2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 She.doc

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2019年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 She课题Module 2Unit 2 Shes reading a book.第 ( )课时 上课时间: 年 月 日(第 周星期 )教学目标:1、全体学生能理解:read, running, these, picture, take, take pictures2、全体学生能运用: 语法:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. 词汇:reading, running, taking, taking pictures3、学会谈论图片上正在发生的事情。教学重点:1、谈论图片上正在发生的事情。2、掌握单词:reading, running, taking, taking pictures,教学难点:谈论图片上正在发生的事情。教具学具:多媒体课件,照片,单词卡片,小盒子教学过程教学反馈Step 1 Warm up and lead in 1. Greeting. 2. Read the chant of last module together. 3. Show some pictures and ask the students to say something about the pictures. (展示一些照片,让学生看着照片说说照片上的人分别喜欢什么运动以及在做什么运动。对于照片上的人正在进行的活动学生不会表达的可以用中文来说。用中文来说了之后,询问学生同样的内容我们如果用英语来表达又该怎么说呢?学了这一课之后我们就可以用英语来表达了。)Step 2 Presentation 1. Learn the new words Before we learn the new text, we learn some new words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train. (1)出示单词卡片,通过集体跟读,小组跟读,开火车类型活动让学生会读新单词。 (2)听音做动作。老师读一个单词,学生根据单词做出相应的动作。2Listening (1)Play the tape, and ask the students to listen carefully. 第一次播放录音,请学生看图,理解课文语境。 (2)Listen again and ask the students to point to the sentences and find “-ing”并圈出来。 第二次播放录音,可以让学生指着课文的句子默默跟读,找出带有“-ing”的单词。 (3) Listen for the third times and ask the students to repeat the sentences. Try to imitate the tone and the pronunciation. 播放第三次录音,让学生跟着录音读,尽量模仿录音的语音和语调。3、重点学习:Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. 向学生展示一个小女孩看书的图片,跟学生说假设是我的照片,说明图片内容并板书: I like reading. Look, Im reading a book. 带领学生说以上语句,说明照片的内容。 再展示一个男孩和一个女孩看书的图片,分别说明图片内容并板书: Lily likes reading. Look! Shes reading a book. Tom likes reading. Look! Hes reading a book. 带领学生说以上的句子,说明图片内容。 (板书的时候用不同颜色的笔呈现助动词“be”和实义动词的现在分词。)4. Practice (1) Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 10 and listen to the tape, and then repeat the sentences. (2) Take out a magic box. Ask the students to take a picture from the box and describe the picture. 让学生从盒子中抽出图片,然后根据图片的内容,用本节课所学知识去描述图片。 Look at the pictures on Page10 and try to describe the pictures. 让学生看图片说出盼盼的活动。然后请学生两人一组进行训练,一人按照图片做动作,另一人说句子,然后交换角色开展活动。最后请部分学生进行展示。Step 4 Summary Sum up what we learnt during this period. Review the words: these, reading, taking pictures, watching TV, playing with a toy train. And review the sentences: Shes reading a book. Hes taking pictures. Shes watching TV. Hes playing with a toy train.Step 5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and repeat the text for several times.(注意模仿录音的语音和语调。) 2. Copy the text with the translation. (注意单词的书写格式。)板书设计Module 2Unit 1 Shes reading a book.reading Shes reading a book.running Hes taking pictures.takingtaking pictures教学反思

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