potatoes.Mashed Potato danceThe Mashed Potato dance is a craze that began in 1962.The name of the dance came from the song it acpanies, Mashed Potato Time, performed by American R&B singer Dee Dee Sharp.The move vaguely resembles that of the Twist dance style, by Sharps fellow Philadelphian,Chubby Checker.Hot Potato!Hot Potato!is an action puzzle video game released in 2001.In the game the player must drive a bus and clear the road of alien potato beings.The potato beings are either red or blue; when two likecolored potatoes touch each other, they disappear.Over the years, Hot Potato! has received mostly positive reception from critics.Mr.Potato HeadMr.Potato Head is an American toy invented by George Lerner in 1949.The toy consists of a plastic potato model and a variety of plastic parts like hands, feet, ears and mouths.In 1952, Mr.Potato Head became the first toy advertised on television.This mercial revolutionized marketing and caused a boom that solidified this toys place in American pop culture.【语篇解读】文章介绍了几种美国的食品文化,写了这几种食品的历史、起源、组成和发展等。指出这是美国食品中非常流行的食品文化。13Which is the newest to the American popculture?AFrench fries.BMashed Potato dance.CHot Potato!DMr.Potato Head.【解析】细节理解题。由Hot Potato!is an action puzzle video game released in 2001.中的时间点可知只有hot potato是2000年以后的,所以只有Hot Potato!是最新的,所以选C。【答案】C14What can we infer from the text?AFrench fries were popular in US when first served in the White House.BMashed Potato Time came from Mashed Potato dance.CPlayers can play Hot Potato!on their phone.DMr.Potato Head can be taken apart.【解析】推理判断题。由 The toy consists of a plastic potato model and a variety of plastic parts like hands, feet, ears and mouths.可知这个由几个部分组成,它们可以分开,所以选D。【答案】D15Which of the following can be the BEST title for the text?AEnjoy American Fast FoodBHave Fun with PotatoesCDifferent Uses of PotatoesDAmerican Food Culture【解析】主旨理解题。由文章总体可知文章讲了美国的各种食品,所以可知选B。【答案】B.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Most social workers that take jobs with federal, state and local public assistance agencies hold college degree. _16_ If you want to bee a social worker, these tips can help you.Choose a social worker specialty_17_ For instance, some social workers decide to work with all types of people, while others focus on a specific group. Child and family social workers take care of families in need of help. Some social workers might take positions in schools, where they work closely with parents and teachers to ensure students are matched with the right programs. Knowing where you want to go in social work should greatly influence your postsecondary education.plete a Bachelors DegreeA fouryear bachelors degree in social work or a related field is required for most positions. If you already hold an associate degree, you may be able to transfer credits and cut the time to graduation to two years. _18_ Earn the necessary certificatesSome states require social workers to be certified._19_ so you need to get information on the requirements where you live.Move up the ladderReturning to college to add a postgraduate degree is one way to advance in the social work field.Many public service organizations require employee to take part in continuing education._20_For example, with additional postgraduate work, you might move from performing family assistance casework to a role of counselor, staff director, family manager or administrator.A. A masters degree is necessary.B. Different states have different rules.C. There are a lot of career paths in social work.D. In some cases, you may want to change fields.E. A bachelors degree typically prepares you for some positions.F. Students planning a career in social work have few degree choices.G. Successful social workers continue their education throughout their career.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,对如何做一名成功的社会工作者给出了几点建议。16【解析】根据本空前的“Most social workers that take jobs with federal, state and local public assistance agencies hold college degree.”可知,此处承接上文,讲的还是关于social worker的话题,故G项符合语境。【答案】G17【解析】根据本空后的“For instance, some social workers decide to work with all types of people, while others focus on a specific group. ”可知,此处说的是social work的职业途径,故C项符合语境。【答案】C18【解析】根据本段小标题plete a Bachelors Degree可知,此处讲的还是关于bachelors degree的话题,故E项符合语境。【答案】E19【解析】根据本空前的“Some states require social workers to be certified. ”可知,此处是说不同的国家的规则问题,故B项符合语境。【答案】B20【解析】本空后的“For example, with additional postgraduate work, you might move from performing family assistance casework to a role of counselor, staff director, family manager or administrator.”是对此处的举例说明,说明有时你可能想改变一下,故D项符合语境。【答案】D.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)What are consequences of laziness?Many young persons seem to think it of not much consequence_21_they do not improve their time well in youth, vainly_22_they can make it up by careful work or effort when they are_23_.They also think it is shameful for men and women to be lazy, _24_that there can be no harm in persons who are young spending their time in any_25_they please.George Jones thought_26_.At the age of 16, he went to an academy to prepare to enter college.His father obtained books for him, clothed him, and paid for schooling at his great_27_.But George thought of nothing but present_28_.When called to recite, he went red and what he recited were not the right words, _29_the whole class would burst into laughter.Such are the applauses(掌声)a lazy person gets._30_, though he passed a very poor examination, he was_31_with the test.It was those who_32_him that thought it was possible that the reason why he didnt_33_questions better was that he was frightened.However, there is not much_34_shown to bad scholars in college.George had_35_his studies so long that he fell behind.Poor fellow! He paid_36_for his laziness.All the good scholars_37_him; they were ashamed to be seen in his_38_.He was growing discouraged.Eventually, he had to quit college.Such are the_39_of laziness.Therefore, we should, from this history, take_40_, and “stamp improvement on the wings of time”【语篇解读】本文是夹叙夹议文。本文主要阐述了懒惰的代价,作者以George Jones为例警醒读者不要懒惰,否则你将为此付出沉重的代价。21A.asBuntilCifDsince【解析】根据前后之间的关系判断,应用if,故选C。【答案】C22A.expectingBregrettingCindicatingDrequiring【解析】根据从句的不会好好管理时间和下文的careful work or effort判断是徒劳地期待他们,故选A。【答案】A23A.olderBbetterCtallerDstronger【解析】与前文的in youth对应,故选A。【答案】A24A.andBbutCforDor【解析】设空后that从句与前文it is shameful for men and women to be lazy之间是转折关系,故选B。【答案】B25A.orderBsenseCmannerDpattern【解析】in any manner they please以他们喜欢的任何方式。选项C符合语境。【答案】C26A.soBagainCaloudDahead【解析】so在此处代替前文所说的内容,故选A。【答案】A27A.saleBspeedClengthDexpense【解析】sale销售;speed速度;length长度;expense费用。expense与前文的paid for对应,故选D。【答案】D28A.purposeBpleasureCmemoryDsituation【解析】purpose目的;pleasure快乐,高兴;memory记忆;situation环境,形势,结合语境可知选B。【答案】B29A.so thatBin caseCas thoughDnow that【解析】so that结果;in case万一,以免;as though好像;now that既然。设空后是设空前的结果,故选A。【答案】A30A.At firstBOn the contraryCAt lastDIn other words【解析】根据语境可知,这里表示“最终,尽管他考试成绩很差,但还是被录取了”。故选C。【答案】C31A.facedBsatisfiedCbinedDadmitted【解析】结合语境可知这里表示被大学“录取”。故选D。【答案】D32A.savedBexaminedCsubmittedDappreciated【解析】save节省;examine检查;submit呈上;appreciate欣赏,感激。根据前文的examination判断选B。【答案】B33A.e up withBrespond toCend up withDadd to【解析】根据空后的questions判断应该是“回答”,故选B。【答案】B34A.motivationBdignityCinterestDmercy【解析】与下文的Poor fellow!相对应,应是“同情,可怜”。【答案】D35A.ignoredBexploredCinterruptedDstrengthened【解析】与fell behind对应,应是“忽略”,故选A。【答案】A36A.generouslyBgreedilyCconstantlyDdearly【解析】generously慷慨地;greedily贪心地;constantly不断地;dearly昂贵地。 根据前文可知应是付出昂贵的代价。故选D。【答案】D37A.savedBattractedCavoidedDremended【解析】根据下文的they were ashamed to be seen.可知应选C。【答案】C38A.collegeBpanyCclassDmunity【解析】in ones pany和某人在一起。【答案】B39A.characteristicsBcausesCstatesDwages【解析】他因为懒惰不得不放弃学业,这就是懒惰的代价。故选D。【答案】D40A.actionBchargeCwarningDadvice【解析】action行动;charge费用;warning警告;advice建议。此处是从他的事例中得到警醒,故选C。【答案】C.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify(识别) those of 41._(great) and less importance.Then,handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a real sense of 42._ (achieve)Leaving the less important things until tomorrow 43._(be) often acceptable.Most of us are more focused 44._ our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.So,get an early start and try to be as productive 45._ possible before lunch.This will give you the confidence you need to get you through the afternoon and go home feeling acplished.Recent 46._(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks 47._(regular)Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside for 48._ while, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.If you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll be less likely 49._(bring) your work home.It could be anythinggardening, cooking, music, sportsbut whatever it is,50._(make) sure its a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。如果在工作中感觉压力很大,你不妨先后退一步,把手头的工作分一下轻重缓急,优先处理最重要的工作,这样你就能获得一种成就感。关于减少工作压力的方法以及工作的技巧,作者还提出了不少建议,大家快读一下吧!41【解析】考查形容词比较等级。and连接并列成分,由and后的less可知,空格处也要用形容词的比较级。g

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