2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit 4《Cyberspace》完形填空专项讲练.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修2 Unit 4Cyberspace完形填空专项讲练No.1 Learning to learn 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“好的学习者”这一话题,并且默写。 【我们了解到我们是什么样的学习者。我发现我容易学会概念。】【,我很可能跳读这些图画和插图,|然后集中(注意力)在文字文本上。】【,我列一个以身体(部位)为话题的词汇表来记忆(它们)。】【 we know 1._ kind of learners we are. I find it is easier for me 2._ (learn) concepts. 】【, I am likely to skip the pictures and charts | and then focus mainly 4._ the written text.】【, I make a list of words 5._ the topic of body .】No.2 warm-up短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“预言与现实”这一话题,并且默写。有些过去的预言已变成现实。【,制造人造人体器官已成为可能。还有全球气候正在变化,| 全球变暖将引起全世界洪灾。】【,一种新的病毒可能会扩展,。】Some predictions in the past 1._ (e) true. 【, it is already possible 2._ (make) artificial body parts. Also the world climate is changing | and global warming 3._ (cause) world flooding.】【, a new virus could develop (so) 4._ we had no power to stop 5._ .】No.3 Lesson 1短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“未来世界”这一话题,并且默写。计算机和英特网已迅速增长,|而它们的增长当然会影响我们的生活。【有些专家对它们的未来是悲观的。一个担忧是像黑客这样的罪犯可能进入银行和政府的计算机。【恐怖分子也许“袭击”全世界的电脑,| 使飞机和火车碰撞。很明显这种破坏会危害很多国家。】【然而,很多人对英特网的未来是乐观的。他们说用户可以找到关于节日特惠,| 从网络得到娱乐。】【电视很可能会消失,因为利用有声音和图像的电脑会使你觉得。】puters and the Internet 1._ (grow) rapidly | and their growth is certainly 2._ (affect) our lives. 【Some experts are pessimistic about their future. One worry is 3._ such criminals as hackers can get into the puters of banks 4._ governments .】【Terrorists may “attack” the 5._ (world) puters . 6._ is obvious that this destruction will harm countries.】 【7._, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. They say users can find 8._ about holiday offers | and get entertainment from the Net. 】【Television will 9._ (probabe) disappear because the use of puters with sounds and pictures 10._ ( make) you feel as if you are in a real situation.】No.4 Lesson 2 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“浏览网站”这一话题,并且默写。,我从一个网站得知互联网的开始是(由于)军事的而不是科研的原因。【,五角大楼担心核战后的通讯(联络),| 因此他们想到把计算机连成网络。】【,我学会了怎样做出安排,| 怎样拒绝(人家的)建议。】【Mrs Turner有一会儿不挂机,。Mandy问Lucy周末干什么,| 想和她一起去逛时装展。】, I knew 1._ a website that the Internet 2._ (start) by the military not for scientific reasons. 【, the Pentagon were worried 3._ munications , | so they thought 4._ linking the puters into a network.】【, I learned how to make an arrangement | and 6._ to reject suggestions.】【Mrs Turner hung on 7._ second . Mandy asked 8._ Lucy was up to that weekend | and fancied going to a fashion show with her.】No.5 Lesson 3短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“虚拟现实”这一话题,并且默写。【Cathy在寻找书目。Tom建议使用图书馆的计算机。】【Cathy认为如果有虚拟现实,我们就根本不必亲临度假目的地,想象一下从来不必打点行李!】【Tom觉得很难想象几秒钟内进出一个国家,| 访问所有的历史景点。你会看到景点 | 但不能涉足海滩,| 也吃不到你看到的食物。】【他们还讨论了这个问题:如果你是一个百万富翁,你做一个吸烟者还是不吸烟者?】【Cathy is looking for some good book titles . Tom suggests 2._ (use) the library puter.】【Cathy thinks if we had virtual reality, we 3._ (not have) to get to our holiday destinations | and imagine never 4._ (have) to pack a suitcase.】 【Tom finds it hard to imagine 5._ (enter) and exiting countries in seconds | and visiting all the historical sites. You 6._ (see) it | but you couldnt dip your toes in the sea | or eat the foods you 7._ (see). 】【They also discuss the question that if you were a millionaire, you 8._( be) a smoker or non-smoker.】No.6 Lesson 4短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“虚拟旅游”这一话题,并且默写。【点击这些关键字,| 你能找到Auckland, New Zealand的虚拟(旅游)指南。】【这个海滨城市坐落于North Island,| 有大片的现代化郊区,那里生产钢和铁。Maoris在这个地区定居,欧洲人定居始于。首都已迁到Wellington,它的位置更(处于全国的)中心。】【著名的景点包括Mt Eden,许多大火山之一,| 还有Auckland海港大桥。,你可以在Sky Tower欣赏迷人的景色。】 【它气候温暖,平均温度23.4摄氏度。它有一些最好的海滩,| 也有定期的国际航班。】【它还作为无核区而著名,整个国家的任何地方不允许(有)核材料。】【Click on the keywords | 1._ you can find this guide for the virtual tourism in Auckland, New Zealand.】【This seaside city is located 2._ North Island | and has large modern suburbs, 3._ iron and steel is produced. The Maoris settled in the area | and 4._ (Europe) settlement began . The capital has moved to Wellington, 5._ location is more central.】【Famous sights include Mt Eden, 6._ of many large volcanoes, | as well as the Auckland Harbour Bridge. you can enjoy 7._ amazing view .】【It has a warm climate | and the average temperature is 23.4. It has some of the 9._ (good) beaches | and there are regular 10._ (internation) flights, too. 】 【It is also known as a nuclear-free zone, which 11._ (not) allow nuclear materials . 】No.7 munication Workshop 短文填空,做到看汉语用英语叙述“魅力悉尼”这一话题,并且默写。 【Sydney是个极具魅力的城市,它于1842年正式建市。它的风景包括海滩、森林和群山。】【在那里你可以出去享受世界各地的美味佳肴。你可以知道是否蜘蛛能在太空织网。】【Sydney is an attractive city, 1._ was officially created as a city in 1842. Its scenery 2._ (include) beaches, forests and mountains. 】【There you can go out 3._ (enjoy) international cuisine . you can know 4._ spiders can still make webs in space.】参考答案:No. 1 1. what 2. to learn 3. like 4. on 5. with 6. to remember No. 2 1. have e 2. to make 3. will cause 4. that 5. it No. 3 1. have grown 2. to affect 3. that 4. and 5. worlds 6. It 7. However 8. out 9. probably 10. will makeNo. 4 1. from 2. was started 3. about 4. of 5. another 6. how 7. a 8. what No. 5 1. for 2. using 3. wouldnt have 4. having 5. entering 6. would see 7. see 8. would beNo. 6 1. and 2. on 3. where 4. European 5. whose 6. one 7. an 8. with 9. best 10. international 11. doesnt No. 7 1. which 2. includes 3. to enjoy 4. whether / if

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