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RevisionTranslatethefollowingsentences 1 再给一小时我就能把工作完成 2 我发现他坐在椅子上 全神贯注于杂志 3 除了有趣和是好的锻炼 游泳也是一种有用的技能 Inasportsteameachplayerhasaclearrole andtherearefewoccasions membersareconfusedoruncertainoftheirroles TheAttributiveClause Grammar 修饰名词和代词的成分 Keywords 定语 abeautifulgirl atallboy 定语从句 修饰名词和代词的从句 ThisisthebestfilmthatIhaveseen 定语从句 先行词 that 关系词 beautiful tall thebestfilm ThisisthebestfilmthatIhaveseen 关系词 引导定语从句 代替先行词 在从句中担当一个成分 关系词的作用 1 2 3 Learningaims Theusageoftherelativepronounandadverb 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 常见考点 1 指物时只用that或which的情况2 介词 关系代词3 whose用法及转换形式4 as与which的区别5 指人时that与who的区别6 如何判断用关系副词还是关系代词7 定语从句中的主谓一致问题 Revision1theusageoftherelativepronoun who whom which that whose theusageoftherelativeadverb when where why time place reason adverbial adverbial adverbial 起限定作用 若省略 原句意义不完整 起补充说明作用 若省略 原句意义不受影响 修饰先行词 修饰先行词 整个句子 无逗号隔开 有逗号与主句隔开 可用that 不可用that Revision2限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 作宾语时可以省略 不可以省略 Herbrotherwhoisnowasoldieralwaysencourageshertogotocollege Herbrother whoisnowasoldier alwaysencourageshertogotocollege Revision2限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 她那当兵的哥哥总是鼓励她上大学 隐含意思 或许不止一个哥哥 她哥哥是当兵的 他总是鼓励她上大学 Thebook that which IboughtyesterdayisHarryPotterandtheOrderofPhoenix Thebook whichIboughtyesterday isHarryPotterandtheOrderofPhoenix 可用that 作宾语时可以省略 不可用that 作宾语时不可以省略 我昨天买的那本书是 哈里 波特与凤凰令 1 指物时只用that或which的情况 Revision3难点突破 2 介词 关系代词 3 whose用法及转换形式 4 as与which的区别 5 指人时that与who的区别 6 如何判断用关系副词还是关系代词 7 定语从句中的主谓一致问题 1 Thisisall Iknowaboutthematter A thatB whatC whoD whether2 Isthereanythingelse yourequire A whichB thatC whoD what3 Thereisnodictionary youcanusetofindeverything A thatB whichC whereD inthat 考点一 只用that的情况 4 Hetalkedhappilyaboutthemenandbooks interestedhimgreatlyintheschool A whichB thatC itD whom 6 Isoxygentheonlygas helpsfireburn A thatB C whichD it 7 Whichwasthehotel wasrecommendedtoyou A thatB whichC whereD it 5 Thelastplace wevisitedwastheGreatWall A whichB thatC whereD it 1 先行词为all little much everything nothing something anything等不定代词 2 先行词被all little much every no 等修饰时 3 先行词被序数词或最高级修饰 先行词前有序数词 thefirst 形容词最高级 thebest thelast thevery theonly等时 4 先行词为人和物的组合5 若主句中有疑问代词who或者which 为了避免重复 关系代词不要再用who which 而用that 只用that的情况 1 Jimpassedthedrivingtest surprisedeverybodyintheoffice AwhichBthatCthisDit 只用which的情况 1 逗号后面2 介词后面 2 Theday hewasbornwasAug 20 1952 AonwhichBthatCwhichDthis 考点二 介词 关系代词 提醒 介词 关系代词引导的定语从句 关键是介词的选择 方法一 根据从句中动词与先行词习惯搭配方法二 根据从句中动词与先行词的逻辑关系 注意 关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时 从句常常由 介词 关系代词 引出 此时关系代词只能用which或whom 不可用that或who代替 ThemanisfromBeijingUniversity Italkedabouthimatthemeeting Jointhemintoonesentence Theman isfromBeijingUniversity Themanabout ItalkedatthemeetingisfromBeijingUniversity whom who whom that Italkedaboutatthemeeting 但是遇到固定词组时 介词一般紧跟词组主体 不作前置 Isthisthebook which that youarelookingfor Fillingblanks 1 Theman youshookhandsjustnowisourheadmaster 2 Theroom myfamilyliveusedtobeagarage withwhom inwhich Ericreceivedtrainingincomputerforoneyear hefoundajobinbigcompany 07辽宁A afterthatB afterwhichC afteritD afterthis Thebookwaswrittenin1946 theeducationsystemhaswitnessedgreatchanges 07山东A whenB duringwhichC sincethenD sincewhen 考点三Whose用法及转换形式 1 whose引导定语从句 其后应紧跟名词 构成名词短语 That sthechildwhosefatherisateacher Doyouknowthewomanwhosehusbandisadoctor Thisisabookwhosecoverisgreen 2 whose引导定语从句 其先行词不仅可以指人 还可以指物 3 whose的先行词指物时 可用ofwhich代替 但词序不同 即whose 名词 the n ofwhich ofwhich the n Helivesintheroomwhosewindowfacessouth Helivesintheroom facessouth Helivesintheroom facessouth thewindowofwhich ofwhichthewindow 考点四 as与which引导的定语从句 两者均可引导非限制性定语从句 有时可以互换 但下列情况多用as 1 当与such或thesame连用时 一般用as e g ThisissuchaneasyquestionasIcananswer ThisissuchaneasyquestionthatIcananswerit ThisisthesameknifeasIlost ThisisthesameknifethatIlost 2 as引导的从句可以放在句首 as本身有 正如 正象 之意 与之连用的词有know see expect announce pointout等 e g Asweallknow theearthisround 1 wasnatural hemarriedJenny A WhichB ThatC ThisD As2 Suchsigns weuseintheexperiment Greekletters A as areB as isC that areD that is3 hasbeensaidabove grammarisasetofdeadrules A WhichB WhatC ThatD As4 Wedothesamework theydo A whichB asC thanD like Anyone breaksthelawispunished Those breakthelawarepunished He breaksthelawispunished 在anyone those he she I they作先行词时 用 who 代替 that 考点五 that与who的区别 who who who 选用定语从句的关系词时 需注意两点 1 先行词2 关系词在从句中充当的成分 做主语 宾语 定语用 做状语用 关系代词 关系副词 考点六 如何判断用关系副词还是关系代词 Iwillneverforgettheday Ifirstwenttoschool Iwillneverforgettheday wespentinBeijing Thehouse wevisitedisbeingrepairednow Thehouse Luxunoncelivedisbeingrepairednow when which that which that where 考点七 定语从句中主谓一致问题定语从句中的动词在人称和数方面应该与它的先行词保持一致 1 Iamnotonewho afraidofdifficulty 2 Don tchooseme who notfitforthisjob is am 3 Thisisoneofthebestbooks A thathaveeverbeenwrittenB thathaseverbeenwrittenC thathaswrittenD thathavewritten4 Sheisnottheonlyoneofthegirls wellinclass A whichsingsB whosingC whosingsD whotosing 1Aftergraduationshereachedthepointinhercareer sheneededtodecidewhattodo 07江西 AthatBwhatCwhichDwhere2Laterinthischaptercaseswillbeintroducedtoreaders consumercomplaintshaveresultedinchangesinthelaw 08江西 AwhereBwhenCwhoDwhich 在定语从句中 当先行词为point case stagesituation activity race job等 而且从句缺状语时 通常用关系副词where引导 1ItwasalongtheMississippiRiver MarkTwainspentmuchofhischildhood 08天津 AhowBwhichCthatDwhere2ItwastheMississippiRiver MarkTwainspentmuchofhischildhood AhowBwhichCthatDwhere 定语从句与强调句的区分 强调句去掉itis was that后 句子仍然成立 that在句中不充当成分 1TheywillflytoWashington theyplantostayfortwoorthreedays 08重庆 AwhereBthereCwhichDwhen2TomorrowisTom sbirthday Haveyougotanyidea thepartyistobeheld 08陕西 AwhatBwhichCthatDwhere3You dbetternotleavethemedicine kidscangetit 08山东 AevenifBwhichCwhereDsothat 定语从句与其它从句的区分 1 定语从句 2 同位语从句 3 地点状语从句 1 通读全句 首先判断是什么句型 2 题干句如果是疑问句式 将其转化为陈述句式 3 分析从句的句子结构 在定语从句中 缺什么 就补什么 缺主或宾语 用关系代词 缺状语 用关系副词 4 注意标点符号和题干中是否存在并列连词and but等 解题思路 感悟 真题 经典 1 Theroadconditionsthereturnedouttobeverygood wasmorethanwecouldexpect 08全国 A itB whatC whichD that 2 I llgiveyoumyfriend shomeaddress Icanbereachedmostevenings 08北京卷 A whichB whenC whomD where 3 Themanpulledoutagoldwatch weremadeofsmalldiamonds 2008陕西卷 A thehandsofwhomB whomthehandsofC whichthehandsofD thehandsofwhich 4 Wewentthroughaperiod communicationswereverydifficultintheruralareas 2008上海 WhichB whoseC inwhichD withwhich 5 TheScienceMuseum wevisitedduringarecenttriptoBritain isoneofLondon stouristattractions 2008江苏卷 A whichB whatC thatD where 6 Formanycitiesintheworld thereisnoroomtospreadoutfurther NewYorkisanexample A forwhichB inwhichC ofwhichD fromwhich 7 Thegrowingspeedofaplantisinfluencedbyanumberoffactors arebeyondourcontrol 2008湖南卷 A mostofthemB mostofwhichC mostofwhatD mostofthat 8 Alltheneighboradmirethisfamily theparentsaretreatingtheirchildlikeafriend 2008安徽卷 A whyB whereC whichD that 9 Bynineo clock alltheOlympictorchbearershadreachedthetopofMountQomolangma appearedararerainbowsoon 2008福建 A ofwhichB onwhichC fromwhichD abovewhich 10 TheywillflytoWashington theyplantostayfortwoorthreedays 2008重庆 A whereB thereC whichD when 完成活页卷单项填空专题卷 九 Homework 1 Isthisfactory wevisitedlastweek D Isthisthefactory wevisitedlastWeek A whereB thatC towhichD theone B 解题关键 如果是疑问句式 将其转化为陈述句式 Exercises 2 Letmethinkofapropersituation thissentencecanbeused A whereB thatC ofwhomD which A 先行词是situation case scene 时 一般用where 最佳选择则是inwhich 3 Shewillneverforgettheday shespentinBeijing A whenB whatC whichD why C Shewillneverforgettheday shestayedwithhiminBeijing A 5 Thecollegewon ttakeanyone eyesightisweak A whoB whoseC ofwhomD which B 6 Those totakepartinthegamewritedownyournames A whoB whowantC whowantsD what B 7 Idon tlikeEnglish grammarIamnotinterested Idon tlikeEnglish grammarisdifficulttolearn Ilikethishouse doorwayisjustenoughtoget Ilikethishouse doorwayissmall A inwhichB whichC throughwhoseD whose A B C D 8 I yourgoodfriend willtrymybesttohelpyouout A whoisB whatisC whatamD whoam D 9 Whichofthetwocows youkeepproducesmoremilk A whichB thatC whatD as B 10 Hiswalkingstick hecan twalk waslostyesterday A thatB withwhichC whichD withoutwhich D 11 Thisisthesamepen Ilostyesterday A asB thatC theoneD A B D 比较 thesamepenasIlost thesamepenthatIlost 表示这支笔与我不见的那支很像 不一定就是 则表示这支笔就是我不见的那支 12 ismentionedabove thenumberofthestudentsinseniorhighschoolisincreasing A WhichB AsC WhatD That B 13 I lltellyou hetoldmelastnight A allwhichB allwhatC thatallD all D 14 Howdoyoulikethebook It squitedifferentfrom Ireadlastmonth A thatB whichC theoneD theonewhat C 15 Therearethreelibrariesinourschool werebuiltfiveyearsago A allofthemB eitherofthemC allofwhichD bothofthat C 16 Iboughtsomebooksfromthebookstore five wereEnglishnovels A ofwhichB whichC thatD inwhich A 名词 代词 数词 of which whom引导非限定性定语从句 17 HereareplayersfromJapan someof areouroldfriends HerearesomeplayersfromJapanandsomeof areouroldfriends A whichB thatC whomD them 非限制性定语从句 并列句 C D 1 Itisinthisvillage Marywasborn35yearsago shewillbuildherfirstschool inspireseveryonetohelpher A that when whichB where that whichC that that thatD where when that 解析 B考查句子结构分析 第一空引导的是一个定语从句 在从句中作地点状语 所以用where 第二空构成itis that强调结构 第三空引导一个非限制性定语从句 指代前面提到的一件事情 所以要用which 2 2010 江西卷 Thegirlarrangedtohavepianolessonsatthetrainingcentrewithhersister shewouldstayforanhour A whereB whoC whichD what 解析 A考查定语从句 关系副词where引导的定语从句 在从句中作状语 专题十 实战演练 3 2010 重庆卷 InChina thenumberofcitiesisincreasing developmentisrecognizedacrosstheworld A whereB whichC whoseD that 解析 C考查定语从句关系词 这里是一个分割定语从句 先行词cities和定语从句被谓语isincreasing分隔开 表示 城市的发展 故应用whose作定语 专题十 实战演练 4 2009 江西卷 ThehouseIgrewup hasbeentakendownandreplacedbyanofficebuilding A initB inC inthatD inwhich 解析 B考查定语从句 还原后应为Thehouse which that Igrewupin 主语后面紧跟的是定语从句 专题十 实战演练 5 TV TurnoffWeek millionsofpeoplearoundtheworldparticipateeveryyear triestoencouragepeopletoturnonlife A inwhichB onwhichC whichD when 解析 A考查定语从句中 介词十关系词 的用法 句意为 关闭电视周 每年世界各地数百万的人都在做 旨在鼓励人们注重生活 从句中谓语动词participate是不及物动词 常与介词in连用表示 参与 的意思 相当于takepartin 选A 6 2010 江苏卷 Thenewly builtcafe thewallsof arepaintedlightgreen isreallyapeacefulplaceforus especiallyafterhardwork A thatB itC whatD which 解析 D本题考查定语从句 先行词为cafe 此处thewallsofwhich可以变化成 whosewalls 在从句中作主语 7 Nowadays whenpeopletalkaboutmagicians thefirstone comesintotheirmindisLiuQian A whereB whichC thatD what 解析 C定语从句先行词为thefirstone8 2009 四川卷 She llneverforgetherstaythere shefoundhersonwhohadgonemissingtwoyearsbefore A thatB whichC whereD when 解析 D考查定语从句的用法 herstay为先行词 可以理解为抽象的一段时间 她呆在那里期间 when指代herstay 在定语从句中作时间状语 9 2009 全国卷 Myfriendshowedmeroundthetown wasverykindofhim A whichB thatC whereD it 解析 A考查非限制性定语从句 这里的which指代前面整句话内容 专题十 实战演练 10 2009 江苏卷 isknowntousisthattheolddoctor for lifewashardinthepast stillworksveryhardinhislatelife A As whomB What whomC It whoseD As whose 解析 B考查主语从句及定语从句 第一空是由what引导的主语从句 whatisknowntousisthat 也是固定结构 第二空学生很容易会错选whose 后半句还原为 lifewashardforhim 所以用介词 whom 专题十 实战演练 11 SunValleyraisedandprocessedaboutamillionchickens uptohalfwenttoMcDonald s A inwhichB forwhichC withwhichD ofwhich 解析 D在定语从句中 ofwhichuptohalf uptohalfofwhich uptohalfofthechickens 12 Takeanactivepartintheactivitiesyouenjoy youcanmakemanyfriends A whereB whenC thatD what 解析 A考查定语从句关系词的选择 先行词为theactivities 在从句中作抽象的地点状语 13 Werecommendthatourhumanbeingstreatthenaturewiththesamecare wegivetooureyes A thatB whichC asD what 解析 C考查定语从句引导词的用法 若先行词有thesame修饰 其后定语从句则用that或as引导 that表示同一个 as表示同类中的一个但不是同一个 根据题意可知应用as 专题十 实战演练 14 Thefilmstartedtogetboring at pointIleftthecinemaaccompaniedbymytwinsister A thisB thatC theD which 解析 D本题考查非限制性定语从句 which引导非限制性定语从句 并在从句中作定语 15 AftergraduationI dliketofindajob IcanusewhatIhavelearntatschool A whoseB whichC whereD that 解析 C本题考查定语从句 根据语境可知 毕业后想找一份学有所用的工作 由于定语从句中成分齐全 故C项正确 where在句中作地点状语 16 IadmiremyEnglishteacher Icanrememberveryfewoccasions shestoppedworkingbecauseofherillness A thatB whenC whoD which 解析 B本题考查定语从句 本句中定语从句的先行词是occasions 时刻 的意思 句意为 我尊敬我的英语老师 我记得没有什么时候她会因为生病而停止工作 选B 专题十 实战演练 17 Thoughitis30years welastmet Istillrememberthescene wegotseparatedonarainyday A before whereB before whichC since whenD since where 解析 D考查时间状语从句和定语从句 itis hasbeen 一段时间 since从句 为固定句型 表示自从上次干某事到现在有多长时间了 scene作先行词且定语从句中需要的是地点状语 故用where或inwhich引导定语从句 专题十 实战演练 Thankyou Translation 1 这就是那位帮助我的人 2 你昨天见到的史密斯夫人是我的一个朋友 3 你认识一个叫王雨的人吗 Thisisthemanwhohelpedme Mrs Smithwhomyoumetyesterdayisafriendofmine DoyouknowthemanwhosenameisWangYu 4 我收到的那份礼物是我哥送的 5 他在我出去的那个星期来我家了 6 请给我解释一下你不辞而别的理由好吗 Thepresentthat whichIreceivedwasfrommybrother HecametomyhomeduringtheweekwhenIwasout Couldyoupleasegivemeareasonwhyyouleftwithoutaword Homework 1 MakethedifferencebetweenTheAttributiveClauseandTheAppositiveClause 2 FindoutthedifferencebetweenTheAttributiveClauseandTheAdverbialClause Beijingisthecitythat whichhasgotthechancetohostthe2008OlympicGames Beijing thecity getthechancetohostthe2008OlympicGames 近三年高考各地考查定语从句的情况 语法知识 定语从句 Grammar Englishisabridgetotheworld


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