2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 22 A world of fun The fifth period》教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 22 A world of fun The fifth period教案一、教学内容及解析1、内容:.单词及短语精讲2、解析: base on in mon bine withdivide into go on doing sth. be like to do sth. it seems that 二、目标及解析1、目标:要求学生掌握和运用相应的词汇2. 解析:体验英语语言、问题,学习灵活使用语言结构。 三教学问题诊断及分析1本单元内容的教学问题是学生对于v-ing在文章中的用法及分析文章的篇章结构。2. Finish the relevant tasks on the basis of further understanding of the text. 四教学支持条件分析Pair work or individual work to learn some words and phrases in class.教学过程设计(一)教学基本流程Revision -language points-完成目标检测小结(二)教学情景Step 1 Revision(Keys to学习目标:1.shuttle2.risk3.injury4.achievement5.helicopter6.darkness7.twist8.splash9.imagination10.designer11. cut off 12. race 13. focus on 14. be in danger 15.乘往返的汽车) Read through the passage again and find as many attributive clauses as possible in itStep 2 Language points1.risk vt. n.自我诊断1) We must risk _ _ _ a storm. 我们必须甘冒为大雨所阻之险2) There is no risk of your catching cold if you wear warm clothes.译:_归纳总结 risk vt. n.冒之险,拿-冒险 后跟名词或动名词作宾语, risk doing n. 危险,风险 run/take a risk 冒险 at risk 处于危险中(in danger)at the risk of doing 冒着的危险 at any risk( at all risks) 不顾一切, 无论如何对位专练 3)Are you willing to risk _ a sincere friend?( lose)4) Talking of heroes, I think of many people who _ _ _ to rescue others. (冒着生命危险)5)He took the risk of _ to save the boy.( kill)Keys:1)getting caught in 3) losing 4)risked their lives 5) being killing2.base自我诊断1)意见应以事实为根据。One should always_ ones opinions_facts. 2)这部电影是根据劳伦斯的书改编的。The film _ _ _ the book by D.H. Lawrence.3)That pany has offices all over the world, but their base is in Paris._Keys:base.on /is based on/这个公司的办事处遍布全世界,但本部在巴黎。归纳总结 base v.(与on, upon连用)根据;基于;base sth. on/ upon “以为基础/根据”。n.底;基础 ,基地;本部; A bottle has a flat base. 瓶子有一个平的底。 3.thrill n. v. 自我诊断1)我得知考试及格后很兴奋。 It _ me_ _ to know I had passed the examination. 你的消息令我们大家很兴奋。 *We _ _ _your good news.Keys:gave me a thrill /were thrilled at归纳总结n. 兴奋;激动;胆战心惊;欢乐使极感兴奋: It gives sb a thrill to do. vt, vi 使激动;使胆战心惊;使吓得浑身发抖She thrilled to the sound of his footsteps on the stairs.开快车实在令我感到刺激。Fast driving really thrills me. 4.go through自我诊断 将下列句子翻译成汉语,注意go through的词义1)You should go through your paper / exercises carefully. 归纳总结 Keys:1) 检查、审阅、讨论 2)快速浏览,查看,翻找3) 用完、做完(某事) 4) 经历(困难、痛苦)经过(阶段)5) 通过、成交5. 自我诊断 辨析:occur; happen; break out; e about; take place1. At the beginning of June an event .归纳总结 这组词语作“发生”解时,都是不及物动词,都不能用于被动语态。occur指在一定时期所发生的事,尤指预先未计划或事先没有迹象的事。当表示“偶然发生”时,可与happen互换,但occur常用于正式场合,happen为一般用语。It occurs to sb. that.某人想起happen指偶然、自发或未能预见的发生,主语通常是事故、事件等词,有时也用it作形式主语。break out指“战争(火灾、疾病等)突然爆发。” e about指要求解释或说明理由的发生,且常与how连用。take place指事情的发生是预料中的、确定的,没有偶然的含义。可引申为“举行;进行”。Keys:1)occurred 2. happened / occurred 3. broke out 4. came about / occurred / happened 5. have taken place 6. take placeStep3 目标检测请选用所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。be based on; cut off; in mon with; focus on;a collection of; make sure; bine . with1. _ that the doors are locked before you go out.设计意图: 检测学生对本节内容的学习情况。师生活动: 请生做题,师检查,师问生答。Step4小结配餐作业 建议下列题中任选两组题完成(AB)或(BC)基础题(A组题)I. 用divide/separate的适当形式填空 (1). He _ the apple into half.II. 用适当的介词或副词填空。1. _ most people in the government, the minister would rather go to work on foot than by car.Keys: 1. Like / Unlike 2. in; with 3. to 4. off 5. Without 6. besides巩固题(B组题)I.根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。1. 你的观点以什么为依据? (be based on)Keys:1. What are your opinions based on? 2. The journey will bine business with pleasure.3. We will do our best to make sure you enjoy your visit. 4. The book is divided into six sections.5. The doctor said that her mothers life was still in danger. 6. Im very tired and dont feel like doing anything today. 7.We should bine work with rest.提高题(C组题)完形填空Telling the truth is a very good habit. If you 36 speak the truth, you .36、A、alwaysB、hardlyC、sometimes D、never36-40 ACBDA41-45 CDCDA 46-50 DCCBC 51-55 ADBDA 设计意图: 训练学生对文章结构、上下文语境的驾驭能力,培养学生阅读能力。课后反思:

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