2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 1《The written word》(Grammar and usage)教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 1《The written word》(Grammar and usage)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语选修八Unit 1The written word(Grammar and usage)教学设计板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design: 本节课是语法归纳课,通过围绕对莎朗斯通发表的所谓“地震是报应”谬论的批判,帮助学生对所学过的各种否定表达进行总结。(主要分为“助动词+not”、“not和其他单词连用”、“否定的其他用法”和“部分否定”等四个方面。)具体的思路是:一、通过视听材料,感受具体情境中否定句的语义功能,并激发学生们表达否定情绪的欲望;二、围绕这一话题,将课本中所列的四部分用法及相关注意事项尽可能揉入其中,并兼顾难点和重点(如:否定前移、否定结构的肯定意义、双重否定、部分否定、否定中的倒装、否定的多样性等);三、采用中翻英的方法先围绕话题分类造句,然后在学生操练中提醒各部分易错点,并归纳总结;四、发挥小组活动优势,延展课堂话题,让学生成为语法运用的主人,完成课本相关练习,巩固所学。Teaching aims: Students will learn the basic function of negative statements, the most monly used negative words such as no, not, never and neither and how to use them in different situations.Teaching procedures:Step 1Lead-in(PPT 4-5)1. Play a piece of video to the students, asking them what it is about.(Sharon Stones false ment on Chinas earthquake.)2. Show the students the transcript of the ments by Sharon Stone on Chinas earthquake. Ask: 1) What do all the red words have in mon? (They are negative expressions.)2) Why did the woman use so many negative expressions? (To express her hatred and dissatisfaction towards our government.)3) What words did she use to describe the earthquake in China?(Interesting, Karma.)4) What does Karma possibly mean?(B. 因果报应)5) Is it right to say so? How do we correct it?Explanation 在弄清了说话人的观点之后,幻灯片出现对“The earthquake in China was a Karma.”的真伪判断。显然,The earthquake in China was NOT a Karma. 当这一否定句出现时,所有学生都能体验到如何用否定表达来反驳和纠正一个错误观点。至此引出该课的主题“Negative Statements”。Step 21. auxiliary verb + notIn the simplest kind of negative statement, not or nt es after the auxiliary verb. 莎朗的言论是不合适的。Sharons words are not appropriate. 我认为她那么说是不明智的。 I dont think she was wise to say so.Tip: A negative statement may sometimes have a positive meaning. 地震不仅是中国的灾难也是全人类的。莎朗的表现表明她不仅缺少爱心而且缺少人性。 The earthquake is not only Chinas disaster, but also a disaster for all of mankind. Sharon Stones performance shows that not only does she lack love, but she lacks humanity. 2. not paired with other wordsWhen used before a word with a negative prefix (e.g. un-, dis-, or in-), the meaning bees positive. But this type of phrase is not as strong as a direct positive statement. 她不可能对地震中大量的死亡数未有所闻。 She couldnt have been uninformed of the huge number of deaths in the quake. When used before a phrase of time, distance or a noun phrase including quantities, it serves to emphasize the negative meaning of the phrase. 她是在地震发生不久后的戛纳电影节上说这番话的。She expressed all this not long after the earthquake.When it is used in cant too or cant enough, the meaning of the sentence bees positive. 认为地震是报应,再愚蠢不过了。One cant be too silly to believe that the earthquake is karma. 3. other negative expressions 莎朗太冷漠,不配做亲善大使。 Sharon is too cold-blooded to be a Goodwill Ambassador. 对死难者如此不敬,Sharon Stone又该最终得到什么样的报应呢? Without being respectful to the dead, what kind of “karma” should Sharon Stone get eventually? 毋庸置疑,许多中国人将不再看她的电影或购买她代言的产品了。No doubt a lot of Chinese will never/no longer see her films or buy products represented by her. 在很多人看来莎朗斯通是个十足的傻瓜。Sharon Stone is nothing but/no more than an idiot to many people.4. partial negationWhen used with all, both, many, always, each, everyone , it forms partial negation. 并非所有西方人都同意她的观点。 Not all westerners agree with her. (Very few westerners agree with her.) 这一事件显示并非所有的外国人对中国都是友好的。This event shows all the foreigners are not friendly to China.Explanation 此步骤用演绎与归纳相结合的方式,让学生通过中翻英练习,归类掌握四种基本的否定陈述方式。注意将易错点尽可能包含在内。Step 3Make a list of the most monly used negative words and expressions:no, not, never, neither, hardly, seldom, few, little, barely on no account, in no circumstances, never before, nowhere, at no time, by no means Step 4Group work: Ask the students to work in small groups to ment on this event, making as many negative statements as possible. (Possible ones: Its unbearable if Sharon would address no apology to Chinese people. Even Dalai Lama wouldnt agree with you, Sharon, would he? No one can deny the fact that the earthquake is a natural disaster. I wouldnt be surprised if you told me she had no brains.By making such irresponsible ments Sharon Stone only has herself to blame and it is going to cost her dearly.As a Chinese saying goes, a stone in the toilet is not only hard but also foul!Obviously, Sharon stone is that stone!)Step 5Ask the students to do exercises in their textbooks. (page 9 Part A& Part B)Answers to Part A (page 9)1. The main character, Oliver Twist, experiences a childhood without parents.2. He is raised with other children who also have no parents. 3. He is then sent to a workhouse, where he has to work very hard and hardly has time to relax.4. Oliver does not like anything about the workhouse.5. The children are treated very badly and seldom have enough food or water. 6. Fagin is not a good character. 7. Oliver does not want to steal from anyone, but in order to survive Oliver is forced to bee a criminal. 8. Mr. Barnlow is a generous man without any of Fagins vices.9. Unless Oliver can escape, he will never be reunited with Mr Barnlowhe will have only bad luck, not a real family and the love he deserves.Answers to Part B1. would rather than2. not unmon3. Not many 4. cant tooStep 6 Homework:1. Do Parts C1 and C2 on page 102 of the Workbook.2. Translation:1)这两本书都不是英国出版的。2)你们当中我一个也不认识。3)未经允许,任何人不得入内。4)人们直到失去了健康才知道健康的可贵。5)不久他就告诉了我们这件事。6)对他的成绩我们怎么赞扬也不过分。7)他刚进办公室,电话铃就响了。8)这些规章制度多不完善!9)他帮了我们这么多真是个好人。我非常赞同。Key: 1) Neither of the books is published in England.2) I know none of you. 3) Nobody can e in without permission.4) People do not know the blessing of health until they lose it5) It wasnt long before he told us about this affair6) We can hardly praise his achievement too much7) No sooner had he entered the office than the telephone rang8) How imperfect the rules and regulations are! 9) Its kind of him to have helped us so much. I cant agree more.

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