2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3《Under the sea》word导学案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3Under the seaword导学案学习目标:1. 帮助学生更多地了解海洋(海底)生物。 2. 培养学生热爱和保护海洋生物的意识。3. 掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的词汇用法。4. 学会在写作中表达责备、抱怨及要求赔偿。学习重点:复习动词-ing形式并学习其被动式。课前预习I. Read the passage and find out the following phrases from the passage.1. 整理住处_ 2. 及时(做)某事;来得及-_3. 大声喊叫 _ 4. 在-前面_5. 一刻不停地_ 6. 朝海湾方向驶去_7. 给某人带路_ 8. 一群_9. 最精彩的事_ 10. 瞄准;对准_11. 放开,松手_ 12. 翻身;转身;翻转_13. 在此期间,与此同时_ 14. 饱餐一顿_15. 靠近某人_ 16. 被稳稳地托住_17. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难_II. Read the text and choose the best answer.1. Whats the main idea of this passage ?A. About a big fish which helped the fishermen.B. About great whales which helped the whalers out.C. About the whalers who were surviving on the sea. D. About the whale station where the whalers could catch the whales.2. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to _.A. give the whalers the information about a whale B. tell the whalers it is hungryC. help the whalers catch the whale D. inform the whalers to run away3. Why did the men start turning the boat around to go home after the whale died?A. Because they didnt need a dead whale. B. Because they couldnt find the whales body.C. Because they knew that the dead whale wouldnt float up to the surface for around 24 hours.D. They had to do this because it was too late.4. At first, it was _ that told the whalers there was a whale for them and showed the way. A. George B. Old Tom C. the writer D. James5. Which of the following is the right order according to the text? a. The killers were working as a team to attack the whale. b. The dead whale was dragged by the killers into the depths of the sea. c. We jumped into the boat with the other whalers. d. The harpoon hit the whale. A. c-a-d-b B. b-a-d-c C. c-d-a-b D. d-a-c-bIII. Replace the following sentences with sentences from the passage.1. Although I didnt put on my clothes, I ran after George, because I had known he didnt like waiting others._2. Jamess face suggested that he was afraid of being given up by us._3. We jumped into the boat without the slightest hesitation and started out into the bay._IV. Analyze these sentences and translate them into Chinese.1. I had already heard that George _ _ _ _ _(不喜欢等人), so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him. As we _ _(走近), I could see a whale_ _(受到攻击)by a pack of about six other killers. From Jamess face, I could see he _ _ _ _ _(生怕被遗弃) by us. _ _ over half an hour _(花费做) get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I saw James _ _ _ _ (被稳稳地托着) in the water by Old Tom.2. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us _ _ _(猛力跃出) of the water and then _ _(坠落) again. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom _ ( 游着) by the boat, _ _ _ _(为我们指路). A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George _ _(拍打水面) the water with his oar and there was Tom, _ _(转回) to the boat, _ _ _(领着我们前往) the hunt again. _ _ _(受了重伤), the whale soon died.3. This was the call that announced there _ _ _ _(马上就要) a whale hunt.4. And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt _(关系词) the other killers were still attacking the whale.Book7 Unit3 Under the sea导学案 第二课时1. 课本原句:I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I_(亲眼见过多次).witness vt. 当场见到;目击 n. 目击者;证人;证据a witness to 是的目击者/证据 give/bear witness to 为作证 witness stand (=witness box)证人席注意:witness, see, find 等动词的主语有时是物(时间,地点等)。e.g. xx witnessed Premier Wen doing morning exercises together with some Japanese in Tokyo.xx年温总理在东京和当地人晨练。2.课本原句:We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.opposite prep. 在-对面 adj. 相对的;相反的 n. 对立面;对立的人或物Hot is opposite to cold. (adj.)热与冷相反。 The bank is opposite the supermarket. (prep.)银行在超市的正对面。-Is it better now? -Quite the opposite, Im afraid. 恐怕正相反。3. 课本原句:On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I_, I heard a loud noise_.当我正在整理住宿的时候,听到从海湾那边传来一阵喧闹声。(1)sort out 分类;整理 Im just sorting out the papers that can be thrown away.解决(问题或困难) Weve got a few little problems to sort out.联系:sort through 查看并挑选出;翻看,规整 put away 将收起,把放回原处积蓄,攒钱(2) acmodation n.住所;住宿make/offer acmodations for 为-提供食宿arrange sb.s acmodation 给某人安排住所4.课本原句:“e on, Clancy. To the boat,”George said as he ran ahead of me.ahead of (时间/空间)在之前 Time here is nine hours ahead of London. 汉意_ He is ahead of me in Chinese.联系:set sb./ sth. apart from 使与众不同,使突出,使优于get ahead of 超越 ahead of time 提前 5.课本原句:Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and_(朝海湾方向驶去).head v.朝方向移动 She headed for the door. 她朝着门走去。位于排行之首 Whose name heads the list? 谁的名字列在名单的最前头?拓展:hang ones head(羞愧、尴尬地)垂下头hold ones head high/ hold up ones head昂首挺胸;抬起头来6.课本原句:As we drew closer, I could see a whale _(正受到一群-的攻击)about six other killers.pack n. 包裹;一群 a pack of/ packs of 一群,成群vt.收拾(行李);装(箱) pack (up) ones things 整理行装 He packed a bag _ (填入一介词) a few things and was off.挤进;塞进 Fans packed the hall to see the band.乐迷为了一睹乐队风采,把大厅挤得水泄不通。包装;包裹7.课本原句:Within a moment or two, the whales body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea. 过了片刻,鲸的尸体就被虎鲸们迅速地拖向深海中去了。drag vt.& vi.(使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,扯,拽辨析:drag/ pull/ push Help me move the piano; you _ and Ill _. _ /_the curtains Try and _ your way through the crowd. Angry protesters were _away by the police.8.课本原句:“ Man overboard! Turn the boat around!” urged George,_(大声喊).urge vt. 催促;极力主张;驱策urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事sb. urge that /Its urged that sb. (should)do sth. 极力主张;坚决要求拓展:urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的urgency n.急切;迫切9.课本原句:From Jamess face, I could see he_.从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。abandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃abandon ones hope/plan /idea 放弃希望、计划、主意abandon ones country/friend/family/a bad habit 背弃祖国、朋友、家人;革除恶习abandon oneself to 沉湎于,陷于拓展:abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;被抛弃的10.课本原句:It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I saw James _Old Tom.我们花了半个小时才把船调转头来,回到詹姆斯落水的地方。当我们靠近他的时候,我看到老汤姆正在水中稳稳托着詹姆斯。hold up 举起,抬起,支撑,搀扶 We were held up(汉意_) on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.举出(例子);提出(做为榜样)hold up sb. /sth. as 拦劫,抢劫联系:hold on (打电话时)_ 在困境或危险中)坚持住,挺住hold on to/onto抓紧,不放开 _ (替别人或更长时间的)保存某物hold back拦阻,阻挡 _ _ (使)犹豫,踌躇Book7 Unit3 Under the sea导学案 第三课时语篇解读:I. Read the passage and find out the following phrases from the passage on page24.1. 回忆;思考_ 2. 醒来_3. 对知道;明白;意识到_ 4.上下翻转 _ 5. 吓死了_ 6. 急剧地跳动_II. Read the text and choose the correct answer.1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell us that _.A. what he saw in the seaB. how the fish eat in the seaC. the vivid colors in the seaD. all the plants in the sea are poisonous2. What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text?A. The orange and white anemonefish.B. The yellow spotted red sea slug.C. The yellow and green parrotfish.D. The orange and blue striped angelfish.3. When the author saw two _,he felt scared to death.A. anemonefish B. parrotfish C. sea-slugs D. sharks4. From the whole text we know that the author felt that _.A. he was a tiny spot pared with the whole worldB. the ocean was a tiny spot pared with the whole worldC. there was no danger in the sea except sharksD. all kinds of fish were waiting for something for foodIII. Analyze and translate the sentences into Chinese and try to memorize them.1. The fish didnt seem to _ _ _(介意我游泳) among them.2. Then there were two grey reef sharks, each about one and a half metres long, _(关系词) suddenly appeared from behind some coral.3. I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _(抑制我那怕得要死的心情) for a moment!4. The water was quite shallow but _(连词) the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.5. _ _ _ _ _(我的心急剧地跳动着)I _ _ _ (感觉彻底曝光) in such deep clear water.知识导航:1. 课本原句:Im sitting in the warm night air _the daya day of pure magic! 手里拿着一瓶冷饮,回忆着当天的事情。reflect vi. 思考 vt. 映射;反射;思考reflect on/upon sth. 思考某事e.g. I reflected on possible reasons for my failure. 我仔细考虑导致我失败的种种原因。reflect well/badly on sb./sth. 给人/物以好的(坏的)印象2.课本原句:The first thing _was all the vivid colours surrounding mepurples, reds, oranges, yellows, blues and greens. 我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩 aware adj.意识到的;知道的搭配:be/bee aware of 对知道、明白;意识到be/bee aware that 对知道、明白;意识到拓展:be well aware of sth. 很清楚、完全知道 make sb. aware of sth. 让某人明白、意识到be environmentally aware 有环保意识 as/so far as I am aware 就我所知awareness n.意识;认识 raise/ increase public awareness of sth.加强/增强公众对某事物的意识3. narrow adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的;心胸狭小的a narrow escape 死里逃生 a narrow victory 险胜 in a narrow sense 在狭义上v. (使)变窄;缩小The river narrows at this point.河面到了这儿变得很狭窄。拓展:adv. narrowly 狭窄地;勉强地 narrow-minded adj. 心胸狭隘的4. sharp adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的;突然的;急剧的;强烈的;苛刻的;尖刻的a sharp knife 锋利的小刀 the sharp teeth 锋利的小刀 a sharp drop in price 价格骤降 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转He said something sharp to the little girl. 他对这个小女孩说了些尖刻的话。adv.准时地;整; at seven oclock sharp 七点整 Book7 Unit3 Under the sea导学案 课前预习I. 1. sort out the acmodation 2. in time to do sth. / for sth. 3. yell out 4. ahead of 5. without pausing 6. head out into the bay 7. show sb. the way 8. a pack of 9. the most extraordinary thing 10. aim (sth.) at 11. let sb./sth. go / let go (of sb./ sth.) 12. turn around 13. in the meantime 14. have a good feed on 15. approach sb. 16. be firmly held up 17. help ()outII. BACBAIII. 1. I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.2. From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 3. Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.IV. Analyze these sentences and translate them into Chinese.1. didnt like being kept waiting drew closer; being attacked was terrified of being abandoned It took; to; being firmly held up 2. throwing itself out ; crashing down swimming; showing us the way started beating; circling back; leading us to Being badly wounded3. was about to be 4. whereBook7 Unit3 Under the sea导学案 第二课时 答案1. witnessed it with my own eyes many times3. was sorting out my acmodation ing from the bay4. 比强/好 5. headed out into the bay6. being attacked by a pack of with7. push pull pull/draw push dragged8. shouting loudly 9. was terrified of being abandoned by us10. being firmly held up in the water by 使停顿,使延误 hold on (打电话时)别挂断,等一下 hold on to/onto 不送(不卖)某物 hold back 隐瞒(消息等)抑制,控制(感情等)Book7 Unit3 Under the sea导学案 第三课时答案语篇解读:I. 1. reflect on 2. wake up 3. bee aware of 4. upside down 5. (be) scared to death 6. beat wildlyII. ACDAIII. 1. mind me swimming 2. which 3. stop me from feeling scared to death 4. where 5. My heart was beating wildly; I felt very exposed知识导航:1.with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on 2. I became aware of

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