2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Project I导学案 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Project I导学案 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语M1 U2 Project I导学案 牛津译林版Class: Group: No._ Name: 【使用说明与学法指导】课前预习project,并完成相应练习。课堂自主学习15分钟,并完成其中相应的练习P46课课练(规范书写)。小组讨论,尽量解决疑难10分钟。(仍有问题的提出来,其它小组帮助解决,老师给予必要的点拨)小组合作探究,利用文中有用的词汇或短语写短文,并以Report形式展示。 【Learning goals】To understand the useful words and phrases in contextTo use the useful words and phrases correctly.To make up a report with some words and expressions learnt in unit.【Difficult and important points】To know and express the main idea of the whole passage.To make a report by using key words and expressions.【课前预习,静学深思】1. 课前预习,并回答下列问题。What different kinds of growing pains are talked in the article? _Kinds of growing pains _ _What is the main points for each part?Part1(1 ) _Part2(3 ) _Part3( 6 ) _【课内探究,携手共行】Task 1: 自主学习15分钟,并独立完成课课练P46第一题,第二题。Task 2: 小组讨论,并答疑。 Useful phrasesfeel lonely 感到孤独 go through 经历 out of control 失控mon part of adolescence 青春期的正常阶段be confused with 对感到困惑 倾向于tend to do努力自力更生 struggle to depend on oneself渴望独立 desire independence 结果是 turn out to be Useful sentencesIts mon for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood.Its normal for them to bee confused with the changing world both inside and outside of them. 【活学活用,当堂检测】Task3: 组内合作探究,并按照Planning, Preparing, Producing, Presenting 来完成Report并展示Task4: 短文填空Many teenagers feel _, as if no one understand them and the changes they are _ through. Day by day, everything seems different. These feelings are a _ part of adolescence and can be _ of as growing pains.As teenagers grow, its normal for them to bee _ with the changing world both inside and outside of them【课后拓展,能力提升】1.重温课文,划出文中重难点单词、短语和句子。2预习金太阳导学案P64-68,并完成其中的练习(规范书写)。

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