2019-2020年高一英语Module 1《Unit 2 Growing Pains》Period 5 project 学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Module 1Unit 2 Growing PainsPeriod 5 project 学案Learning aims1. Knowledge (知识) :Learn the new words and phrases and learn more about Contributive Clause2. Ability (能力) :Improve the abilities of reading and writing.3. Emotion (情感) :Talk about growing pains.Step 1 pre-class1. Read the first letter and answer the following questions.Why does the father write the letter? _ What is the father doing at present? _ What is the father worrying about? _ 2. Reread the first letter carefully and fill in the chart. A. Fathers problems: Whats wrong with my son?His attitudes towards his 1) Refusing to do everything we ask him to doBeing 2 ) to usRefusing to 3 ) with us Refusing 4 ) to do as we tell himHis 5 ) 6) Listening to 7) Spending time in 9 ) Playing 8) 10 ) onlineHis attitude towards his homeworkRefusing to do it3. Work in groups of four to give suggestions to the son. For example: Try to be a docile (听话的) kid at home. Tip 1: _ Tip 2: _ Tip 3: _ Tip 4: _ 4. Read the second letter and fill in the blank forms. When I.My father.Want to do something or 1) Doesnt listen to meTry to talk to him 2) Refuse to _3)_Shouts at me and 4) Have some _5)_and want to be _ 6) _Calls me 7) Play _ 8) Gets very angry _9)_ a DVDSends me to bed or tells me to spend more time 10) _11)_ at the Internet cafe 12) 5. Work in groups of four and give suggestions to the father.For example: Prepare to have a heart-to-heart talk with him.Tip 1: _ Tip 2: _ Tip 3: _ Tip 4: 6. After weve finished these tasks, we can write an advice letter. It should include _, _, _, ,_.1) For the_, we can write_ Or: _2) For the , we can use conjunctions (连词)or phrases to make the letterflow (流畅),for example. 转折:_, ,_ , _ 递进:_, ,_ , _ 因果:_, _, ,_, 3) For the_ , we can write_ Or: _ _ 7.Group work. (Work in groups of four and do the following tasks.) write _for the body of the letter write the_ _ the draft8. Language points:Words:1) as though 好像,似乎as though和as if都表示“好像”的意义,引导方式状语从句和表语从句。从句为真实的情况, 就用陈述语气;从句为与事实不相符的情况,要用虚拟语气。 The girl looks she is ill. 这姑娘看起来像是生病了。(真实的) They treated me as though I were a stranger to them. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as though it _. A. breaksB. has broken C. were brokenD. had been broken2) insist vt. & vi 坚持;坚持认为,坚持说insist that后面接从句时,表示坚持解决要求,后面从句要用虚拟语气,即should do或should be done,should可以省略。 The teacher insisted that we (hand in) the exercise-books today.老师要求今天交作业本。insist表示“坚持说”或“坚持认为”,后面的从句用陈述句语气。The thief insisted that he (steal) the money. 小偷坚持说,他没有偷钱。insist on doing 坚决要求做We all insist on the plan.我们都要求放弃那个计划。The man insisted_ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding3) valuable adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的;贵重的She bought her husband . 她给她丈夫买了块贵重的手表。be valuable to / for 对很重要;对很有价值你的建议对我来说非常有价值。 4) at present 目前,当前 =at the present time5) argument n. 争论,辩论;论点,论据have an argument with 与争论我今天上午跟丈夫争吵了。 Whats the argument of the article? 6) relationship n. 关系 build a relationship with 建立良好关系They between the people in the two countries. 两国间的人民已经建立了良好的关系。7) suggest vt. 建议;暗示,使想起 suggest sth. / doing sth 建议某事 / 做某事我建议去参观长城。I suggest to the Great Wall. / I suggest the Great Wall.The boy suggested (set off)early next morning. suggest that (should) do ,suggest表示“建议”时,后面从句要用虚拟语气,即(should) do。My father suggested that I (spend) less money. 爸爸建议我少花点钱。suggest that 暗示;表明,suggest作“暗示”或“表明”意义时,后面用陈述语气。The result of the test suggests that some students (poor) at grammar. 考试的结果表明,有些同学语法差。辨析:suggestadvise作“建议”讲,从句用(should) do;或suggest (sbs) doing。The teacher suggested / advised that we smoking. 老师建议我们戒烟。The teacher suggested at first. 老师建议我们首先画个圆。表示“建议”意义,后面的从句用(should) do;或advise doing sth 或advise sb to do sth。The teacher advised 老师建议我们戒烟。The engineer advised building a bridge over the river. 那位工程师建议在河上修座桥。How do you_ we go to Beijing for our holidays?I think wed better fly there. Its much more fortable. A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest8) fight (fought; fought) vi. 争吵,争论;打架,争斗_ . We are classmates. 别再打架了。大家都是同学。fight for 为而斗争 fight against Many blacks devoted their lives to _ their freedom.许多黑人在为争取自由的斗争中献身了。We must fight against pollution and win the victory. 我们必须与污染_,并赢得胜利。9) crazy adj. 发疯的,疯狂的 go mad= The terrible noisy made me . 那可怕的吵闹声简直把我吵得 。be crazy about 热衷于 My son football.我儿子对足球很着迷。10) spare adj. 闲置的,多余的。vt. 腾出(时间);匀出(金钱);省出(精力)Do you have a spare tyre(轮胎)? 你有_ _吗?What do you usually do ? 你在空余时间通常做些什么?spare sb sth 为某人腾(匀)出Can you spare some time for a talk? 你能 时间我们谈谈吗?Doing the work in this way can spare some energy. 这样干活可以 。spare no efforts to do 不遗余力地做我们应不遗余力地保护环境。 They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _. A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make11) selfish adj. 自私的 selfless adj. 无私的The girl is _ and always thinks of herself. 这姑娘自私,总是只想到自己He was such a man; everybody respected him. 他真是个无私的人,大家都尊敬他。12) unloving adj. 缺乏爱心的He cant be_ . He is a good teacher. 他不可能没有爱心。他是一位好老师。A. person who is unloving cant do any job with children.一个没有_ 的人是不能干与孩子有关的工作。13) forbid (forbade; forbidden) vt. 禁止forbid sb to do forbid doing 禁止做某事My parents forbid me_ . 父母禁止我喝酒。They forbid smoking in public places. 。14) refuse v.拒绝,谢绝 refuse to do 拒绝做某事Mum asked him to apologize, but he refused. 她怎么会拒绝帮助自己的儿子呢? How could she his own son? 15) at the moment 此刻 (=now)They are very upset and dont want to talk at the moment. for a moment 一会儿 for the moment 暂时,目前 in a moment 在不久之后Important sentences:1. Recently he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music. (page 38) 最近,他就是不做作业,而是把时间浪费在看DVD、听外国音乐上。现在完成进行时构成have / has been doing sth., 表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。这个动作可能刚刚结束,也可能仍在继续,并可能延续到将来。(表示到现在为止一直在发生或反复进行的动作。) How long here? 你在这儿等多久了? I have been waiting here for about half an hour. 我在这儿大概等了半个小时。比较下列各句,注意现在完成时和现在完成进行时在时间概念上的区别: an article. 我写好了一篇文章。(现在已经写完了) an article. 我一直在写一篇文章。(现在还在写)1) Hi, Alan, I have not seen you for weeks. What _ recently? Studying. A. have you been doing B. have you done C. were you doing D. did you do2) I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _ on it for more than anhour. (xx 湖北)A. has been working B. will have worked C. will have been working D. had worked2. At present, to prevent upsetting his mother with loud arguments, I am allowing him his freedom. (p38) 目前,为了防止因为大声的争论使他母亲烦恼,我让他有那样做的自由。prevent 预防(出现某事),妨碍,阻碍 n. prevent + sb. / sb.s doing sb. (from) doing1) We should do our best to prevent accidents. 2) The rain prevented the game. 3) 没有什么能阻止我为我的目标奋斗。Nothing will my struggling for my goal. stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人干某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事 (from不可省去)3. Then, when I have some spare time and want to be alone, they call me selfish and unloving. (p38) 还有,当我有点空闲时间想一个人呆着时,他们就称我自私和无爱心。call sb.+n. / adj. 给某人取名为,称呼某人是What do you call this flower? alone 独自,无伴,多做表语,后置定语我不喜欢晚上独自出去。 lonely adj. 孤独的,指地方时指荒凉的,可做定语和表语。 I feel lonely when I am alone. Step 2 During class1. Group discussion 2. Group presentation 1) check answers 2) presentation 3. Teachers ment.4. Time for questionsStep3. Post-classWrite an advice letter to Liu Wei and his father explaining what they both can do to bridge the generation gap and get along better.


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