2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop学案 北师大版选修8.doc

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop学案 北师大版选修8.doc_第1页
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Section munication Workshop根据提示写出下列单词1_ n罚款2_ n. 判决3_ vt. 废除4_ adv. 再者,此外5_ adv. 所以,因此6_ vi. 摇动7_ adj. 信教的8_ n. 祈祷,祷告9_ n. 商人10_ vt. 含在嘴里吮食【答案】1.fine2.sentence3.abolish 4moreover5.consequently6.swing7.spiritual 8prayer9.merchant10.suck根据提示补全下列短语1break _ 闯入2lose faith _ 对失去信心3bring _ 带回来;使恢复4pay _ 因受罚,为付出代价5be treated _ 被当作对待6see._ 视为,把看成是7_ principle 原则上8take._ account 把考虑在内【答案】1.in2.in3.back4.for5.as6.as7.on8.into根据提示补全下列教材原句1What_is_even_more_unbelievable is the fact that_some_murderers_are_ let_out_of_prison after three or four years.更令人难以置信的是一些凶手三四年后从监狱里被释放出来这一事实。2That is the_only_way_of_protecting society and preventing young people from leading a life of crime.那是保护社会和防止年轻人走上犯罪道路的唯一方法。阅读P40课文,并从三个选项中选择最佳答案1What is the only way of protecting society RJ Butcher think?ACriminals should be locked up for life.BCriminals should be sentenced to death.CCriminals should be let out of prison.2How does Paul Mason think of punishment?ATake a revenge on criminals.BKill criminals.CHelp to reform criminals.3What occasion should life sentences be given?AWhen a criminal is let out of prison.BWhen a person is very dangerous to society when he or she is let out of prison.CWhen a criminal kill a person.【答案】1.A2.C3.B阅读P40课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Why people are having no 1._(faithful) in the British system of justice.Because it was not long 2._ drug dealers and robbers can be 3._ on the streets and some 4._(murder) are let out of prison after three or four years,5._ is more unbelievable.Much 6._(hard) sentences should be brought back.Criminals are made to pay for 7._ they have done.After 8._(mit) three crimes criminals are locked up for life in prison.Prisoners should be made to work.9._ too much money is spent on prisons,they have bee like hotels.We should bring the death penalty back.When a person has killed somebody she/he isnt worth 10._(live)We also have to take into account the wishes of the families and friends of murder victims.【答案】1.faith2.before3.out4.murderers5.which6.harder7.what8.mitting 9Because10.living break in 闯入;打断break away from离开;脱离break down 打破,毁掉;出毛病;(身体)垮了;恸哭;分解break out 突然爆发break up 拆散,打碎;分裂;崩溃break into 强行闯入;突然开始;顺利打入break through 突围;突破Our car broke down on the freeway.我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了。The band broke up after the performance.那场演出之后乐队就解散了。 sentence n. 判决(教材P40)I think we should bring back much harder sentences in this country.我认为我们应在这个国家内恢复更加严厉的刑罚pass sentence on/upon sb.判某人刑sentence sb.to (do) sth. 给某人判刑; 宣判某人做某事sentence sb.to death/life imprisonment 判处某人死刑/终身监禁serve a/ones sentence 服刑Former Cuban leader was sentenced to 44 years in prison on charges including bribery and corruption.前古巴领导人因被控行贿和贪污被判入狱44年。He has been sentenced (sentence) to pay a fine of 1,000.他被判罚款1 000英镑。The judge sentenced this man to death(die)for murdering.法官宣判这个人因犯谋杀罪而被判处死刑。 (教材P40)I am totally against harder sentences on_principle and really feel the death penalty should be abolished.我原则上坚决反对较重的刑罚并且确实感到死刑应该被废除。 (1)on principle 原则上,按照原则against ones principles违背某人的行为准则in principle 理论上;原则上,大体上,基本上on the principle of 根据的原则,以为原则In principle you are entitled to a financial grant,but it is difficult to claim.原则上你有资格获得经济补助,但是很难获取。We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.我们按照平等互利的原则进行贸易。(2)abolish vt. 废除;废止(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old rules取消旧规则abolish a ban 取消禁令abolish slavery 废除奴隶制度abolition n. 废除Their discussion centred around the abolition (abolish) of slavery.他们的讨论是以废除奴隶制度为中心而进行的。明辨异同abolish/cancelabolish为正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。cancel用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。cancel,abolishThis tax should be _.Im afraid I will have to _our meeting tomorrow.【答案】abolishedcancel consequently adv. 因此;结果(教材P40)Consequently,in the USA,the death penalty is not as likely if the victim is black and the murderer white as the other way around.因此,在美国,当被害人是黑人而凶手是白人时,判决死刑的可能性不可能与在相反情况下(即被害人是白人,而凶手是黑人)一样。(1)consequent adj.随之发生的;由引起的(2)consequence n. 结果;后果as a consequence/in consequence 结果as a consequence of/in consequence of 的结果He narrowly lost his life as a consequence of/in consequence of careless driving.由于粗心驾驶,他险些丢了性命。His success was consequent (consequently) on his hard work.他的成功是勤奋工作的结果。 take.into account把考虑在内(教材P41)The wishes of victims families and friends possibly need to be taken into account.受害者的家人和朋友的愿望可能需要被考虑进去。on sb.s account为了某人的缘故on account of 由于take account of 考虑到on no account 决不,无论如何都不(位于句首时,句子须倒装)account for 解释/说明She cant work on account of her too young children.她因为孩子太小而不能工作。On no account should the soldiers be blamed for what happened.士兵们绝对不该为所发生的事情而受到责难。.语境填词1I regret to inform you he died as a consequence(consequently) of his injuries.2The slaves got freedom after the abolition(abolish) of slavery.3He was sentenced(sentence) to 140 hours munity service.选词填空break in; on principle; take.into account; as a consequence; be sentenced to1She was still young, he said, and that would be taken_into_account when deciding her sentence.2The policemen broke_in and found the old man dead in his chair.3The criminal was_sentenced_to life imprisonment.4As a consequence of your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you.5I would never deal with that pany on_principle.(教材P40)What_is_even_more_unbelievable is the fact that some murderers are let out of prison after three or four years.更令人难以置信的是一些凶手三四年后从监狱里被释放出来这一事实。【要点提炼】What is even more unbelievable是本句的主语部分,称为主语从句,what又是这个从句的主语。what还可以引导其他名词性从句,如宾语从句、表语从句等。但是what一般不引导状语从句、定语从句或同位语从句等。What caused the accident was a broken bottle.事件的发生源于一个摔坏的瓶子。The Earth of today is not what it was millions of years ago.现在的地球与几百万年之前的地球不一样了。完成句子1使学校骄傲的是90%的学生被重点大学录取。_ was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.21492年哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。In 1492, Columbus reached _.【答案】1.What made the school proud2.what is now called America如何写议论文本单元的写作项目属于新课标中的议论文写作。这种写作要求我们就有关问题进行分析并针对这些问题提出自己的观点、看法和解决建议。议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非,以确定其观点的正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张,议论文应该观点明确,论据充分,语言精练,论证合理,有严密的逻辑性。议论文在高考中常以图表、提纲或图画的形式出现。写此类作文时可采用三段式,即:1第一段根据图表、提纲或图画提出问题。2第二段阐明正、反方观点。3第三段阐明个人观点。亮点句式1As is known to all, it is important to be/do .2I think there are at least two reasons for.3From what I have mentioned above, we can see that without.we cannot.4Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.5Some people think that.6Others argue that.7In their opinion, nobody can.without.8pared with., .has a lot of advantages over.9There is no doubt that.10In short, I firmly support the view that .11People take/have/adopt different views about.12It is generally considered that.13Theres a widespread concern about.写作任务最近,某机构针对2 384名青少年使用手机上网的情况进行了一次调查。结果如下:调查内容使用手机上网的情况59%偶尔浏览不健康的信息67.3%依赖手机或手机网络90.9%正在或曾经使用社交软件请你根据以上素材,为某英语报纸写一篇稿件,陈述这项调查的结果,并对这个现象进行简短的评论。注意:词数100左右。_审题谋篇体裁议论文话题青少年使用手机时态以一般现在时为主人称以第三人称为主遣词造句.词汇1浏览_2依赖_3而且,并且_4社交软件_5优点和缺点_6采取措施_7限制_8集中精力_【答案】1.glance through2.rely on3.whats more4.social networking software 5advantages and disadvantages6.take measures 7limit8.focus ones attention on.句式167.3%的人承认他们太依赖手机或网络以致没有手机就不能活。673% of them admit they rely on their mobile phones or the Internet and they couldnt live without them.(用so.that改写上面句子)673%_of_them_admit_they_rely_on_their_mobile_phones_or_the_Internet_so_much_that_they_couldnt_live_without_them.2政府应采取措施保证网络安全。The government should take measures to make sure the Internet is safe for teenagers.(使用Its important that.改写上面句子)It_is_important_that_the_government_should_take_measures_to_make_sure_the_Internet_is_safe_for_teenagers.3只有这样青少年才能集中精力学习。The teenagers can focus their attention on their lessons in this way.(使用only状语.的倒装句改写句子)Only_in_this_way_can_the_teenagers_focus_their_attention_on_their_lessons.妙笔成篇_【参考范文】A survey conducted recently shows that 59% of the 2,384 teenagers glance through the unhealthy information on the Internet now and then.67.3% of them admit they rely on their mobile phones or the Internet so much that they couldnt live without them.Whats worse,90.9% say they are using or have used social networking software.Every coin has two sides.Surfing the Internet brings disadvantages and advantages.I think the government should take measures to ensure the Internet safe for teenagers.Besides, parents should limit the time that their children spend playing with mobile phones or surfing the Internet.Only in this way can teenagers focus their attention on their lessons.

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