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2019年小升初英语语法专项练习20(含解析)( C)1. Yang Ling is good _English, but she _not do well in PE. A. in; do B. at; do C at; does解析;be good at sth 在某方面比较擅长,she后面接三单形式(B )2.-Happy _ Day! Here _ some flowers _you. A. Teachers; is ; toB Teachers; are; forC. Teachers; are; to解析; Happy Teachers Day,教师节快乐,固定用法,后一句是倒装句,主语是some flowers,谓语用复数are,给某人用介词 to,(C )3. -Helen is talking _ her parents _ her birthday party. A. to; about B. about; in C. with; for解析; talk with sb和某人说话,为了什么事用介词for(C )4.-Id like a cake _ lots of _.A. have; strawberries B. has: strawberries C. with; strawberries解析; Id like a cake是完整的一句话,故后面应该是用介词短语做状语,故用C(B )5.-The shop is at _crossing. A. third B. the third C. the two解析;序数词前面要加定冠词the(B )6.-Its time _lunch. A. to B. for C. have解析; Its time forsth是什么的时间了(B )7.-Is there _ water in the bottles? A. some B. any C. a解析; any可以修饰不可数名词(A )8.The bank is _my uncles home.A. next to B. in C. to解析; next to在附近(B )9.How many _are there under the tree?A. man B. women C. woman解析; 由are知主语为复数名词,只有B可以(B )10.Is your bag big _small?A. and B. or C. an解析; or表示或者 两者选一(A )11._does Ben go to school? By bus .A. How B. What C. Where解析;怎样如何用How(A )12._is that ? Thats my cousin.A. Who B. What C. Whose解析;由Thats my cousin知,前面一句是问那是谁,用Who(A )13. I usually ride the bike after school _Mondays.A. on B. in C. at解析;在周几用介词on(B )14Is your mother strong _weak?A. and B. or C. but解析; or表示或者,两者选一(C )15. I get up _7:00 every morning .A. in B. on C. at解析;在几点用介词at

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