2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2《Wish you were here》(Grammar and usage)教学设计1 .doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2《Wish you were here》(Grammar and usage)教学设计1 .doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2《Wish you were here》(Grammar and usage)教学设计1 .doc_第2页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2《Wish you were here》(Grammar and usage)教学设计1 .doc_第3页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit 2Wish you were here(Grammar and usage)教学设计1板块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本板块通过语法规则的讲解与多种图示的呈现,让学生比较全面系统地掌握本单元的语法知识。讲解应通俗易懂,一目了然。板块中的语法练习尽量在语篇中完成。这样可以避免学生死抠语法,生搬硬套。语法训练所选用的材料和所设计的练习也尽可能地和本单元话题相联系。此外,教师还应注意拓展和延伸学生已学过的语法项目。Teaching aims:After learning,the students will get a clear idea of what the future continuous tense is like and how to use it correctly. Besides, their knowledge of the future tense will be further improved.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming upTell a story of a tortoise and a snail with the pictures shown on the screen. Talk with the whole class about the different forms of the simple future tense that are used in it.The simple future tense is expressed by:a. will/shall do.b. be going to do.c. be about to do. d. be to do.e. be doing.f. do/ does. Explanation 故事图文并茂,很容易吸引学生的注意力。故事中人物的对话又创设了一个个生动具体的语境,巧妙地把学生学过的一般将来时的各种形式进行回顾,为进一步学习将来进行时作铺垫。Step 2 Revision & Lead-inFrom the reading passage in this unit, weve learned that Toby and Colin are going to have an adventure in Africa. Do you still remember their plans for the holiday? Help the Ss to recall like this:1. Theyll be flying to Morocco in Northern Africa.2. Theyll be traveling by camel with the local guides.3. Theyll be walking every day for two weeks.Ask the Ss to guess what tense is used in these sentences and write down “Future continuous tense” on the blackboard.Explanation通过这个环节,学生复习了学过的课文内容,同时又自然导入本课学习任务:将来进行时。Step 3 Presentation 1. Show the following sentence on the screen and explain it with the picture:Toby will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week.According to the example above, help the Ss to understand that the future continuous tense is often used to talk about something that will be in progress* over a period of time in the future*at a certain time in the future2. Show the following sentences on the screen and get the whole class to pare them with each other and learn about the other cases when this tense is used. 1) A. Ill do some shopping next week. (You are talking about a plan for next week.)B. Ill be shopping in the mall all this afternoon.(The action of “shopping” will cover a period of time in the future.)C. At this time tomorrow Ill be shopping in the mall. (The action of “shopping” will be in progress at a certain time of future.) 2) A. I will see you this weekend. (Perhaps Ill go to your home specially to see you.)B. I will be seeing you this weekend. (Perhaps we are both invited to a party this weekend when Ill see you naturally.) 3) A. Tom wont cut the grass. (Tom refuses to cut the grass.) B. Tom wont be cutting the grass. (This sentence gives no information of Toms intention or feeling. Its just a statement of fact. Perhaps Tom is ill or away, or doing some other job.) 4)A. When will you e again? (Your parents or teachers or friends will probably ask questions like this. Its not very polite.) B. When will you be ing again? (The enquiry sounds very polite.)3. Ask the Ss to sum up the cases when the future continuous tense is used.FutureContinuousTenseTalk about something that will be in progress at a certain time or over a period of time in the future.Express future without intention.Make polite enquiries about other peoples future plans.4. Help the Ss to get a clear idea of the form of this tense: a. in statementssb. will (not) be doing b. in questionsWill sb. be doing ? C. in short answersYes, sb. will. / No, sb. will not(wont).Explanation图表能使原本抽象的语法项目变得生动具体,便于学生理解和记忆;两种时态的比较让学生在具体的语境中感悟一般将来时和将来进行时的用法区别;丰富的示例能帮助学生最终对将来进行时的用法作归纳。Step 4 Practice 1. Play a game with the title “Testing your memory” to practice using the tense. Show a short passage about Lilys school life on the screen. Allow the Ss to read it for 3 minutes. Then ask the Ss to tell what Lily will be doing at a certain time to see if they have a good memory. 2. Reading with fun Offer the Ss two interesting dialogues and ask them to read them and better understand the future continuous tense in use. Meanwhile, encourage the Ss to act them out in pairs.1) Jim: Will you be using your bicycle this evening? Tom: No. So you want to borrow it? Jim: Yes. When can I get it? Tom: After I go to heaven.2) Jack: Will you be passing the post office when youre out? Carl: Probably. Why? Jack: I need some stamps. Could you get me some? Carl: Sure. Money, please. Jack: How much do you want? Carl: The more, the better.Explanation 借助游戏和趣味阅读让学生摒弃生搬硬套,在语篇中更真切地感受本课语法项目的用法特点。Step 5 Further practiceAllow the Ss several minutes to take a look at the note and the journalists schedule. Then ask the Ss to plete He Mings reply to his boss individually. Finally check the answers with the whole class.If time permits, get the Ss to do more exercises like multiple choice and translation.Multiple choices:1) At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic. (NMET 2003年 北京) A. were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to fly2) What are you going to do this afternoon? I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _ quite early, so we _ to the bookstore after that. (NMET 2005年 重庆) A. finished; are going B. finished; go C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go3) Because the shop _ , all the T-shirts are sold at half price. (NMET 2004年 浙江) A. has closed down B. closed down C. is closing down D. had closed down4) Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _ advertisements showing happy families. (NMET 2004年 湖南) A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen5) We _ a basketball match at five tomorrow afternoon.A. will have watched B. watchC. can watch D. will be watching6) If he _, dont interrupt him.A .still works B. is still workingC. still has been working D. will still be workingAnswers: BCCADBTranslation:当我们到达纽约时,天将正在下雨。(将来正在)他将在会议上作报告。(纯粹将来)你将在什么地方度过这个暑假?(礼貌询问)史密斯夫妇下个星期打算去巴西。随后这个月里他们将在墨西哥旅行。Answers: 1).It will be raining when we arrive in New York. 2). He will be giving a talk at the meeting. 3). Where will you be spending your summer vacation? 4).Mr. and Mrs. Smith are going to Brazil next week, and they will be traveling in Mexico later in the month.Explanation “熟能生巧”是经过检验的真理,那么在教授新的语法项目的时候,一定要尽可能多地提供学生操练的机会。充足的练习能让学生及时巩固所学知识,从而大大提高课堂的有效性。Step 6 Homework1. Review the future continuous tense and preview the tense of future in the past.2. Finish Exercise C1 in the workbook on Page 96.

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