2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 24《Society》(The Ninth Period Culture Corner)教案.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 24《Society》(The Ninth Period Culture Corner)教案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 24Society(The Ninth Period Culture Corner)教案Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语golden ages, hail from, exceptional, leap, milestone, ensure, spring up, whistle, mitment, courageous, give up, go up, hold up, clean up, turn up, do up, brighten up, set up, make upb. 重点句型Id rather you cleaned the table.If I were you, I would raise some money for her operation.2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn golden ages in history.Learn American life.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Cultivate cultural awareness by learning the golden ages of western civilizations. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Understand the three golden ages of western civilizations.Teaching methods 教学方法Reading, translating, asking and answering.Teaching aids 教具准备A multi-puter.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程及方式 Step I RevisionCheck the homework.Ask students to discuss answers with their group members and ask one group to tell out their answers. Then check together. Step II Culture CornerAsk students if they know what golden ages are and what the golden ages of Chinese history were.Ask students to have a discussion in groups. Let some group representatives tell their ideas. T: What are golden ages?S1: I think golden ages are important periods that can make their mark on history.T: OK, what were the golden ages of Chinese history?S2: I think Tang Dynasty is a golden age of Chinese history.S3: In my opinion, the times under Kangxi and Qianlong were also golden ages in history.T: Good. Lets learn three golden ages in the world history. Now read the text and then answer the questions below. Check answers by having students read their answer; show the suggested answers on the PowerPoint.Suggested answers:1 They all made exceptional leaps forward in cultural, scientific and social achievements.2 Because they wanted to ensure that there was a good supply of educated laborers to work in the Florentine Economy.3 Because both poor people and wealthy merchants looked for ways of enjoying themselves and learning new things about the world. Step III Check your progressRead the text: America is work: “Whistle while you work” to learn about life in America and American social culture. And do the post reading exercises.Deal with Ex 1&2Ask students to work individually and then pare answers with their partner. Check the answers with the whole class.Deal with Ex 3Ask students to work individually and check answers by having individuals read out their answers. Remind students to look back to Function File on Page 37 if they have some difficulties with the expressions used for suggestions and requests.Suggested answers to Ex 3:2 Id rather you cleared the table yourself;3 Its high time that they got down to;4 demanded that I stay at home and do some ;5 Youd/had better put on;6 The headmaster insisted that every child (should) have;7 If I were you, I would raise,8 Its about time Tom started studying;9 You ought t stay in bed for several days and take;10 suggested widening/that we (should) widen;11 Barbara had better stopDeal with Ex 4Students do the exercise individually, and then check answers by having individuals read out their answers.Deal with Ex 5Ask students to do the exercise individually and then pare answers with each other. Check the answers by having individuals write their answers on the board. And correct the answers with the whole class. Step IV Bulletin BoardDeal with Bulletin BoardT: OK. We have learnt much about the society; lets pay attention to the world around us. Our socialist construction is changing the face of our hometown day by day. Have you seen any changes in our hometown over the last few years?S: Yes, our hometown has changed a lot over the last few years. The streets used to be very dirty. The sky was grey. The trees and flowers were often covered with dirty. Now, the government has closed down some of the factories that were causing serious pollution. And some factories have invested money in building a pollution control centre, which can reduce pollution and re-use resources as well. Of course the air is clean again. And the streets look more fortable.T: Good. We all should enhance the awareness of environmental protection and build a harmonious munity. Now please read the example on the Bulleting Board. Then write down changes in our hometown and put it on the board. Step V Summary Unit diaryGet students to assess their learning over the unit. By pleting unit diary students will learn what their difficulty is and what they should do to improve their English and make adjustments and plans for their further learning. 附 件I. 课文注释与疑难解析1Trade unions demand that the government shorten the working week. 工会要求政府缩短每周工作时间。demand 要求, 请求(某事物)。常用结构:1) demand +名词e.g. demand an apology (from sb.) 要求(某人)道歉The workers are demanding better pay. 工人们要求提高工资。2) demand to doHe demands to be told everything. 他要求将一切事情都告诉他。3) demand 后面可以跟从句,从句中经常使用should。如:They demanded that the right to vote should be given to every adult man. 他们要求每一个成年人都有选举权。I demand that John should go there at once. 我要求约翰立即赶往那里。2. If laws such as these came into being, a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions. 如果出台了类似这样的法律,那么就要做很多调整,反响肯定是各种各样的。e into being 形成,产生。 如:When the new law es into being, the old one will be abolished immediately. 当新的法律产生,旧法律立即废除。I have no idea when the policy es into being. 我不知道新政策何时开始实行的。3. They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements. 他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。keep an eye on 照看,留心瞧,注意。如:He would be in trouble if I dont keep an eye on him.我要是不留神,他就会出事。Will you keep an eye on the children? 你可以照看一下孩子们吗?5. The only time that life sentences should be given is when a person is so dangerous that the munity is at risk if he or she is let out of prison. 判死刑的唯一条件是:罪犯十分危险,一旦他或她被释放出狱,周围的人们就要遭殃。at risk 有危险,冒险。如:The mans life was at risk when he was trying to save the girl. 那人去救女孩的时候是冒了很大生命危险的。Heart trouble can be avoided if people at risk take medicinal advice.如果高危人群遵循医嘱,心脏病是可以避免的。risk 常见短语还有:at the risk of (doing sth.) 冒之险(做某事)At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer. 我甘受佛逆盛情之嫌,也必须谢绝你的提议。take a risk / risks 冒险Thats a risk Im prepared to take. 那是我愿意冒险做的事情。6. Measures to slow population growth like Chinas one-child policy, have also contributed to lowered birthrates. 缓解人口增长速度的措施,如中国的独生子女政策,对降低人口出生率也起了作用。contribute to 捐献,贡献;起促成作用。如:Various factors contributed to his failure. 多种因素导致了他的失败。That advertisement contributed a great deal to the sale of the new car.那则广告曾为这款新车打开销路起了很大作用。7. The civilisations that reached these “golden ages” hail from around the world, and made their mark on history through exceptional leaps forward in cultural, scientific and social achievements. 这些曾达到过“黄金时代”的文明起源于世界各地,它们在文化、科学和社会进步上取得过杰出的成就,它们永垂青史。hail from 来自,在某地生长(是某地的人)。如:Mr. Gardner hails from Mississippi. 加德纳先生来自密西西比州。They hail from all parts of the country. 他们来自全国各地。II. 文化背景知识Beijings hutongsA unique feature of Beijing is its numerous hutongs which means small lanes. The life of ordinary people in these lanes contributes greatly to the charm of this ancient capital. Beijings hutongs are not only an appellation for the lanes but also a kind of architecture. It is the living environment of ordinary Beijingers. It reflects the vicissitude of society. Most of the hutongs look almost the same as grey walls and bricks. Hutongs are a happy kind of place for children. There are often 4 to 10 families with an average of 20 people sharing the rooms of one courtyard plex named Siheyuan. So hutong life is a friendly and interpersonal munication. However, as a rule of social development, new things must take the place of the old ones. Hopefully, the original styled Beijing hutong will remain. The word “hutong” originates from the word “hottog” which means “well” in Mongolian. Villagers dig out a well and inhabited there. Hutong means a lane or alley, in fact the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (a pound with houses around a courtyard) where old Beijing residents live. Be careful not to lose in it! It was recorded that in the Yuan a 36-meter-wide road was called a standard street, an 18-meter-wide one was a small street and a 9-meter-wide lane was named a hutong. In fact, Beijings hutongs are inequable ranging from 40 centimeter to 10 meter in wide. The longest has more than 20 turns. Either in east-west or north-south, Beijings hutongs varied as slant, half or “blind hutongs” cul-de-sacs. The gray-tiled houses and deep alleys crossing with each other in identical appearance like a maze, you will find it much fun to walk through but be care not to lost yourself.

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