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2019-2020年牛津英语8A语法复习学案(有答案)一、形容词、副词的比较级1. which is + 比较级, A or B? Which is +比较级,sb, A or B? Which book is_, this one or that one? (easy) Which is _(large), Lucy, the sun or the earth?2.句中有than的比较级Skating is _than swimming. (exciting)Lily runs_(slow) than Lucy.They talked _(noise) than before. ( )Tom speaks Chinese_better than Jimmy. A. more B. very C. a lot of D. much( )The pen is_than that one. A. more cheapB. cheap C. much cheaper D. quite cheaper( )She is_than me at drawings. A. better B. best C. good D. harder3.一点 a little/ a bit 一些some / any 多much/ a lot / far 更加 even 等此修饰比较级There will be much _(cloud) tomorrow, it will be much_(cloudy) I dont feel any _(good) , I feel even _(bad).The flats in the city center are far_(expensive) these years.4. 比较级 +and + 比较级 “越来越” : stronger and stronger 越来越强大 more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮Things are getting _and _ (bad)( ) She is being _.A. more and more beautiful B. more and more beautifullyC. more beautiful and more beautifulD. beautiful and beautiful5. the + 比较级+ of + 两者 两个中更。的一个( ) Which is _girl, Lucy or Mary? A. tallerB. the tallerC. the tallestD. the most tallOf my parents, mother is _(old). She is _( happy) one of the twins. 6. the +比较级,the + 比较级 “越., 就越.” The higher you climb, the_ it will be. (cold)( ) _ you are , _ you will be. A. the carefuler, the better B. the more careful, the better C the more carefully, the better D. more careful, better7. any other +单数 “任何别的” (与范围内的比较) any+ 单数 “任何” (与范围外的比较) ( ). She is better at English than _ in her class.A. any other student B. the other studentC. the one of any other student D. those of any other student( )Shanghai is bigger than _ in Japan. A. any cityB. any other cityC. the other cities D. other cities 8. oldolderoldest oldeldereldest (elder/ eldest 放在名词前,older/oldest 则不可)( )Miss Gaos _ sister works in No.1 Middle School. A. old B. older C. eld D. elder9farfarther-farthest (指距离上的远) farfurtherfurthest (不仅指距离上的远,还可指程度上的进一步) Hainan is _from Beijing than Hunan. (far)I went to England for _(far) study.10.同类比较My hair is longer than_A. my sister B. Kate C. my brothers D. Lucys11.同类比较,后者单数用 that代替,复数用those /the ones 代替。( ) The weather here is colder than _ in Nanjing. A. thisB. itC. thatD. the one ( ) The flowers in the park are much redder than _ in the street.A. thatB. theseC. thoseD. they ( ) The city looks more modern that _ was three years ago.A. thisB. itC. thatD. the one 12.情境中的比较级( ) This blue sweater is too big for me .Will you please show me a_ one? A. small B. smaller C. the smallest D. smallestWhat a nice dress ! I have never seen a _(good) one.13.注意结构的并列( ) I like the TV channel with funnier programmes but _ advertisements. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less 二、形容词,副词的最高级1.Which is +the+ 最高级, A , B or C?Which is _(big), the sun, the moon or the earth?2. of + 同类 ( of+复数),in + 组织 ( in + 单数)是最高级的标志Winter is_season of the years. (cold)This mooncake is _(cheap) of all.Our city is one of _(safe) cities in the world.English is _(widely)spoken in the world.Xiao Yu speaks English _(well) in his group.3.有 I have watched. “我见过的” 这样的标志用最高级Its _( interest) film that I have watched.4. one of + the + 最高级+ 复数 “最。的 之一”( ) The Changjiang River is _ in China.A. one of the long river B. longest river C. one of long river D. one of the longest rivers 5.the +序数词+最高级+名词单数 Shanghai is the first _(big) city in China.( )Hainan is a very large island(岛). It is the second_island in China. A. large B. larger C. largest D. the most large6.语境中的最高级( ) _ thing is to study hard.A. The most important B. Most important C. More important D. The important7. 固定搭配中的最高级I know they are trying their _ (good) to help us.8.句中有别的特指时不用the , 副词的最高级可以省去the ( ) He is _ best friend. A. my theB. the my C. my D. my a the He runs the fastest in the class= He runs fastest in the fast.9.区分用形容词还是用副词的比较级/最高级( ) Of all the students, Betty works _.A. very carefully B. the most carefulC. more carefully D. the most carefully三、Asas 与soas 1. A be as+ adj./ adv.原形+ as B “A 与B一样。”This radio is as_as that one. (cheap)2. A + be + not as/ so +adj./ adv.原形+ as “ A 不如B。”( ) I cant do the job _ you.A. so bad as B. as badly as C. as worse as D. so worst as( ) in the sports meeting, Amy ran _.A. as faster as she canB. as soon as she could C. as fast as she could D. as soon as she can 四、数量的比较级和最高级1.fewfewerfewest (后面加可数名词复数) littlelessleast (后加不可数名词)There are _boys than girls in our class. (few)We need _ (little) money and _ (few) people to do the work.I have _ (little) free time than John.Of all the girls, she makes _(few) mistakes.2. much/ manymoremost _people came to the meeting than last time. (many)3. few 表“没几个”,否定, little 表示”没有多少”,否定( )The Maths problem is so difficult that _ students can work it out.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little4. so + 原形( )Students are very busy because they have so _ books to read and so _ homework to do every day.A. many, many B. much, much C. many, much D. much, many5.关于数量的固定搭配 at least (至少) at most (至多) more or less (差不多)There are 500 books at _(little)答案: 一、1. easier, larger 2 more exciting, more slowly, more noisily, D , C, A 3. cloud, cloudier , better, worse, more expensive 4. worse, worse, A 5. B, the older, the happier 6. colder, B 7. A,A 8. B 9. farther, further 10. C 11. C, C, B 12. B, better 13 B二、1. the biggest 2. the coldest, the cheapest, the safest,( the) most widely , (the ) best3. the most interesting 4. D 5. biggest , C 6. A 7. best 8. C 9. D 三、1. cheap 2.B, C四、1. fewer, less/ the least, fewer/ the fewest , less, the fewest 3. More 4. C 5. least


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