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福建省莆田市第七中学2018-2019学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I wrote the first words of this blog, more than five years ago, I had no idea those few keystrokes would change my life.I_36_I was doing nothing more than reflecting on the _37_that had been happening in my life, _38_ a bit about what I learned with a handful of_39_. I thought those tinkling of puter keys would_40_ into the space, as most of my thoughts had before that. I didnt _41_that a year later, I would have 26,000 people_42_my blog (and eventually a quarter million subscribers), that Id _43_ be out of debt, that Id have my first book publishing contract, that Id_44_ hand in my resignation for my day job.All of that was out of the realm of possibility.Thats the _45_realization here: that we rule out the possibility of great change, because it doesnt seem _46_ . For nearly two decades I focused on going to _47_, and working at a day job that I sometimes_48_ but often dreaded, because thats what we_49_should happen. Starting my own business, seeking my _50_, doing something I loved? Crazy talk.Crazy talk is what Im going to give you today, in _51_ that perhaps one of you will expand your possibilities. It is_52_ I did it, all while working a fulltime job, doing freelance writing on the side, and having a wife and six kids. I did it, even if I never _53_to dream of it for the first three decades of my life. I am not someone who likes to give career_54_, or teach people to be online entrepreneurs. So Im not going to do that here. Ill just tell you this: its possible. Yes, it _55_ is possible.【语篇大意】本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过自身在网上发布博文而成功地开创了一番事业的做法,给人们展示了一条创业的路子。36A.believed Brealized Cthought Dwondered解析由此处作者对“生活发生的变化”看法联系下文提到的作者的一些想法,可知是作者“认为”没有做什么。答案C37A.changes Bresults Cmistakes Dreasons解析由上句提到的作者没有做什么,仅仅反思了生活方面的一些“变化”,此处变化与上句生活的改变语境吻合。答案A38A.spending Bwasting Ctalking Dsharing解析由上句作者认为自己没有做什么,不过是关于学到的,联系后空内容可知此处为“分享”心得,在键盘上写出。答案D39A.wife Bfriends Cchildren Dparents解析依据此处语境能从中可以学到的东西,然后写出来,故推知与“朋友”一起分享,答案B合适。答案B40A.look Bstep Ce Ddisappear解析依据下文的语境“获得了意想不到的成功”改变了生活,推知此处作者与下句的想法不一样,由此可知作者认为这些想法以前就有,故博文会“淡化;消失”。答案D41A.guess Baim Cimagine Dsuppose解析由上文作者认为博文会消失,联系此处那么多人关注,推知作者“想不到”会这样,故有“不可想象”。答案C42A.writing Breading Creciting Dcopying解析由从博文的角度,推知人们对它“阅读”符合常识,故答案B合适。答案B43A.finally Bhopefully Cdreadfully Dgradually解析从此处语境“还债”推知通过其他人对博文的点击而盈利,从而“最后”还清债务。答案A44A.sadly Banxiously Chappily Dbarely解析从此处语境“还清债务”然后专门做这项事业,由此推知“高兴地”辞去白天的工作。答案C45A.exciting Bamazing Ctiring Dboring解析由此处语境作者对于这种类型的成功还持有怀疑态度,由此推知“令人惊奇地意识到”。答案B46A.true Breal Chumor Drealistic解析由语境作者的不相信这种方式的成就,推知似乎不“现实”意思。true“真实的”;real“真正的”。答案D47A.college Bfactory Cpany Doffice解析此处语境描述作者几乎二十多年来精力集中在工作,说明作者的生活打拼,由此推知“上大学”、工作为一个人的经历,故答案A合适。答案A48A.spared Benjoyed Cliked Dloved解析根据语境作者叙述自己几乎二十年来的奋斗,从此处but often dreaded但是经常担惊受怕推知“享受”与之相对。答案B49A.stress Bdecide Cexpect Dconsume解析根据此处句意“应该会发生”推知“预料到”,故答案C合适。答案C50A.dreams Bidea Cplan Dopinion解析根据doing something I loved推知此处为作者想要做的事情,用“梦想”吻合语境。答案A51A.means Bhopes Cways Dbeliefs解析从此处作者提到自己做的“疯人疯语”,联系语境将来的情况可知“持有希望”,答案B合适。答案B52A.curious Bcrazy Cpossible Dobvious解析从下句作者描述的自己工作情况可知做到的这些改变了自己的生活,由此推知“可能的”。答案C53A.dared Bintended Cdetermined Dturned解析从上文语境作者对自己成功的不相信,推知生活的前三十年对于这种方式是“不敢去”做梦,答案A合适。答案A54A.direction Badvice Cchance Dchoice解析由下句.or teach people to be online 可以推知作者说自己不是一位喜欢给人们职业“建议”的人。答案B55A.absolutely BentirelyCfluently Dfrequently解析从此处语境反复强调这种方式的可行性,推知此处意思“可能的”。 答案A第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ANick is a 14yearold school boy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has little free time. He thinks playing puter games is the best way to make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the puter. Just like that way, he neither eats nor drinks for several hours. Last weekend, he played games on the puter again. He was too excited and didnt want to move. He didnt have anything for six hours. When he had to go to the bathroom, he found he could not move. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor told him he should do some more different kinds of activities. In other words, he needs more exercise and outdoor activities to make him have a healthy body.After ing back from the hospital, Nick follows the doctors advice. He often plays soccer with his friends. Sometimes he still plays puter games on weekends, but he never does it for long. Now, he lives a happy and healthy life.【语篇大意】本文叙述了一位痴迷电脑游戏而导致健康出问题的一位名叫Nick孩子的经过。56How old is Nick?A13. B14. C15. D16.解析细节理解题。根据第一段“Nick is a 14yearold school boy.”可知答案。答案B57Nick likes_ in his free time.Ariding a bikeBplaying the guitarCplaying puter games Dhaving a school trip解析推理判断题。根据第一段最后“he sits in front of the puter. Just like that way, he neither eats nor drinks for several hours.”叙述的Nick玩电脑游戏的情况可知他非常入迷。答案C58Why was Nick taken to the hospital?ABecause he was too excited. BBecause he had a cold in the morning.CBecause he was too nervous of his studies.DBecause he couldnt move after playing puter games so long.解析细节理解题。根据第二段叙述的之所以被带去医院是因为在电脑旁呆的时间过长而不能走了。答案D59Nick should_to follow the doctors advice.Ago to a movie Blisten to musicCtake more exercise Dplay puter games解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后提到的“In other words, he needs more exercise and outdoor activities to make him have a healthy body.”可知答案。答案CBWhen a tornado touched down in a small town nearby,many families were left pletely destroyed.Afterward,all the local newspapers carried many humaninterest stories featuring some of the families who suffered the hardest.One Sunday,a particular picture especially touched me.A young woman stood in front of an entirely shattered mobile home,a depressed expression twisting her features.A young boy,seven or eight years old,stood at her side,eyes downcast.Clutching (紧握) at her skirt was a tiny girl who stared into the camera,eyes wide with confusion and fear.The article that went with the picture gave the clothing sizes of each family member.With growing interest,I noticed that their sizes closely matched ours.This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to help those less fortunate than themselves.I taped the picture of the young family to our refrigerator,explaining their difficulty to my sevenyearold twins,Brad and Brett,and to threeyearold Meghan.“We have so much,and these poor people now have nothing,”I said.“Well share what we have with them.”I brought three large boxes down from the room upstairs and placed them on the living room floor.Meghan watched seriously,as the boys and I filled one of the boxes with canned goods and foods.While I sorted through our clothes,I encouraged the boys to go through their toys and donate some of their less favorite things.Meghan watched quietly as the boys piled up discarded toys and games.“Ill help you find something for the little girl when Im done with this,”I said.The boys placed the toys they had chosen to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes.Meghan walked up with Lucy,her worn,faded,muchloved rag doll hugged tightly to her chest.She paused in front of the box that held the toys,pressed her round little face into Lucys flat,paintedonface,gave her a final kiss,then laid her gently on top of the other toys.“Oh,Honey,”I said.“You dont have to give Lucy.You love her so much.”Meghan nodded seriously,eyes glistening with heldback tears.“Lucy makes me happy,Mommy.Maybe shell make that other little girl happy,too.”Swallowing_hard,I stared at Meghan for a long moment,wondering how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me.For I suddenly realized that anyone can give their castoffs away.True generosity is giving that which you value most.Honest benevolence (善行) is a threeyearold offering a valuable,though shabby,doll to a little girl she doesnt know with the hope that it will bring this child as much pleasure as it brought her.I,who had wanted to teach,had been taught.The boys had watched,openmouthed,as their baby sister placed her favorite doll in the box.Without a word,Brad rose and went to his room.He came back carrying one of his favorite action figures.He hesitated briefly,clutching the toy,then looked over at Meghan and placed it in the box next to Lucy.A slow smile spread across Bretts face,then he jumped up,eyes twinkling as he ran to fetch some of his prized Matchbox cars.Astonished,I realized that the boys had also recognized what little Meghans gesture meant.Swallowing back tears,I pulled all three of them into my arms.Taking the cue from my little one,I removed my old jacket from the box of clothes.I replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had found on sale last week.I hoped the young woman in the picture would love it as much as I did.Its easy to give that which we dont want any more,but harder to let go of things we cherish,isnt it?However,the_true_spirit_of_giving_is_to_give_with_your_heart.【语篇大意】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了龙卷风使得很多家庭彻底被毁,报纸上刊登的一幅图片使“我”很受触动并决定帮助这一家庭,也想以此来教育孩子们,因此“我”发动三个儿女拿出他们不是很喜欢的东西来捐献给他们。在“我”和两个双胞胎儿子捐献衣物、玩具的时候,只有三岁大的女儿Meghan捐献出她最喜欢的洋娃娃,女儿的这一举动感染了“我”和儿子,同时也让“我”明白:真正的给予不是给别人你不想要的东西,而是给予别人你最珍惜的东西。60Why does the author give a detailed description of a particular picture in the Sunday newspaper?ATo create an atmosphere of fear and depression brought by the tornado.BTo appeal to unconcerned people to donate for the poor families.CTo show the helplessness and hopelessness of the family mentioned in the paper.DTo stress what touched her and made her decide to help the hopeless family.解析推理判断题。难度中等。由接下来第三段的内容可知,作者对这幅图片进行详细的叙述,目的是强调这幅图片触动了作者,并决定利用这个机会鼓励孩子们去帮助那些比他们不幸的人。故选D项。答案D61According to the passage,which is the right order of the following happenings?aThe mother replaced her old jacket with a new one.bThe newspaper printed the photo of a helpless family.cBrett contributed some of his Matchbox cars.dThe mother decided to take advantage of the chance to educate her children.eMeghan put her favorite doll on top of the box.fBrad rose to fetch one of his favorite action figures.Abcefda BbdefcaCdbfeca Dbdeacf解析细节理解题。难度较小。根据第一段第二句话及第二段可知,最先的顺序为b;根据第三段第三句话可知,接下来顺序为d;根据第八段、倒数第五段第一、二句话以及倒数第四段、倒数第二段可知接下来发生的依次为e,f,c,a。故选B项。答案B62By “swallowing hard”,the writer means that _.Ashe was deeply puzzled by what the little girl didBshe had trouble persuading Meghan not to give away LucyCshe was greatly moved by Meghans unexpected decisionDshe was uncertain what consequences Meghans action would bring about解析推理判断题。难度中等。根据第十一段可推出,作者被女儿意料之外的决定深深地感动,所以哽咽了。故选C项。答案C63It is suggested in the sentence “the true spirit of giving is to give with your heart” that _.Asincere donation means offering help to others wholeheartedlyBtrue giving means giving others what you treasure mostCtrue generosity means helping others at the cost of your own benefitDhonest benevolence means devoting yourself to the career of donation解析句意理解题。难度中等。根据最后一段第一句话“给予别人我们不再想要的东西很容易,但是给予别人我们珍爱的东西却很难”以及Meghan捐出自己最喜欢的洋娃娃可知,画线句子应意为:真正的给予是给予别人你最珍惜的东西。故选B项。答案BCA Michigan man thanked his dog saving his life by chewing off his diseased big toe as he lay passed out in a drunken stupor(不省人事)Jerry Douthett, 48, woke up on a Saturday night in late July in his Rockford, Michigan home to find his Jack Russell Terrier, Kiko, had chewed off his right big toe.“The dog always lays with me on the bed,” said Douthett.“That night, I woke up and looked down at my foot, and it was wet. When I looked it was blood, and there was the dog looking at me with a blood moustache(触须)”Douthetts wife, Rosee, rushed him to a hospital where doctors found he was suffering from Type 2 diabetes. His toe was badly infected and doctors cut off the remainder of the toe.Douthetts wife, a registered nurse, had been advising him for weeks to have his infected toe examined by a doctor.On the night Kiko ate his toe, Douthett said he had been out with his wife and drank about “six or seven beers” and a pair of huge margaritas “big enough to put goldfish in.”“I was selfmedicating at this point,” he said.“The moral of the story is that the dog saved my life, because or else I never would have gone in to see a doctor.”The couple said they were amazed that Kiko seemed to know Douthett had a disease that needed treatment.“He kind of chewed off the infected part and stopped at the good bone,”said Rosee. “We joked that we shouldnt have had to pay the copay because he did half the job by chewing off half of the toe.” My mother once told me that dogs had helped humans during war periods. They traveled with the refugees (难民)and licked (舔) wounds and provided fort and support to the owners. Perhaps dogs saliva(唾液) act like a sort of antibiotic chemicals?【语篇大意】 小狗在危难时刻救主的感人事迹如今已经屡见不鲜了,而本文介绍的狗狗故事绝对会令你耳目一新:它竟然充当起了医生的角色,果断为病重而不愿就医的主人“动手术”。一名男子被自己饲养的宠物狗咬下了严重感染的脚趾,从而逼他去医院治疗,解除了身体的致命隐患,救了他一命。 64Kiko chew off Jerrys big toe when Jerry_.Ahad a quarrel with his wife because of drinking too much.Bwas having a sound sleeping after working overtime.Crefused to have an operation for his Type 2 diabetes.Dwas sleeping because of drinking too much wine.解析细节理解题。第一段的drunken stupor和第五段的drank about six or seven beers说明Kiko是在喝酒后不省人事的时候咬掉了主人的脚趾头。答案D65What does “margarita” in Paragraph 6 refer to? AA kind of wine. BA kind of fish food.CA kind of medicine. DA kind of glass.解析词义猜测题。第五段的“six or seven beers” 说明这里的 margaritas也是属于酒类的东西,正是因为喝了这些酒Jerry才不省人事的。 答案A66Jerry and his wife find Kiko quite surprising as they feel Kiko seems to_.Aknow that he is a shy man. Blove wine just like Jerry.Cknow that Jerry has some disease.Dhave played some operation before.解析推理判断题。第七段的The couple said they were amazed that说明这对夫妇感到最惊异的是在他们看来Kiko好像知道自己的主人身处险境却因为惧怕手术而退缩的时候自己果断将主人的脚趾咬掉,所以答案选择C项。答案CDMy name is Matthew and I graduated from an online high school. I am a bright person, but I wanted more control over my life and I got it. You may be wondering why I got fed up in high school? Well, I felt like what I was learning wasnt practical, I felt like I was spending 9 hours per day on something that should only take a few hours and I felt like I wasnt getting the proper socialization. I took 4 years to graduate from my high school. The pace was decided by me. I believe I could have graduated much earlier if I was forced.I did not want to be 3 years ahead of my friends (starting college, etc), although my mom sure would have been proud of me. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.Would I have been able to get a 4.0 in regular high school? I dont know. I would wake up at 6:30am every day and e home at 4:30 pm. That is nine hours per day spent on something that I felt could have been pleted in only a few hours, if that.My social life took a drop, true. Instead of hanging out and having fun, I was working online and making money. I also sat at home and spent a lot of time by myself. I still have no regrets about my high school decision. after all, I felt like it wasnt providing enough socialization with the right type of people, after all. Some people have a great time in high school, for most, though, it is not a great time and sometimes it is not even a healthy environment for them.You may be interested whether I got into college? Yes. I went to a public university. Upon application, and seeing my 4.0 GPA, the admissions office sent me a letter asking me to join their Honors College! 【语篇大意】我的高中生活与众不同,我是在网上取得高中学历的,因为我有足够的理由认为更适合这种方式,不用担心,即使这样,我优异的成绩依然为我迎来了一张公立大学的录取通知单。67Why did the author decide to get his degree of high school online?AHe disliked to play with the classmates.BHe hoped to manage his own study and life.CHis family was poor and he couldnt afford it.DHis parents are teachers and they taught him at home.解析细节理解题。第一段的第二句的wanted more control over my life说明作者选择这种学习方式的原因是为了获得更多的自由,和B项的manage his own study and life吻合。答案B68Why did the author spend four years to graduate from his high school?AHe didnt want to go to his university too early.BHe hasnt made enough money for his scholarship.CHe had to look after his sick mother at home then.DHe was trying to making his social life colorful then.解析细节理解题。第二段第四句的did not want to be 3 years ahead of my friends是本题的解题线索,说明自己虽然选择了少数同龄人选择的方式,但是他并不愿意过早地进入大学,虽然网络学习可以让他较早拿到文凭,所以答案选择A项。答案A69When did the author study at home to get his degree?AFrom 6:30am to 4:30pm every day.BFrom 7:30am to 3:30pm every day. CHe would spare nine hours every day.DHe would spare some hours without fixed time.解析推理判断题。第三段第三句的wake up at 6:30am every day and e home at 4:30pm说的是作者如果不选择网络学习这种方式就要应对的学习时间,所以答案选择D项。答案D70What did the author do in his spare time during the four years?ATry to make his social life rise like others.BHang out and have fun with the others.CManage to make money online.DStay at the public libraries.解析推理判断题。第四段第二句的was working online and making money是本题的解题线索,而A项和第四段的第一句相悖,B项和第四段第二句的上半句相悖。答案C第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Laughter and tears are part of living. But do you find enough time for laughter? I am not asking if you experience lots of good times. Of course we should laugh during the happy times. _71_Erma Bombeck is known for her humorous books, but she wrote one that covered a more serious topic:cancer in children. Erma talks with lots of children with cancer and learns “important life lessons from them._72_She tells the experience of 15yearold Jessica from Burlington. Jessicas leg was amputated (锯掉) at the knee because of cancer. Jessica tells about playing soccer. She kicked the ball hard and it flew off in one direction while her artificial leg flew another way. Then “The tall, pretty person that I am,” she said, “sat on the floor in laughter.” Jessica may not have laughed about her cancer, but she laughed about dealing with its results. _73_Then there is the story of 17yearold Betsy. She made her way to the radiation room (放射室) for her regular radiation therapy. As usual, she dropped her hospital gown and, wearing only her birthday suit, climbed onto the table and waited. After a couple of moments she began to realize something disturbing: the extra people in the room were not the medical students she had thought, but rather painters giving an estimate on painting! _74_ And like Jessica, her ability to laugh helped her to deal with one of the most difficult things a young person can endure (忍受) cancer.There is a time to weep and a time to laugh._75_ And youll smile at the end. AShe was learning to wear an artificial leg.BAnd her laughter helped her cope.CYou would be happy if you find reasons to laugh.DBetsy laughed heartily about the incident.EBut do you also laugh during the difficult times?FIf you can laugh even when the going gets rough, youll make it.GShe learns, for instance, that cancer survivors know how to laugh.答案71.E72.G73.B74.D75.FAt first I was not quite willing to sit down and watche the 90minute football match. Usually I just checked the results because I thought tha was dull to watch a game in tha players kicked a ball to each other. Theref

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