2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2《Wish you were here》(Period 2)教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2Wish you were here(Period 2)教案一【设计思想】本课时涵盖了课文中出现的重要词汇、句型知识, 重点放在语言的综合运用上, 通过详细实例, 结合具体的实际应用需求, 讲练结合, 循序渐进地启发学生理解并学会正确运用。 二【教学目标】By the end of the class, the students will be able to1. master the usage of some language points in this text to enlarge the vocabulary.2. apply those language points to appropriate language situations.三【教学重难点】Learn to analyze some long and plicated sentences.四【教学环节】【课堂导入】1. Question:What topic does this letter refer to?2. Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his ing travel in Africa according to the following clues:1) to travel on camels:where to leave and how to go how and where to travelhow long to travel2) to travel down the Nile:when and where to starthow to travel and why what to wear3) to travel to see wild animals:where to live what to drink and eatwhat to buy and whyhow to get close to wild animals【预习检查】识记短语 1. 忙于做某事_ 2. 上大学_3. 乘飞机去_ 4. 骑骆驼 _5. camp in tents_ 6.on clear nights_7. sit on a camel_ 8. go white-water rafting_9. wear a helmet _ 10.提前_11.supplies of food and water _ 12.plenty of rest_12. part of our trip _ 13.travel through the desert_ 14.cant wait to do_15. of my own_ 16. get burnt_17._ 18._19._ 20._【课堂教与学】 重点单词、词组或句子用法探究1.【原句回放】We will go to Africa first. I cant wait! ( p22, line7)本句中I cant wait!补充完整是_e.g. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做Laura could hardly wait to see the twins again.【总结】1)Im waiting for James to arrive.: wait for sb to do sth _ 2)I bought a newspaper and waited for the train. wait for sb./ sth._3)The customer had not been waited on for quite a long time, so he drummed on the table with his fingers. : wait on _小试牛刀!1)This is what you should bear in mind: Dont _ a salary increase before you actually get it.A .hang on B. draw on C. wait on D. count on2)The boy is waiting _ his sister and they will go to the hospital to wait _ their sick mother.A. for, on B. on ,for C. for, for D. on. on2.【原句回放】We are going to ride camels through the Sahara Desert. ( p22, line10)此句只中的through可以换成across?_ 为什么?_英译汉:She went across the hall. _She went through the hall. _He jumped over the wall. _He ran past me in a hurry. _【总结】across / through / over / past1)across _ 2) through _3) over _4) past _ 小试牛刀!The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _ deserts _ mountains, and _ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.A. over;across; across B. through; past; past C. across; over; through D.past; through; over3.【原句回放】 I expect it will be very hot( p22, line12)本句是简单句还是复合句?_,具体为_.注意expect的用法,expect词性_,意思是:_.【搭配】1)估计, 期望干某_2)期望某人干某事 _3)expect+ that从句_4)期望有_5)比预期的_ 小试牛刀!1)Does this meal cost$50? I something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose2)Ive worked with children before ,so I know what _ in my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects3)He expected _ a new puter in his study. A. there will be B. there to be C. to be D. it to be4.【原句回放】We will be traveling by camel with local guides ( p22, lines13 )Since we will be working every day for almost two weeks( p23, line28)After that, we will be moving on to Tanzania( p23, line37)上面三句的时态都用了将来进行时,表示_。 e.g. He will be taking his exam next week._.将来进行时和一般将来时的区别:小试牛刀!1)What_ you_ _this time tomorrow? A. willdo B. willhave done C. willbe done D. willbe doing2)“Can you attend the party tonight?”“No,_ the boss about something urgent.” A. I see B. I shall have seen C. Ill be seeing D. I can see5. 【原句回放】the water actually gets quite rough. ( p22, line22)rough词性_, 词义:_get rough是_结构。英译汉I had a rough idea where the sunk ship lay._ Martin had a rough manner. _The ship sailed in rough seas. _They lived a rough life on a small island. _6.【原句回放】You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into water.思考一下,in case引导的是什么从句?什么意思?答:引导的_从句,表示_.英译汉Take an umbrella in case it rains._Leave your key with a neighbor in case you lock yourself out one day._【拓展】in case of_ _in no case_ in any case_in that case_ in either case_in which case _小试牛刀!1)I heard you had seen the film, _ , you neednt go with us.A. in case that B. if not C. unless D. in that case2)_ you poor record in school, we think you should study harder.A. In view of B. In charge of C. In spite of D. In case of 3)She may have missed the train, _she wont arrive for another hour. A. in that case B. in which case C. in case of D. in no case 7. 【原句回放】Well live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cows blood! (Page 23)whatever在本句中意为_,引导_从句。whatever还可以引导_从句,相当于_。根据句意填空:e.g. 1)_ he said that day was right.2)Its not wise for parents to give their children _ they want.3)_great progress youve made, you shouldnt be proud.4)_ telephones me, let me know in no time.【拓展】no matter + 疑问词与疑问词+ -ever都意为无论,都可用来引导让步状语从句,例如no matter who, no matter what, no matter which, whoever, whatever, whichever等。而疑问词+ -ever 还可引导名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句等)。例如:_es to the door, tell them Im out._ he may choose, he will be satisfied. 8.【原句回放】 Well try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though theyre dangerous . (Page 23)本句为_句,由even though引导的_从句,even though相当于_。在主句中,as close as possible指_。as + adj. / adv. + as possible意为尽可能的/ 尽可能地。例如:【拓展】 as much as_ as many as _as far as_ as long as_【课堂巩固】1. Those flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them.A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that2. He sat _ against the wall and listened to the teacher _.A. close; close B. closely; closely C. closely; close D. close; closely 3. Have you heard from Janet recently? - No, but I _ her over Christmas.A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have been seen4. Mary may phone me this afternoon. I dont want to go out _she phones.A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that5. -When are you leaving?-My plane _ at 9:30.A. takes off B. would take off C. is to take off D. is about to take6. The terrible accident really made him .A. scary B. scared C. scare D. scaring7. You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do.A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever8. A middle-aged woman came, _ to the bus stop, only _ the bus had gone.A. to run; to find B. running; to find C. and ran; finding D. running; finding9. She began to play table tennis _, and became famous _.A. in the 1970; in her twenties B. in 1970s; in her twenty C. in the 1970s; in the twenties D. in the 1970s; in the twenty【知识小结】对课文中的重要词汇、短语句型进行归纳总结和适当拓展并通过相应的练习让学生学以致用。【提升与拓展】短文填空 Toby wrote a letter telling Aihua about his plan for his _(1)_ in Africa, on which he and his brother will experience lots of _(2)_ things. First they will fly to a Northern African country, Morocco. Then they will travel by _(3) _ through the Sahara Desert, which is about the (4) of the US. There they are to camp in tents and sleep on the ground in their sleeping bags. However, this trip might be (5) since they will have to sit on camels for six days. Then they will travel _(6)_ the River Nile, by starting at Lake Victoria. The water there is so _(7)_ that they will be able to go white-water rafting. After that, they will move on to see wild animals in Kenya, where they will live with the _(8)_ people, eat and drink whatever they do, _(9)_ cows blood. On this trip, they will have to carry their _(10)_ of food and water and get close to the wildlife like elephants, lions and giraffes. Next follows their trip to Tanzania, where they are going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.【课后预习】Word power。五【板书设计】重点词汇、短语及句型。六【家庭作业】1. 识记本课重点语言点;2. 完成配套练习及时巩固。

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