2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Project I导学案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Project I导学案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U3 Project I导学案 牛津译林版Class: Group: No._ Name: 【使用说明与学法指导】课前先预习课文,掌握文章大意,完成相关预习题。将预习中不明白的地方用红笔标出,待课上解决。课堂上15分钟自学课文,独立完成Task1,Task2.Task3规范书写。(写好后熟读课文)小组合作探究10分钟,尽可能解决所遇问题。(仍有问题的提出来,其它小组帮助解决,老师给予必要的点拨)当堂检测 【Learning goals】1. To prehend the passage thoroughly and get the main idea2. To learn to catch the detailed information by self-directed study and cooperation.【Important and difficult points】To find the main idea of each paragraph【课前预习,静学深思】预习检测(正误判断)Healthy eating is the only way to bee fit.A good amount of sleep does good to your health.Drinking plenty of water every day makes your skin and hair better.Experts suggest that teenagers spend 30 minutes exercising every week.Diets are useful for your health in the long term. 【课内探究,携手共行】Task 1 完成课课练P76 练习题Task 2 Read the article again to get the main idea.Task 3 Find main idea of each paragraph.Para. 1_Para. 2_Para. 3_Para. 4_Para. 5_Para. 6_ 【活学活用,当堂检测】Healthy eating along 1. _ regular exercise is the only way to bee 2. _. Diets can only work in the short 3. _, yet 20% of the teenagers have tried dieting and 4. _ meals to control their weight! If you often skip meals, you dont get enough energy and then you may feel 5. _. You also need to drink plenty of water so as to 6. _ your skin and hair. Exercise can help to make you look good, feel good and be healthy. Walking and riding your bike 7. _, so do school sports. When you exercise, your body produces some 8. _ that make you feel relaxed and increase your ability to 9. _ when you study. These chemicals can even help you sleep better at night. Loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to 10. _ weight. 【课后拓展,能力提升】根据课本P59内容,分组制作一个booklet预习金太阳导学案P103-106

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