2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修10《Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War)word教案.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语选修10Module 3 Slavery and the American Civil War)word教案Teaching goals教学目标1.Target Language目标语言a.重点词汇和短语abolish, aim, anti-slavery, condition, cotton, critical, elect, slave, slavery, sympathetic, free, poisoned, threaten, reveal, identify, opportunity, owner, e to existence, be born intob.重点句子1The country we know as the United States of America came into existence towards the end of the 18th century.2Slave ships carried slaves over from Africa, keeping them in such terrible conditions that many died during the long sea journey.3 By the first half of the 19th century, slavery had transformed the economy of the nation, making it very wealthy.4 Only the Southern states insisted on keeping it, mainly because they needed cotton more than the more industrialized North.5 The war lasted four years, ending in the 1865.6 Lincoln was murdered by a man who was sympathetic to the Southern cause.7 As was the custom at that time, his father had taken the last name of his last owner.8 While there, Solomon became extremely ill.9He was beaten and threatened with death if he ever revealed his true identity.2.Ability goals能力目标Help the students to learn about the slavery in the USA.3.Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the students to understand the slavery in the USA.Teaching important and difficult point教学重难点Help the students understand the slavery in the USA.Teaching methods教学方法reading, listening and discussingTeaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, a multiple-media puter and a projectorTeaching procedure and ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-inT: Did you surf the internet and find some information about the slavery in the USA. Whod like to tell us something about it?S: Slavery therefore became the ultimate test of disunity within the union of states which were already at odds in a democracy espousing freedom for its people. At the center of this conflict were the Africans who were bought, sold, and used as workers on American soil. The use of slave labor was a well known practice for years in the world munity.S: The rising demand for sugar, coffee, cotton, and tobacco created a greater demand for slaves by other slave trading countries. Spain, France, the Dutch, and English were in petition for the cheap labor needed to work their colonial plantation system producing those lucrative goods. The slave trade was so profitable that, by 1672, the Royal African pany chartered by Charles II of England superseded the other traders and became the richest shipper of human slaves to the mainland of the Americas. The slaves were so valuable to the open market - they were eventually called Black Gold.S: Many Europeans came to America to exercise their God fearing beliefs and to practice religious freedom. Slavery, on the other hand, was a form of persecution which, in the eyes of colonial America, had to be justified. Therefore, the black slave became an easily identifiable group targeted as being inferior, subhuman, and destined for servitude. S: Freedom was always on the minds of the enslaved Africans. How to gain that freedom was the big question. American historical records have identified some of those attempts and some of the people involved in the Africans quest for freedom on American soil. S: Refusing to obey their masters demands created a duel crisis on the part of the resisting slaves and their demanding owners. The most mon form of resistance used by the slaves was to run away. To live as a runaway required perfect escape routes and exact timing. Where to hide, finding food, leaving the family and children behind became primary issues for the escaping slaves. Later, the severe punishment had to be faced whenever a hunted slave was caught and returned to bondage. S: Many slaves ran off and lived in the woods or vast wilderness in the undeveloped American countryside. This group of slaves was called maroons, for they found remote areas in the thick forest and mainly lived off wild fruits and animals as food. Some of these maroons ran off, lived, and even married into segments of the Native American populations. They were later called Black Indians. T: I am very glad youve known a lot about America slavery. Step II Reading (Part 1)Skimming T: What was the reason for the American Civil War?S: It was therefore inevitable that something had to be done in America in order to preserve the Union.S: The North states of the America also abolished slavery. So the North became more and more critical of the slavery in the South. Then seven southern states left the Union. Lincoln as the president didnt agree to this. Thus, the American Civil War began.T: Why was slavery so important to the South?S: Because there were so many cotton plantations in South American, They need a lot of labors. That is why slavery was so important to the South.T: Why was slavery eventually abolished?S: Because it is the development trend of the history. The anti-slavery movements grew increasingly strong during the 18th century. And slavery was abolished in most of Europe. The Northern states of American also abolished slavery. Only the Southern states insisted on keeping it. As time passed, the North became more and more critical of the slavery in the South.S: Slavery as an issue in America was in constant conflict with the founding Democratic principles of this nation.T: Well done! ScanningT: Read part 1 again and then finish task 4: explain the importance of the dates.S1: In 1789, it was a collection of 13 different states that had joined together to bee one country.S2: The Northern states of American also abolished slavery in the year 1787-1804.S3: USA, or Union as it was often called, had covered a large part of the continent of North American. S4: In 1861, seven Southern states left the Union, forming a new group of states.S5: The American Civil War ended in 1865. Step III Reading (Part 2)SkimmingT: Now lets read the passage of “The True Story of Solomon Northrup, a Black Slave” and finish off the T or F questions on the slide. 1. Solomons father had been a slave all his life.2. The slaves should take the last name of their last owner as a custom at that time.3. He was beaten and threatened with death, because he revealed his true identity.4. Slaves worked more than 360 days a year.5. Solomons former employer came and identified him, which made him free again.1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. FT: You have read the Part 2. Now answer the question:” Why is Solomon Northrups story so shocking?”S: We learnt the low-down of the slavery. The slaves were treated badly. They worked over 360 days a year, from sunrise until after sunset, and were beaten if they stopped working to rest, which made us shocking.S: Solomon had most been poisoned and he was beaten and threatened with death if he ever revealed his true identity. We can see that the slave traders were evil and the slave owners are so brutal, which shocked us greatly.ScanningT: Read the Part 2 again and finish task 5.T: How Solomon Northrup became a slave?S: Solomon traveled with the two men who offered him a job to Washington D.C. where the three men stayed at a hotel. While there, he became extremely ill and he had almost certainly been poisoned. Then he was put into prison and finally he became a slave.T: You got it! How he became a free man again?S: In 1852 Solomon met a white man called Bass who was anti-slavery. Solomon trusted him enough to reveal his identity. Bass sent letters in New York to people who could help Solomon, and in 1853, a member of the Northrups family who had employed Solomons father, came and identified him. In this way, he became a free man again. T: Solomons life was miserable, at the same time he was a lucky guy. Lets e to deal with task 6: plete the sentences. You can have a discussion. Then I will ask some students to plete the sentences.S1: The South needed slaves in order to obtain labors for the plantations.S2: Slaves died on the sea journey because conditions on board the ship were hard, S3: The country became wealthy because the slavery economy brought a large wealth to the country.S4: As a result of the anti-slavery movements, slavery was abolished in most of the Europe.S5: Hundreds of thousands of young men died in the American Civil War.S6: Northrup took the job in the circus because the pay was good.S7: While at the hotel in Washington, Solomon was extremely ill.S8: Solomon did not tell people his true identity because he was beaten and threatened with death if he ever revealed his true identity.S9: Slaves working on cotton plantations over 360 days a year, from sunrise until after sunset, and were beaten if they stopped working to rest,S10: Bass helped Solomon to be free once more.T: I think you have learnt a lot about the cause of the American Civil War and the low-down of the slavery. Step IV SpeakingT: Lets deal with task 7: take turns to tell Solomon Northrups story. One tells the story, the other helps by asking questions. Then you two take turns to do it. You can make a preparation for it.S1: For twelve years, I was a slave. You know as a matter of fact I was a free man twelve years ago.S2: I think you should say something about Solomons life before he became a slave. S1: I was born into a free black family that lived in New York. My father had been a slave and had been freed. As a young boy, I worked on my fathers farm. During my spare time, I read and practiced the violin, which I played quite well. In 1829, I married and had three children. In 1841, I met two men who offered me a job playing the violin in traveling circus. Its your turn to tell the story. Maybe you can say something about his staying at a hotel in Washington.S2: I traveled with the two men to Washington and stayed at a hotel. While here, I became extremely ill, but I did not realize it, but I had almost certainly been poisoned. And then I was put into prison.S1: Why didnt you ask for help from other?S2: I couldnt reveal my true identity, if so, I would be beaten and threatened with death. That is why I was a slave for twelve years.S1: Can you say something about your life as a slave?S2: I worked over 360 days a year, from sunrise until after sunset, and were beaten if I stopped working to rest, or I did not pick the same amount of cotton each day. Now its you turn to tell the story and I will help you. Can you talk about something how he became a free man again?S1: In 1852 I met a white man called Bass who was anti-slavery. I trusted him enough to reveal his identity. Bass sent letters in New York to people who could help me. In 1853, a member of my family who had employed my father, came and identified me. In this way, I became a free man again. T: You two cooperated very well. Lets give a big hand for their good performance. Step V HomeworkReview what we have learnt today.Finish off the exercises of Vocabulary in Workbook.The Third Period GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1.Trget Language目标语言重点句式1. Harriet Beecher Stowe used to write for magazines.2. Jenny Garland is used to (doing) the hard work.3. Harriet Beecher Stowe enjoyed being a writer.4. Being a slave is terrible.2.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to review these words: at, all, too, put, used, being correctly and freely.3.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to use these: at, all, too, put, used, being words correctly and freely. Teaching important points教学重难点Teach the students the usage of these words: at, all, too, put, used, being. Teaching method教学方法Explaining, practice and pair workTeaching aid教具准备A multiple-puter and a projectorTeaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Greeting and RevisionT: Good morning / afternoon, class!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Mr. / Ms T: I will check your homework.Step II GrammarT: Now lets review the usages of these following words:at, all, too, put, used, being. I will divide our class into six groups to conclude the usages of the six words separately. Lets have a position to see which group can give the quick, correct and whole answers. Now you can have a discussion.(During this time, the teacher can go around the class to collect the answers and give the students necessary guidance. Then show the students the usages of the six words on the slide.)T: I think you have a heated discussion and make a good conclusion at the same time. Now lets look at the slide. Here are the usages of the six words.We use at:(a) to talk about doing things well or badly(b) to show the time something happens(a) to show the place or event where something happens(b) with certain phrases of time(c) with certain phrases of place(d) to say where someone should look, point ect.We use all:(a) all + (of ) + the + / this / my etc. + singular countable noun(b) all + (of ) + the + / these / my etc. + plural or uncountable noun(a) all + plural or uncountable noun(b) all + of + you / us / them(c) all + (that) + NP +verb + is / was etc.(d) NP + allWe use too:(a) clause + too(a) too + adjective / adverb + to + infinitive(b) too + adjective ( + for + NP )(a) word / phrase + too(b) too + much / many / little / few + NPWe use put:(a) put + NP + adverb(b) put + NP + preposition + NP(c) put + adverb + NPWe use used:(a) refer to the act of using something(b) refers to things that are not new to someone(c) refers to past habits that one no longer has(d) refers to something that is quite new but that one is learning aboutWe use being:(a) am / is /was ect. +being + adjective / NP(b) being + adjective / NP(c) verb + +being + adjective / NP(d) am / is /was ect. +being + past participleStep III Practice (1)In this part, enable the students to practice using the words: at, all, tooT: Since you have mastered how to use these words. Now lets do the following 6 exercises on page 33.(The teacher can check the answers one by one.) Suggested answers are in the teachers book. Step IV Practice (2) In this part, enable the students to practice using the words: put, used, beingT: Since you have mastered how to use these words. Now lets do the following 5 exercises on page 35.(The teacher can check the answers one by one.) Suggested answers are in the teachers book.Step V Practice高考链接1. (04天津,30) It is easy to do the repair. _ you need is a hammer and some nails.A. Something B. All C. Both D. Everything2. (04吉林,35) Thats an unpleasant thing to say about your father after _ hes done for you.A. something B. anything C. all D. that3. (03全国,23) Allen had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home.A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too heavy much4. (06重庆,21) I have to go to work by taxi because my car _ at the garage. A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired5. (06江苏,23) -I dont suppose the police know who did it. -Well, surprisingly they do. A man has been arrested and _ now. A. has been questioned B. is being questioned C. is questioning D. has questioned6. (05上海,25) John became a football coach in Sealion Middle School _ the beginning of March.A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off7. (04 全国,32) You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please _ the books when youve finished with them. A. on B. for C. with D. at8. (06湖南,33) As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national were at hand, waiting _. A. to use B. to be used C. to have used D. to be usingKeys: 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.B 解析见附录Step VI HomeworkFinish off the exercises on page 103 in WORKBOOK. The Forth Period ListeningTeaching goals教学目标1.Target Language目标语言a.重点词汇和短语 author, cabin, interest, success, translate, translation, responsible, believable, aim, impolite, mean, part, it seems, b.重点句子 1. Stowes goal was to show how wrong slavery was. 2. No, neither do I, But I dont think he intended to be rude. 3. Apparently, her black cook and servants helped her. 2.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to learn about the novel “Uncle Toms Cabin”.3.Learning ability goals学能目标 Help the students understand the novel “Uncle Toms Cabin”.Teaching important and difficult point教学重难点Teach the students how to get the important facts.Teaching methods教学方法Listening, speaking and discussingTeaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, a multiple-media puter and a projectorTeaching procedure and ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-inT: Look at the two pictures on the slide, what can you learn from the pictures?

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