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2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修4Module6UnexplainedMysteriesoftheNaturalWorld全套教案设计附点评反思教学内容:Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary, Speaking教学目标:1. 掌握一定的词汇、短语和句型。 2. 通过阅读文章,使学生了解天池水怪,这一自然界的不解之谜。 3通过阅读讨论等活动,培养学生探索自然界的精神。教学方法: 问答法,小组讨论法教学原则:1通过对自然界一些不解之谜的介绍,引入话题长白山天池水怪。2首先通过快速阅读,让学生先从整体上把握文章,找出文章的出处。然后提出问题,让学生带着问题进行阅读,有利于学生对于文章细节的快速掌握及理解。教学过程:第一部分:IntroductionStep 1词汇预热完成练习2中的词汇练习。把本单元词汇的学习放在最开始,有利于后面活动的开展。Step 2 头脑风暴Have you ever heard of unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World?What is it?Step 3 知识自测完成第一个练习第二部分:Reading Step 1 在进行课文分析之前,根据Reading部分第四项练习,先来处理文中出现的新词汇和短语等。Step 2 快速阅读文章的开始,判断出处,完成练习1Step 3 听录音读课文,对文章进行分段并阐述理由,核对答案。 Part1. Para.1-3 reports the three sightings of the monster. Part2. Para.4 talks about what other people think about it including scientists. Part3. Para5 tells readers what is special about Lake Tianchi.Step 4 二人一组,阅读文章,把握细节,完成Reading中的第二个练习,并完成表格。PeopleDescriptionA director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying,A local photographer, Xue JunlinSoldiers who were walking along the side of the lake.A visitor who was visiting the lake with his family.核对答案PeopleDescriptionA director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying,It jumped out of the water like a seal.About 200 people on Changbais western peak saw it.It seemed to be black in colour and was ten metres from the edge of the lake.A local photographer, Xue JunlinIts head looked like a horse.Soldiers who were walking along the side of the lake.It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10-centimetre horns.A visitor who was visiting the lake with his family.A round black creature moved quickly through the water.After three of four hundred meters it dived into the water.Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action.Step5 根据表格,完成练习3第三部分:Speaking根据题目要求,两人一组,编造对话。问题围绕w展开,例如:Where were you when you saw the monster?How many people saw it?What colour was it?What was it like?What do you think of it?Can you see it clearly and why?第四部分:DiscussionDo you think there is a monster in the world? Why?第五部分:Homework1. 书面作业:书后P99 reading1Ex.10&112. 从color, appearance, place, time几个方面描述一个怪物。(口头作业)教学反思: 经过本堂课的讲授,学生对自然界,尤其是长白山天池更加好奇,激发了学生探索自然的兴趣。在扩大知识面的同时,也培养了学生的阅读技巧,先快后细。本节课内容丰富,时间紧张,这就要求学生要在课前做好充分的预习工作,只有这样,才能在课上积极参与、配合。教学点评:1、 唐岚老师在阅读设计中,通过不同类型的活动(填表、回答问题、小组讨论等),训练和培养学生获取和处理主要信息,理解文章主旨和作者意图的能力。2、 唐岚老师在设计相关阅读活动中,严格遵循学生的普遍的认知规律,过程设计科学,内容层次分明,有利于学生的接受。如利用表格,来复述细节信息,能使学生对文章信息清楚明确,并扩大学生的知识面。 (点评人:特级教师王媛)外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World听说课(1)唐岚 天津五十五中学教学内容: Listening and Vocabulary教学目标:1通过听力练习,提高学生的听力水平2使学生在有语境的对话中掌握一些日常交际用语。教学方法: 竞赛法,小组讨论法; 教学原则: 听说是一切言语活动的基础。听说是第一位的,读写是在听说的基础上派生出来的。课上使学生充分进行听说练习,对于教师来说,能及时、严格地纠正学生出现的错误,培养正确的语言习惯;对于学生来说,有利于听说能力的提高。 教学过程:第一部分:Revision and Checking the homeworkStep 1 核对书上第99页练习10&11Step 2 游戏介绍怪物,猜测是什么怪物。老师在此环节中介绍恐龙特征,让学生进行猜测。第二部分:Listening and VocabularyStep 1 恐龙知识竞赛两人一组,讨论完成练习2,并收集答案Step 2 完成练习1中的词汇练习。Step 3听一遍录音核对练习2的答案,看哪组同学的答案正确。Step 4听录音完成练习4Step 5Why did dinosaurs suddenly disappear?两人一组,完成第六个练习,猜测答案。(不认识的单词,可以让学生借助第五个练习中的图片猜测。)Step 6听录音,判断第六个练习的正误。Step 7听录音,用练习5中的单词填空。Pres: Why did dinosaurs suddenly disappear?Dr: Well, probably the most widely accepted theory is the meteorite one.Pres: You mean the earth was hit by a _ from space.Dr: Yes, thats right.Pres: And the dinosaurs died immediately?Dr: Not exactly, not all of them. The meteorite may have hit the earth with such force that it created a huge _, which stopped the sunlight from getting through. so there was no light, no heat, and no food.Pres: But other animals survived?Dr: Yes, smaller creatures like mammals, which may have survived because they ate _.Pres: What other theories are there?Dr: Lots. The dinosaurs may have stopped evolving, and been unable to adapt to changes in the climate. Or they might have killed each other.Pres: Is that possible?Dr: Oh yes. They spent a lot of time fighting. There again, it might have been_, not a meteorite, which sent up clouds of dust and cut off the light. One very recent theory says they died of cancer.Pres: Cancer? You mean the dinosaurs died out because they fell ill?Dr: Yes. As a result of radiation ing from a dying star somewhere in our _Pres: That sounds fantastic.Dr: Well, I think its unlikely, but its not impossible.Pres: which theory do you believe?Dr: Igo for the meteorite. I think its the most likely one. And in fact there is a huge _ in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Mexico, where the meteorite may have landedStep 8 Discussion四人一组,谈论你认为最有可能的原因及理由。第三部分:Homework1. 完成书后P101 Ex12,142. 预习语法教学反思: 本堂课,由于听力内容较难,所以听的比重比较大,说的比重相对比较小。在听力过程中,选择在最后通过练习把听力原文呈现,这样可以保证全班每个同学都能够理解,并为后面的讨论打下很好的铺垫。虽然听力内容不简单,但由于打出原文,所以同学们都能够跟上进度,参与活动比较积极。教学点评:3、 唐岚老师在阅读设计中,通过不同类型的活动(填表、回答问题、小组讨论等),训练和培养学生获取和处理主要信息,理解文章主旨和作者意图的能力。4、 唐岚老师在设计相关阅读活动中,严格遵循学生的普遍的认知规律,过程设计科学,内容层次分明,有利于学生的接受。如利用表格,来复述细节信息,能使学生对文章信息清楚明确,并扩大学生的知识面。 (点评人:特级教师王媛)外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World语法课(1)唐岚 天津五十五中学教学内容:Cultural Corner,Grammar may have/ might have, 教学目标:1了解情态动词may have/ might have的用法2能够表达可能性的推测教学方法: 发现法;练习法;归纳法教学原则: 1通过学生仔细观察例句,发现含义与特点,有利于学生的自主学习。2通过小组讨论学习,能够使学生在学习中互相帮助,有利于学生的合作和探究式学习。教学过程:第一部分:Revision and Checking the homeworkStep 1 核对书上第101页练习12,14第二部分: Cultural Corner:Step 1 听录音,读课文,回答问题。第三部分:GrammarStep1 对cultural corner 中的句子:But in China, the idea of the dragon may have e from the alligator- a shy animal which lives in rivers. 进行翻译。Step 2看听力原文,把含有may have/ might have 的句子找出,并翻译。Pres: Why did dinosaurs suddenly disappear?Dr: Well, probably the most widely accepted theory is the meteorite one.Pres: You mean the earth was hit by a meteorite from space.Dr: Yes, thats right.Pres: And the dinosaurs died immediately?Dr: Not exactly, not all of them. The meteorite may have hit the earth with such force that it created a huge dust cloud, which stopped the sunlight from getting through. so there was no light, no heat, and no food.Pres: But other animals survived?Dr: Yes, smaller creatures like mammals, which may have survived because they ate seeds and nuts.Pres: What other theories are there?Dr: Lots. The dinosaurs may have stopped evolving, and been unable to adapt to changes in the climate. Or they might have killed each other.Pres: Is that possible?Dr: Oh yes. They spent a lot of time fighting. There again, it might have been volcanic eruption, not a meteorite, which sent up clouds of dust and cut off the light. One very recent theory says they died of cancer.Pres: Cancer? You mean the dinosaurs died out because they fell ill?Dr: Yes. As a result of radiation ing from a dying star somewhere in our galaxy Pres: That sounds fantastic.Dr: Well, I think its unlikely, but its not impossible.Pres: Which theory do you believe?Dr: I go for the meteorite. I think its the most likely one. And in fact there is a huge crater in the Caribbean sea, off the coast of Mexico, where the meteorite may have landedStep 3总结may/ might have done 表示对过去可能性的推测。并完成全部练习。第四部分:FunctionStep 1让学生看function 练习1中的句子,总结谓语动词的构成。并回答练习1。may/ might +动词原型be unlikely to do Step 2 完成练习2Step 3总结may/might have done 与may/ might do 的区别。1对于现在或将来状态的推测用may/might do2对于过去动作或事实的推测用may/might have done3might 的可能性比may 小第五部分:Homework1. 书上P97,练习1,2,3教学反思: 本节课完成了之前设定的教学目标,学生对于may/might have done 和may/ might do 的用法有了一定的了解。通过自己翻译总结归纳,使学生的知识,更加系统有条理,并且培养了学生自己学习的能力。并且通过练习的方法,加强了训练。教学点评:1、 在本节语法课上,唐岚老师让学生通过其精心设计的每一个教学步骤、每一项教学活动,达到复习情态动词的目的。2、 唐岚老师在课堂教学中,利用翻译练习,着重培养学生归纳总结的能力。情态动词的学习对于学生来说,是一个难点,突破难点的方法很多,由学生来总结规律,有利于他们记忆,并培养自主学习的能力。 (点评人:特级教师王媛)外研版高中英语(必修4)Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World写作课(1)唐岚 天津五十五中学教学内容:Writing教学目标:1阅读课文,回答问题,掌握写作要点。 2适当练习,提高学生写作水平。教学方法: 问答法,对话法,小组讨论法教学原则: 1写作是“听说读写”基本技能中最难的一项。本课设计的原则是让学生在进行充分的读和说之后,再进行写作,这样可以降低难度,让学生有话可写。2写完之后,让学生互相评判,有利于培养学生合作式学习,并提高自己的写作能力。教学程序:第一部分:Revision and Checking the homework核对书后练习答案。第二部分:WritingStep 1 学生各自阅读课文,并回答问题What happened? Where did it happen? What was the monster like? What color was it? How many people saw it? Did they saw it clearly? Why? What did they think about the monster?Step 2 学生二人一组,想想自然界的不解之谜。然后按照上述问题,一问一答,进行对话练习。Step 3根据对话,向一家英文报社介绍你看到的怪物,并加上合理的理论解释原因。Step 4 两人互相交换,互相批改。并推荐好的范文,向全班展示。第三部分:Homework1完成本单元所有剩余练习2预习新单元。教学反思: 通过阅读提问,引领学生回答,之后小组对话,加强问答的口语练习,使学生了解描写怪物的要点。给后面的写作降低了难度,达到了提高写作水平这一目的。合作式学习,有利于培养学生的合作精神,互相取长补短。教学点评:1、“写”是大部分学生较难掌握的一项技能,经常反映无话可写或错词连篇。唐岚老师在教 学实践中,要求学生在进行大量的准备工作(听和说)后,有了一定的基础再去写文章, 并不断完善自己文章,以达到写作目的和要求。2、在写后的活动中,唐岚老师向全班展示优秀文章,让学生来评价文章的优点,特别对好 的句子,要加以分析,同时要摘抄下来,留作今后的写作素材。 (点评人:特级教师王媛)

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