2018-2019版高中英语 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained单元加餐练 牛津译林必修2.doc

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Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained单元加餐练.完形填空For most,getting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want.Getting a car did 1 this for me,and it also brought my best friend and me 2 .But then it tore us apart(分开)My best friend lives three minutes from my 3 .Since her 4 is in late summer,seven months behind mine,I seemed to bee her 5 when I turned 16 in December.And so I 6 her up for school and took her home.We made icecream 7 ,went shopping and to the moviesall in my car.I would drive to her house just to sit on her bed,read magazines and have a good laugh.I went to her house so 8 that she gave me a key 9 her house.A week after I began to drive,she was with me 10 I had my first accident.She was there and 11 me and we kept it a 12 ,since I didnt want people to 13 .From then on,through thick and thin(患难与共),it was just me,my car and my best friend.High school is a time of 14 ,but I couldnt 15 for a long time 16 we became so distant.Finally,my friend got her dream car:a green 2004 Volkswagen New Beetle.With its 17 ,the passenger seat of my car became 18 .Our car trips became less frequent 19 I didnt even drive down her street.Its funny how a car can change a relationship so much.I had wanted her to get a car,but once she did,I 20 it.I wanted her friendship back,even if it couldnt be the same.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者拥有自己的汽车后,和自己最好的朋友在一起的时间增多了,变得更亲密,但当好朋友有了自己的车以后,她们的关系变得疏远了。最后作者感慨一辆汽车使自己和好朋友的友谊发生了如此大的变化,她多想重拾这份友谊。1A.some BanyCnone Dall答案D解析根据上文中的“For most,getting a car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want.”可知,拥有一辆车使作者可以做到这一切。故选D。2A.closer BfartherCluckier Dhappier答案A解析根据下文发生转折的一句话“But then it tore us apart(分开)”可知,此处应是好朋友和“我”更亲密(closer)。3A.neighbor BschoolChome Doffice答案C解析好朋友住的地方离“我”的“家”有三分钟的车程。4A.holiday BbirthdayCcourse Djob答案B解析根据下文的“in late summer,seven months behind mine.when I turned 16 in December”可知,此空应该表示“生日”。5A.guide BfollowerCpartner Ddriver答案D解析根据下一段内容可知,作者开车和好朋友一起做了很多事情,所以此空选“driver”。6A.picked BwokeCcalled Dhurried答案A解析所以“我”接她上学和送她回家。pick up(开车)接。7A.parties BtripsCplans Dclasses答案B解析根据下文中的“went shopping and to the moviesall in my car”可知,此空应选B项。8A.happily BfrequentlyCsecretly Dsuddenly答案B解析根据下文中的“she gave me a key”可知,我“经常”去她家。9A.to BonCof Dfor答案A解析a key to.表示“的钥匙”,符合语境。10A.while BbutCwhen Dafter答案C解析当“我”第一次出车祸时,她和“我”在一起。when当时,符合语境。11A.saved BsuggestedCadvised Dforted答案D解析当发生车祸时,好朋友和作者在一起并“安慰”作者。12A.favorite BsecretCpride Djoke答案B解析我们保守这个“秘密”,因为“我”不想让别人“知道”。13A.help BseeCknow Dlaugh答案C解析参考上题解析。know知道。14A.change BdisappointmentCfriendship Dexcitement答案A解析根据下文可知,高中时期是发生“变化”的时期。15A.believe BanswerCimagine Dunderstand答案D解析“我”很长一段时间不能“理解”我们的关系是“如何”变得如此疏远的。16A.when BwhereChow Dwhat答案C解析参考上题解析。how如何。17A.arrival BdreamCreturn Dbeauty答案A解析随着她的新车的“到来”,“我”车上的乘客座变“空”了。18A.broken BcrowdedCempty Ddifferent答案C解析参考上题解析。empty空的。19A.however BuntilCas Dthough答案B解析我们开车出去旅行的次数变得越来越少,“直到”我甚至都不去她住的那条街为止。20A.lost BreceivedCenjoyed Dregretted答案D解析“我”曾经希望她有一辆汽车,但是一旦她有了车,我就“后悔”了。.阅读理解AJK.Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter,which is now one of the bestsellers in the world.JK.Rowling was born in Bristol on July 31st,1965.She has one sister who is two years younger than her.Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them.They especially loved stories about magical worlds.Rowling wrote her first story,called Rabbit,at the age of six.After she graduated from the university,Rowling worked as a translator in London.During this time,on a long train trip in the summer of 1990,the idea came to her of a boy who has magic but doesnt know it.In 1992,Rowling began to teach English.She lived with her baby daughter,Jessica,and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers.It appeared in June 1997.To her surprise,the book was greatly successful.The film came out in November 2001.Now Harry Potter series(系列) is popular with people of all ages and about 60 million books were sold in 200 countries.Why has the series been so successful? There are a few things.Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in past or future times.But Harry lives in modern England.Hes also a very normal boy: polite,friendly,brave and clever.So when other children read about Harry,they can imagine being like him.JK.Rowling is very happy with the success,and she is now busy finishing the whole series of seven books.Shes writing full time and shes really enjoying life.She says she will go on living a normal life with her daughter and writing childrens books.语篇解读本文属于人物传记。介绍了目前全世界最畅销的书之一哈利波特的作者J.K.罗琳。21From the passage,we know .AJ.K.Rowling met a boy named Harry on a long train tripBJ.K.Rowling loved listening to stories when she was very youngCJ.K.Rowling is two years younger than her sisterDHarry Potter is JK.Rowlings first story答案B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Both girls loved listening to their father reading bedtime stories to them.”可知,两个女孩都喜欢她们的父亲读睡前故事给她们听,所以J.K.罗琳小时候喜欢听故事。故选B。22The first Harry Potter book came out in .AJuly 1965 Bthe summer of 1990CJune 1997 DNovember 2001答案C 解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She lived with her baby daughter,Jessica,and spent much time finishing the first Harry Potter book for young readers.It appeared in June 1997.”可知选C。23J.K.Rowling has been successful,and she .Alikes to travel all over the world with her daughterBis too busy to enjoy her lifeCis excited about her success every dayDis still writing stories for children答案D 解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句及上文的描述可知,她还将继续写儿童读物。故选D。24How is Harry Potter series different from other magical stories?AThere are magical things.BThe stories happened in the modern world.CIt has seven books.DIt took much time to finish.答案B 解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Many other magical stories take place in faraway lands or in past or future times.But Harry lives in modern England.”可知,其他的魔法故事大多发生在遥远的地方或者很久以前或者很久以后,而Harry生活在现代英国。故B项正确。B(2018镇江高一上期末)A man had a dream in which he was told where he could find fantastic wealth in a remote place.When he awoke,he immediately set off to find it.After a long journey full of danger and hardship,he arrived at the place in his dream.A local man who had heard about the dreamers purpose laughed loud and long,saying that he had dreamed three times about a house where great treasure was buried under a fountain.It made the dreamer realize that the place the local was describing was his very own yard.He returned home and found the treasure.Like the man in this tale,the Chinese movie industry has been on a long journey to find its place in the world.In 1994,The Fugitive became the first major Hollywood film to be shown in the country in decades.Audiences were attracted by the movies fast pace and sound effects,and it proved to be a great success.Since then,the Chinese film industry has balanced a plex(复杂的) relationship with Hollywood.Although there has been a sharp slowdown in Chinas boxoffice numbersmovieticket revenue rose just 3.7 percent in 2017 after growing by an average of 35 percent per year from 2011 to 2016the country still has a huge movie market,with theaters continuing to expand into more rural areas and audiences proving that they have a strong desire for Hollywood action films.So much so that recently,Hollywood has even started to make movies with China in mind,casting Chinese movie stars with great boxoffice power and changing the plots of films to win over Chinese moviegoers.Many in Chinas film industry,from young scriptwriters(编剧) to senior critics,know Hollywoods dramatic structure all too well and support its styles.And many American offerings introduced in the Chinese market,regardless of quality,continue to do well among Chinese audiences,especially with young people,whose tastes and viewing habits have been shaped by Hollywood movies and TV shows.Like audiences in other developing countries,those in China tend to have a worldview filtered(过滤) by and focused on the United States,even though the United States doesnt mean the whole world and Hollywood isnt the worlds only movie industry.Like an ocean that refuses no rivers,Chinas movie industry will continue to influence and allow itself to be influenced by its international counterparts(对应的人或物)China needs the United States,and the United States needs China.But at the moment,a large difference exists in that very few Chinese movies are able to enter the American market and attract a significant audience.Chinese audiences provide Hollywood with huge profits,but what does Chinas film industry gain in return?语篇解读本文主要论述了中国电影业面临的现状。中国庞大的电影市场,中国观众对好莱坞动作片有强烈的欲望,尤其是盲目地欣赏美国电影。这种情况让好莱坞获取了高额利润,但中国电影却很少能进入美国。说明了中国电影业还有很长的一段路要走。25What is the main purpose of Paragraph 1?ATo inform us of the importance of having a dream.BTo show the great influence of hardships in finding treasure.CTo tell us an interesting story about finding treasure at home.DTo make us better understand the long journey Chinas movie industry has experienced.答案D 解析推理判断题。第一段中讲述了一个男子做了一个梦,说遥远的地方能找到一笔巨大的财富,到那儿之后这个男子根据一个当地人的描述才知道财富就在自己家。这个男子便返回自己家并找到了那笔财富。结合下文可知,中国电影业就像这个故事中的人物一样也要经历类似这样的一个漫长的过程。分析选项可知D项符合题意。26Why has Hollywood started to make movies with China in mind?AChinese movie stars are good at acting.BChina has a huge potential in expanding movie markets.CChinese movies fast pace and sound effects attract Hollywood.DThere has been a dramatic increase in Chinas boxoffice numbers.答案B 解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的内容可知,尽管中国电影票房收入增长缓慢,但庞大的电影市场,影院继续扩大到更多的农村地区。观众对好莱坞动作片有强烈的欲望,这使得好莱坞看到了中国电影市场的巨大潜力。故选B项。27What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?AChinas film industry benefits a lot from Hollywood.BMany Chinese movies have entered the world market.CMany Chinese audiences appreciate American movies blindly.DChinese audiences tend to have an objective worldview towards American films.答案C 解析推理判断题。根据最后两段内容可知,在中国市场推出的许多美国产品,无论质量如何,在中国观众中都受到欢迎,尤其是年轻人,他们的品味和欣赏习惯已经被好莱坞电影和电视节目所影响。故可推断出中国的许多观众盲目地欣赏美国电影。故选C项。28Which of the following best describes the authors attitude towards Chinas film industry?APitiful. BHopeless.CConcerned. DScared.答案C解析观点态度题。根据最后一段最后两句可知,目前,中国电影很少能进入美国市场,吸引大量观众。中国观众为好莱坞电影提供了巨额利润,但中国的电影产业又获得了什么回报呢?分析句意可知作者对中国电影业非常担忧。故选C项。


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