2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 2《The Universal Language》(Project)教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 2《The Universal Language》(Project)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 2The Universal Language(Project)教学设计板 块:Project Thoughts on the design:本节课是以读为主,在理解范文结构后,指导学生完成本单元Project为目的的教学课。 文章是关于音乐在过去一百年的发展,在经过对文章各个部分的分析和欣赏后,激发学生对音乐方面的兴趣,并让学生以此文为范例,理解制作网页中需要调查的各个方面内容,分组合作进行研究对象的确定和自己资料的搜查,最终可以制作出自己的网页。Teaching aims:After learning the article, the students will be able to know some basic ideas about different styles of music and the development of music. They are expected to take this article as an example to do some research on a singer or a band to make a web page by working together.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Lead in Show title and lead in: how many types of music do you know in the world? (PPT 4-5)Explanation 本课课文以介绍音乐为主,所以导入时可以考虑让学生听不同种类音乐,引入文章可能出现的音乐类型。Step 2 Fast reading Ask students to read the articleand find answers to the question. (PPT6)Q: How many kinds of music are mentioned in the passage?v Jazz v R & Bv Rock & Rollv Pop music Explanation第一遍阅读,了解文章记叙的几种音乐。Step 3 Careful readingRead the passage carefully and deal with the following part. (PPT7)Time Types of musicOrigin Representative Early Jazz Folk songs of black AmericansLouis Armstrong(1930s-1950s)R & BBill Haley and the ets1950sRock & rollDevelop from R&BBig Joe Turner/Elvis Presley 1960sPop musicThe Beatles Explanation第二遍阅读,根据文章内容,找出空缺的内容。同时引发学生思考,如果介绍乐队或者歌手,哪些方面是需要介绍的。Step 4 Consolidation (PPT8-15)Focus on each part and find out descriptions of the representatives.1) Louis Armstrong is the founding father of jazz. His strength lies in that he could improvise while he was playing it.2) Bill Haley and the ets, a white band, and became a hit on the pop charts. They then recorded “Rock Around the Clock”, which became the number one hit of 1955. “Rock Around the Clock” caused rock music to be recognized as its own, separate style, and made it popular around the world.3) Big Joe Turner was a black American singer. He released his 1st R & R song called Shake, rattle & roll in 1954.v He didnt achieve fame mainly due to racial discrimination.4) Ask and answer questions: v Who discovered Elvis Presley?v A music promoter from Memphis, Tennessee. v Out of what purpose?v Because of the prejudice and racial discrimination of the timev How to understand “he turned out to be the answer to Philips prayer”?v He is the best choice for Philip.v What did Elvis Presley turn out to be?v The most popular music star in the world.5) the Beatles: true or false?1. The Beatles broke up in 1970, but they are still very popular.2. Beatlemania is actually some kind of mental illness. 3. In 1965, the Beatles held a concert in USA that was attended by approximately 55,000 people. Explanation此部分主要侧重加深学生对音乐种类的理解,通过些图片和文字来介绍音乐的一些代表人物。Step 5 Discussion Help students understand the structure of the text. (PPT16)v How to research and what to research about a singer or a band? Think of some questions:v When was the band founded and how?v What musical instrument do they use?v What songs do they sing? How about their style?v Where do they perform?Explanation以此篇为模板,和学生探讨这篇文章的框架结构,写此类的文章,需要引入哪些内容。Step 6 Work in groups and make a plan (PPT 18) v Planning v Work in small groups and decide which singer or band to focus on.v Preparingv Find as much information as you can either from a book, a magazine or from the internet.v Producing v make your webpagev Presentingv Present your webpage to the class. Paste it on the board. Explanation着手处理project,分组,确定调查对象、调查内容,分工合作。Step 7 Homework (PPT 21)1) Please review what has been learned in todays class.2) Please finish the exercise on Page 109.3) Present your webpage next day.


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