2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 2《Robots》word导学案.doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 2Robotsword导学案学习目标: 1.了解机器人及有关的科幻小说 了解小说家阿西莫夫及其作品.2.培养自己的想象力和对未知世界的探索精神.3.掌握本单元教学目标和要求中的词汇用法 4.学会使用推测和确信的表达法.学习重点: 复习被动语态和学习动词不定式的被动形式.I. First Reading: Read the passage and choose the best answer.1. This reading mainly tells _.A. how a robot used for housework is test out in a familyB. why Claire fell in love with a robotC. why a robot fell in love with a human beingD. that a robot can save a human being from danger 2. Why did Claire finally allowed the robot to be tested in her house?A. Because she liked the robot to acpany her at home.B. Because she needed the robot to help her do housework.C. Because Larry forced her to accept the robot to be tested out in their house.D. Because Larry persuaded her that the robot wouldnt harm her or allow her to be harmed.3. How did the robot Tony help Claire to realize her dreams?A. By giving her a new haircut and changing the makeup she wore.B. By making her home elegant.C. By giving her advice on her dressing.D. All of the above.4. What happened to Tony at last? A. He was bought by Claires friend. B. He continued doing the housework. C. He was taken away D. He went into Gladys home.II. Second Reading: Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. Larry was going to be away from home so he hired a robot to acpany his wife Claire. ( )2. Claire didnt like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. ( )3. Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever. ( )4. It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her home. ( )5. While Tony worked on the improvements of the house, Claire also did her part. ( )6. Claire was very happy to find that Gladys envied her. ( )7. The pany was satisfied with Tonys report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him. ( )8. Tony was eager to help Claire. He scanned quite a lot of books in the library, but he could find no ways out. ( )III. Read the passage again and find out the following phrases from the passage on page 11. 1. 独立思考 _ 2. 更确切的说_ 3. 有趣又惊奇的表情_ 4. 有风流韵事_ 5. 试验,考验 _ 6. 毕竟,终究_ 7. 失败感_ 8. 给打电话_ 9. 转向;回转_ 10. 从掉落_11.不管;别惹;让一个人待着; 和单独在一起 _12.不允许某人干某事 _ 13.对很满意_14.听到某人窃窃私语 _15.伸手取物_IV. Analyze these sentences and translate them into Chinese.1.It was going _ _ _ _ (试验) by Larrys wife, Claire.Claire thought it was ridiculous _ _ _ _ (表示同情)by a robot.By that time, Tony expected the house _ _ _ _.(托尼想在此之前将房子改装得焕然一新)How awful _ _ _ by her (被她发现多难为情啊), Claire thought.What a sweet victory _ _ _ by those women!(受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!)总结:to be done一般式的被动语态,可做后置定语(指被动的,在将来发生的动作),状语,宾语,宾补,标语等。2. It was _ _ _ that he looked so human. (机器人如此通人性,这使她觉得心烦和害怕)By the_ and _ _ on her face(从她脸上那种有趣又惊奇的神色来看), Claire knew that Gladys thought she _ _ _ _(认为她有风流韵事).3. As she _ _(转身), there _ (站在那儿)Gladys Claffern.4. _ _ then _ Claire realized that Tony_ _ the curtains of the front window. (也就在这时候,克莱尔才意识到托尼早就把前边窗户的窗帘拉开了。)Book7 Unit2Robots导学案 第二课时I. Words:1. 课本原句:Claire didnt want the robot in her house, especially as her husband would be absent for three weeks, but Larry_ (使信服) the robot wouldnt harm her or _ (不会让别人来伤害她). persuade 说服,劝服 persuade sb. to do/ into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. not to do/ out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事 使信服,使相信 persuade sb. of sth./ that clause = convince sb. of/ that clause He tried to _ his innocence. 他设法让我相信他是无辜的。2. 课本原句:_(作为恩惠) Tony promised to help Claire make herself smarter and her home more elegant. favour n. 喜爱;恩惠 ask a favour of sb./ ask sb. a favour 请某人帮一个忙 do sb. a favour/ do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙 in favour of 同意,支持(计划,主意或制度等) in sb.s favour 有利于某人;有助于某人 e.g. _/_你可以帮我个忙吗? v. 喜爱;偏袒(计划,想法等)3. 课本原句:As he was not allowed to acpany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. acpany vt. 陪伴 acpany sb. to someplace 陪同某人去某地 acpany sb. to do sth. 陪同某人去做某事Id like you to _ the police station.我想让你陪我去警局。 伴奏 The singer was acpanied at/ on the piano.那位歌手唱歌时是由钢琴伴奏的。 联系:keep sb. pany/ keep pany with sb. = acpany sb _ in the pany of sb./ in sb.s pany _ 5. 课本原句:She cried out “Tony” and then heard him declare that he didnt want to leave her the next day and that he felt _(并不满足于仅仅使她开心). declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称 declare war on/ against another country 向他国宣战 辨析:declare多指正式地当众发布,常用于宣战、议和和宣判。 announce则指公开地发布人们所关心的或感兴趣的事情。 desire n. 渴望;欲望;渴求 He has a strong desire for knowledge/ to learn(强烈的求知欲). vt. 希望得到;想要 + n./ sb. to do/ that clause (虚拟语气) Eg: The president desired you to visit him next week. = The president desired that _.总统要你下周去拜见他。6. 课本原句:But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt-you cannot have women falling in love with machines. 句中划线处包含一个“_”的复合结构,其基本结构如下: have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 have sb./ sth. doing sth. 使某人(物)一直做某事(强调动作的持续和进行) 允许,容忍(用于否定句中,尤置于cannot/will not之后) have sth. done 让某事被(自己或别人)做 遭遇到(意外损失或不幸) The teacher will suggest a good way to _ in a short period. 老师会建议一个好方法来短期内似的我们的英语写作得到提高。 Ill not _ your father.我不允许你那样跟你父亲谈话。II. Phrases:1. 课本原句:His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine(看上去更像一个人而不像台机器). more than more than + 名词:“不仅仅是;不只是” more than + 形容词:“非常;极其” more than + 数词:“多于;超过” no more than:仅仅;只不过 no more- than同一样不 not more than:至多;不超过 not more - than 不如 more.than.:与其不如(= not so much.as) e.g. Dressed in a white uniform, he looks _. 穿着套白色的制服,他看起来更像个厨师而不像个医生。2. 课本原句:So Claire borrowed _ (一堆) books from the library for him to read, or rather, scan. or rather 更确切地说 rather than 而不是prefer to do.rather than do.would do. rather than do/ would rather do. than do 宁愿而不愿3. ring up 给某人打电话【归纳拓展】给某人打电话:call /ring sb. (up) phone sb. give sb. a ring/ phone call make a (telephone ) call to sb. 回电话 ring/ call back 挂断电话 ring off/ hang up 别挂断电话hold on/ hang on 接电话 answer the telephoneYou are wanted on the phone. 有你的电话。 by phone/ on the phone/ over the phone 通过电话4. leavealone 不管;别惹;让一个人呆着;和单独在一起 leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑;忽视 leavebehind 遗留;忘了带 把撇在后面 永久离开(某人/某地) leave for sp. 动身去某处 5. set aside将.放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间) set out (to do)开始(做)出发,动身摆放,陈列,陈述 set about+ n./ doing sth. 开始;(着手)做 set off 动身,出发;引爆,燃放;使爆发;引起 set up 建立;设立 set down 写下,记下Book7 Unit2Robots导学案 第三课时语篇解读I. Read the second text -A Biography Of Isaac Asimov and choose the best answer.1. Who was Isaac Asimov?A. An American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948.B. A Russian scientist and writer who married twice.C. A RussianAmerican writer and scientist who became a fulltime writer in 1958.D. An American Russian writer and scientist who had two children.2. What was Asimov best known for?A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction stories.C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare.3. All the following statements are TRUE except_.A. Asimovs talent for writing became obvious at age 12.B. He began having his stories published in science magazine in 1939.C. He published his first novel in 1950.D. He published his first science book in 1953.4. In which book did Asimov develop a set of three “laws”?A. The Foundation Trilogy. B. I, Robot.C. In his first novel. D. In his first science book.5. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws didnt exist?A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings.B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings.C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings.D. All of the above.II. Read the passage and find out the following phrases from the passage on page 16.1. 因为而最出名 _ 2. 化学硕士学位 _3. 受到很多奖赏 _ 4. 基本上以基础_ 5. 一共;总计 _ 6. 目的是;意图是;为打算/设定 _7. 将放在一边;为节省或保留 _ 8. 一定做 _9. 熟能生巧 _ 10.做关于的研究 _11. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难_ 12.认真对待_III. Analyze these sentences of the text and translate them into Chinese.1. Asimov had both _ _ _ (超凡的想象力) that gave him the ability _ _ _ _(探索未来世界的能力) and an amazing mind _ _(介词+关系代词) he searched for explanations of everything, in the present and the past.2. It ended in New York on 6 April,1992, _(引导词) he died _ _ _ _(由于)an HIV infection _(引导词) he had got from a blood transfusion nine years earlier.3. In 1942 he joined the _ (员工) of the Philadelphia Navy Yard _ _ _ _(担任初级化学师) and worked there for three years. junior adj. 较年幼的;资历较浅的;地位较低的 n.年少者;晚辈;等级较低者 A is junior to B by two years. = A is two years junior to B. A比B小2岁。 拓展:senior adj.年长的;资历较老的;地位较高的;高级的 n. 年长者;前辈 senior/ junior 表示比较时,本身含有比较含义,没有比较级形式并且与to连用,不用than.4. _ _ _Asimov was eleven years old _ his talent for writing became obvious. 早在阿西莫夫11岁的时候,他的写作才华就已经显露出来了。 talent n. 天才;特殊能力;才干 a man/ woman of many talents 多才多艺的男人/女人 have a talent/ gift for (doing) sth _拓展:talented (= gifted) adj. 有天赋的,有才华的Book7 Unit2Robots导学案答案课前预习II. ADDCII. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. FIII. 1.think for oneself 2.or rather 3. the amused and surprised look 4.have an affair 5. test out 6. after all 7.sense of failure 8.ring up 9.turn around 10.fall off 11.leave . alone12. cant have sb. doing sth. 13. be pleased with 14.hear sb. whispering to 15.reach forIV. 1.to be tested out to be offered sympathy to be pletely transformed to be discoveredto be envied 2.disturbing and frightening amused and surprised; was having an affair 3.turned around; stood 4.It was; that; had opened第二课时I. Words:1. persuaded her that ; allow her to be harmed; persuade me of2. As a favour; Can I ask a favour of you?/ Can you do me a favour, please?3. acpany me to; 陪伴某人; 在某人的陪同下 4. amused and surprised look; having an affair5. more than just the desire to please her; you should visit him next week6. have + 宾语 + 宾语补足语; have our written English improved; have you talking like that toII. Phrases:1. more like a cook than a doctor2. a pile of; 第三课时I. CBABDII. 1. be best known for 2. a masters degree in Chemistry 3. receive many awards 4. be loosely based on 5. in all 6. be designed to 7. set aside 8. be bound to 9. Practice makes perfect. 10. research into/ on 11. help () out 12. take sb/sth seriously III. 1. an extraordinary imagination; to explore future worlds; with which 2. when; as a result of; that 3. staff; as a junior chemist 4. It was when; that; 有(做)的天赋


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