2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14《Careers》word导学案4.doc

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2019-2020年北师大版高中英语必修五Unit 14Careersword导学案4Tips: when you study for a test, you shouldnt be learningsomething pletely new. Learning aims(学习目标): To practise this personality test and find the right job for you. To role-play an interview for a holiday job.Important and difficult point: Keep the important words and phrases (学习重点、难点) in mind.Learning guide (方法引导): Asking and answering to make the students understand the detailed information. Learning procedures(学习过程):StepWords and expressions.(A级)1.木匠 n. _ 2.化学家 n._ 3.接待员n._ 4保险n._ 5.额外津贴,奖金 n._ 6.服务费,学费 n._ 7.收入 n._ 8.打字员 n._ 9.薪金,工资n. _ 10.收费,要价vt.负责n._11. _ n.摘要,总结 12._指导n.13. _ n.时间表,课程表 14. _机构;学院15_ 援助,帮助n. 16._ n. 泵,抽水机17._资料,数据n. 18._n.话题,题目19._收据,收条 n. 20_n.液体21._理解n. 22._vt.请教,咨询StepCollections of the phrases. (B级)1.take charge of _ 2.quarrel with sb. about sth_3.consult sb. _sth 4. learn _了解5.check _errors检查错误 6. _ a timetable 制定时间表 7.树立榜样_ 8.保持镇定 _ 9. _the phone 在电话中 10.have problems in _sth.做什么事有困难11.讨论,细谈_ 12.大声地说_13正视/直视某人_Step Finish Exercise 2 On Page 22, Exercise 3 and 12 On Page 25(B级)Step文句解析(B级)1.A friend is having problems writing a plot summary for a book report.Have problems (in ) doing sth.做什么事有困难eg. He had problems in .learning English.翻译: 扩展:have difficulty in doing sth. Have trouble in doing sth.2.You are on a school trip and the coach has an accident when a deer runs across the road.Be a on a school trip 在旅行中 eg. we are going on a school trip 翻译: Run across 偶然遇到I ran across her name in the telephone directory翻译: Have an accident遇上事故you may have an accident 翻译: 3.No one is hurt ,but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic. Be stuck in 遇上,陷入,赶上My hand will be stuck in this jar for ever翻译: 扩展:be caught in4.take charge of your situation. Take charge of 掌管,负责Im going to take charge of this operation翻译: 扩展:in charge of /in the charge of 5.offer to take part and ask others to do the same Offer to do 自愿干某事take part in 参加He offers to help me 我来译: StepLook at the reported requests and orders from the questionnaire .Sum up the rules of direct speech and indirect speech总结:1.When we report peoples requests or orders we use the patternask/tell/order sb+ _ 2.When the order or request is negative ,we use the pattern ask/tell/order sb+ _+ infinitiveStep Fill in the blank.(C级)1.Could you lend me a pen?Peter asked me _2.”Dont lode the receipt .It s important.”The salesgirls instructed the shopper _3.”Check for errors, please “The teacher ordered the class _4. “Can you give me a lift home?”Mary asked John _5.”Dont drink that liquid. I dont think its water.”The boys advised the girls _6.”Read the teat and answer the prehension questions”. The teacher told the students_StepI Rewrite the instructions starting with tellExercise8 on Page 23学后反思:

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