2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 15 Learning单元综合检测 北师大版必修5.doc

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Unit 15 Learning单元综合检测.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2017福建宁德高二下期中)Weekends mean hanging out,snacking or just watching horror movies. So look over our picks of some scariest ones.The ExorcistThis 1973 classic,adapted from the 1971 book of the same name,tell the story of a 12yearold girl named Regan McNeil who gets possessed by the devil(恶魔) after using a Ouija board to municate with her imaginary friend Captain Howdy. It was inspired by a true story. Novelist William Peter Blatty adapted his book from the tale of Roland Doe,a young boy in Cottage City,Maryland who underwent an exorcism (驱魔) in 1949.The WitchRobert Eggerss first build at a slow pace that youll either totally love or hate with a passion. The story is about a Puritan family who runs out of town due to the fathers pride,then sets up a home in a remote of the woods all by themselves. As the atmosphere builds and the family starts to fall apart,accusing each other of being witches.The BabadookThe Babadook focuses on a recently widowed mom of a sixyearold named Samuel who,after reading a popup book about a ghoul (食尸鬼) wearing top hat named Mister Babadook,spends the rest of the movie screaming bloody murder and attempting to convince his mom that the Babadook is real.Paranormal ActivityEvery moment of this movie plays upon the viewers fears: people staring at you while you sleep; the person you love being secretly killed; and actual devils in your actual house. Filming in such a way makes it seem like real life,or at least real life presented via a home movie,and leaves you fearing the nighttime scenes,for obvious reasons.【语篇解读】文章给我们介绍了四部周末娱乐的恐怖电影。1Whats the name of the leading role of The Exorcist?ARegan McNeil.BCaptain Howdy.CRoland Doe. DWilliam Peter Blatty.A细节推理题。根据The Exorcist中tell the story of a 12yearold girl named Regan McNeil who gets possessed by the devil (恶魔)可知电影主人公是Regan McNeil,故选A。2Babadook is the name of Aa novelist Ba bookCa devil Da ghoulD推理判断题。根据The Babadook中after reading a popup book about a ghoul (食尸鬼) wearing top hat named Mister Babadook,可知Babadook是食尸鬼的名字,故选D。3Whats one of the characteristics of Paranormal Activity?AFilming the movie in a wild setting.BMaking people die of illness secretly.CMaking the movie scenes feel real.DKeeping audiences smiling at the scenes.C推理判断题。根据最后一部分people staring at you while you sleep; the person you love being secretly killed; and actual devils in your actual house. Filming in such a way makes it seem like real life,or at least real life presented via a home movie,and leaves you fearing the nighttime scenes的描述可知这部电影的特点是非常逼真。4Whats the topic of the films?ALove. BHorror.CCrime. DWar.B推理判断题。根据文中horror movies,scariest ones及对四部电影的介绍可知都是恐怖电影,故选B。B(2017福建龙岩高二期末)Monthly active users of We Chat,a popular social networking App run by Internet Tencent Holdings Ltd,rose to 889 million last year,up 28 percent yearonyear,according to a report on Thursday.The report said the number of active We Chat users last year helped directly drive 174.3 billion yuan of informationsector(信息产业)spending,an increase of 26.2 percent on the previous year.The government has urged to expand consumption to create new sources(来源)of economic growth and to help drive industry upgrading.The report added that the popular message App,which provides a wide range of services,created jobs for 18.81 million people in 2016,up 7.7 percent yearonyear.It found that the percentage of older WeChat users gradually increasing. Those aged over 55 using voice messages accounted for 22 percent of the total,while their average length of time spent on audio and video calling service reached 82 minutes,higher than other groups of users.The report also found that WeChat has quickened the transmission(传送) of information,changed peoples paying habits because they only need to take their mobile phones when going out to shop,and create the channels with which people get information.Ma Shicong,an analyst at Beijingbased Internet Consultancy Analysis,said: “WeChat has accumulated a large number of faithful users by providing various services,from instant messaging,information to mobile payments. WeChat helps make lives easier and more convenient.”The report also showed the WeChat official accounts were favored by users,with 36.1 percent of them following or subscribing to accounts related to in news and information.【语篇解读】这篇文章主要讲了越来越多的人开始使用微信,微信通过提供各种服务,赢得了许多忠实的用户。5Whats the desire of the government according to the text?ATo expand consumption.BTo create more jobs.CTo support WeChat App.DTo balance spending.A推理判断题。根据The government has urged to expand consumption to create new sources(来源)of economic growth and to help drive industry upgrading.政府渴望扩大消费。6Who uses voice messages most frequently?AThe youths.BThe analysts.CShop owners.DThe aged.D细节理解题。根据It found that the percentage of older WeChat users gradually increasing. Those aged over 55 using voice messages accounted for 22 percent of the total,while their average length of time spent on audio and video calling service reached 82 minutes,higher than other groups of users.可知上了年纪的人更频繁的使用语音信息。7How does WeChat win its faithful users?ABy subscribing to the official accounts.BBy creating mobile payments.CBy offering varieties of services.DBy sending in news and information.C推理判断题。根据Ma Shicong,an analyst at Beijingbased Internet Consultancy Analysis,said: “WeChat has accumulated a large number of faithful users by providing various services,from instant messaging,information to mobile payments. WeChat helps make lives easier and more convenient.” 可知,微信通过提供各种服务,赢得了许多忠实的用户。C(2017包头九中高二下期中) Mrs. Obama spoke to the graduates of Martin Luther King Jr. High School on Saturday in her only high school mencement (毕业典礼) speech this year. The ceremony took place in the gymnasium of Tennessee State University.The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a highprofile job,she said,she ended up leaving to focus on public service.“My message to you today is that dont waste a minute living someone elses dream,” she said.“It takes lots of real work to discover what brings you joy and you wont find what you love simply by checking mailboxes or surfing the Internet.”She said MLK reminded her of her own high school experience in Chicago.“My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,” she said.“I wanted to go somewhere that would celebrate achievements.” “Unfortunately,schools like this dont exist for every kid,” she said.“You are blessed.”The first lady told the graduates that failure may be a part of their college careers,and that how they respond to difficulties determines what they will bee.“Thats when you find out what youre really made of in those hard times,” she said.“But you can only do that if youre willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail. Overing difficulties has been a mark of many great people,” she said.“Oprah Winfrey was demoted(降职) from her first job as a news reporter,and now she doesnt even need a last name,” she said of media giant Oprah Winfrey.“And then theres this guy Barack Obama. I could take up a whole afternoon talking about his failures. He lost his first race for Congress,” the first lady joked,“and now he gets to call himself my husband.”【语篇解读】本文讲述了美国第一夫人在Martin Luther King Jr. High School毕业典礼上的讲话的部分内容,她鼓励孩子们要正视失败,要把精力放到学业上。8When choosing her high school,Mrs Obama Awanted to study lawBwas pushed to make a choiceCfailed to find an ideal schoolDwas willing to meet challengesD细节理解题。根据第三段第一夫人的话语“My No.1 goal was to go to a high school that would push me and challenge me,”“我的第一目标是去一所能推动我并挑战我的高中”可知,当她在选择高中时,奥巴马夫人乐意接受挑战。故选D。9By mentioning Oprahs example,Mrs Obama wanted to tell the graduates Ato be brave enough to risk failingBto work hard to get promotedCto start as a news reporterDnot to waste time doing what they dislikeA推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容奥巴马夫人是在说“But you can only do that if youre willing to put yourself in a position where you might fail.Overing difficulties has been a mark of many great people,”“如果你把自己放在一个可能失败的位置才有可能做到。克服困难是很多伟大的人的标志。”之后举了Oprah第一份工作降职的例子,可知第一夫人想告诉毕业生足够勇敢的冒失败的危险。故选A。10Where can you probably find this text?AIn a news report.BIn a politics book.CIn a graduation paper.DOn Mrs Obamas blog.A文章来源题。根据文章的大意,本文讲述了美国第一夫人在Martin Luther King Jr. High School毕业典礼上的讲话的部分内容,她鼓励孩子们要正视失败,要把精力放到学业上。这样的内容可能来自于新闻报道。故选A。11What do we know about Mrs Obama from the text?AShe is a graduate of Tennessee State University.BThis is the first time she has given a speech to graduates.CShe plained about her school life in her speech.DShe is enthusiastic about public service.D推理判断题。根据文章第二段的内容While her success in college and law school led to a highprofile job,she said,she ended up leaving to focus on public service.她说,尽管她在大学和法学院的成功让她有一份好工作,但是她最后辞职专注于公共服务。可推断她热衷于公共服务。故选D。D (2017安阳六校第二次联考)Two 5yearold girls,best friends,held hands in Tolsons office at Van Ness Elementary School in Washington,D.C.,one saying she didnt feel well. Tolson,the school nurse,asked,“How long has your stomach been hurting?” “It just started.” she said.The other one said her head hurt last night,too. Tolson knew she had a history of fevers,so she checked her temperature and asked her what she ate,whether she went to the bathroom,and whether her head still hurt. It could be that these two little girls that went to Tolsons office were fine. Or maybe they had mental problems. And that is what school nurses have to judge every day.School nurses generally get very little training when it es to mental health. Mazyck said she herself was astounded when she was a school nurse. She saw upset,anxiety,sadness and students who didnt even know what to do to calm themselves down.She never expected these. So Mazyck went back to school for a graduate degree in counseling (咨询) and now she focuses on getting nurses more training in mental health.Sharon Stephan,who codirects the National Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland,tells nurses there are two simple questions to ask themselves to see if a child needs help:Is the student acting or behaving differently than he/she was before?Is the student somehow far outside the norm (标准) of what you would expect?The only time everyone pays attention is when theres a tragedy(悲剧),like a school shooting. However,we actually can catch the students who might harm others and recognize the students who might want to kill themselves.Mental health is ranked one of the top problems all school nurses deal with,and school nurses need to be better at it.【语篇解读】学生心理健康问题是所有的学校护士应对的最大问题之一,护士需要更加擅长解决它,然而大部分学校护士很少受到专业培训,也很难做出正确的判断。但是Van Ness Elementary School在这方面有所改观,Mazyck又重新回到大学进修了健康咨询学位,现在正致力于让护士们得到更多的心理健康方面的培训。12Why does the author mention the two little girls?ATo show school nurses do a difficult job.BTo show the importance of school nurses.CTo show school nurses need much patience.DTo show the importance of students health.B推理判断题。作者在文章开头提到两个5岁的小女孩是为了引出本文的话题关注儿童的心理健康,首先做出正确判断,才能真正解决问题。13What does the underlined word “astounded” in the third paragraph mean?ATired.BTroubled.CShocked. DEmbarrassed.C词义猜测题。根据第三段第三句话She saw upset,anxiety,sadness and students who didnt even know what to do to calm themselves down。她看到沮丧、焦虑、悲伤和那些甚至不知道该做些什么让自己平静下来的学生,她做学校护士时的这些经历让她感到很震惊。14Why did Mazyck go back to school?ATo give nurses more training in mental health.BTo find school students with mental problems.CTo learn what mental problems students may have.DTo improve her skills of dealing with mental health.D细节理解题。由第三段倒数第三句话得知,孩子们的沮丧、焦虑、悲伤和甚至不知道该做些什么让自己平静下来等等心理健康出现的许多问题(而毫无办法),是Mazyck不想要经历的,所以她去进修了咨询学位,进而让护士们得到更多的心理健康方面的培训。15What can we learn from the last but one paragraph?AThere are too many kids in need of help.BSomething tragic often happens at school.CStudents mental health is always ignored.DIts hard to find students with mental problems.C推理判断题。每个人都关注的唯一时刻就是悲剧发生的那一刻,比如校园枪击案。然而,我们事实上能够在学生可能伤害到别人的时候及时地发现他,并且可以发现想要自杀的学生。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(2017四川遂宁高二下期末) Depression is a very serious condition that can be caused from broken hearts. You have to develop the right mindset(思维模式) to overe it. 16 Reflect on your feelings and dont hide them. If youre emotionally hurt,dont hide these feelings. Dont pretend to feel something or avoid what youre going through. This is the process needed when youve suffered from a broken heart. 17 Instead,you need to build yourself back up. Youll have to go through the tough part first. Once youve let it out,then you can take the next step to recover from your broken heart.Forgive if youre angry. 18 That is life. Take something positive out of the situation and hold onto that. You have to accept what has happened,then take the approach of forgiving and accepting. 19 Never ignore a good friend or family support. Going through a broken heart should bring you closer to those around you. If youve been in a bad relationship,it should let you appreciate the ones who are still there for you. 20 If you start to be shut off with others,it develops more bitterness,loneliness,along with possible depression. So reach out to people and dont use past experiences to affect how you treat them in a negative matter.AHold onto the ones close to you.BAfter all,a friend in need is a friend indeed.CYou cant ignore the difficult parts of it.Dfort yourself that others may be worse.EDont pull away from them,pull toward them.FLet your emotions out first,then develop control second.GYou learn from the past,and move forward with the future.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了抑郁症,抑郁症是一种非常严重的心理疾病,我们必须培养正确的思维模式来克服它,然后写出克服抑郁症的方法。16F“Depression is a very serious condition that can be caused from broken hearts. You have to develop the right mindset(思维模式) to overe it. ”句意:抑郁症是一种非常严重的疾病,它可能是由破碎的心灵引起的。你必须培养正确的思维模式来克服它。接下来写到克服抑郁症的方法,即Let your emotions out first,then develop control second.首先让你的情绪释放出来,其次控制它的发展。故本题选F。17C根据该空前文“Dont pretend to feel something or avoid what youre going through.不要掩饰你的感觉或逃避你正在经历的事情。”以及该空后面的“Instead,you need to build yourself back up.相反,你需要重新振作起来。”可知该空填入C. You cant ignore the difficult parts of it.你不能忽视它的困难部分。18GForgive if youre angry. That is life. Take something positive out of the situation and hold onto that .句意:如果你很生气也要学会原谅这就是生活。从中吸取一些积极的正能量,坚持住。 可知该空选G. You learn from the past,and move forward with the future.你从过去的经历中学习,在未来中前进。19A Never ignore a good friend or family support.句意:永远不要忽视一个好朋友或家人的支持。好朋友和家人都是与自己关系亲密的人。可知该空选A. Hold onto the ones close to you .珍惜那些和你很亲密的人。20E If you start to be shut off with others,it develops more bitterness,loneliness,along with possible depression.句意:如果你开始与他人隔绝,会产生更多的痛苦,孤独,以及潜在的抑郁。所以不能将自己孤立起来,而应该靠近他人。故选E. Dont pull away from them,pull toward them.不要离开他们,向他们靠近。 .完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)In Florida on Thanksgiving Day,I was surfing the channel guide for CNN,hoping to find out whether a decision had been reached in the Michael Brown case ( the case of a police officer who shot an unarmed teenager Michael Brown on Aug.9,2014)I said,looking at the television screen,“I hope they 21 him.”My mothers tone pierced (刺破) the 22 “Why,why would you hope for that?” I exhaled(呼出),knowing I was about to have 23 unfortable conversation with my mother,the retired 24 “He was unarmed,Ma,” I said to her.“ 25 he was a kid.”To her,even if only for a moment,I was just another asshole(蠢货) on the street. I 26 it in her face,and it was terrible. She said 27 ,“You dont know the whole story; you havent seen the evidence. Whether you like it or not,the cop is innocent 28 proven guilty.” I stayed 29 as she continued.“And he wasnt a kid,he was 30 What if that was me facing Michael Brown? I wouldnt have 31 a chance.”My 58”mother couldnt have 32 a 64” man without a weapon. I would want her to pull out her gun and fire until she came home to me because thats my mom and its my job to get crazy when I think of her in 33 Just like when I 34 the man who slapped her face and knocked her to the ground,bile(胆汁) rises in my throat.This is my experience. I 35 in a household where my mother and stepfather wore guns and 36 .They always came home with 37 ; some I could hear,and some 38 in the kitchen. We gathered together at night with my two younger sisters to watch TV as a family:“Rescue 911”“Americas Most Wanted” “Law & Order”all the 90s cops shows. We watched “Picket Fences” until the 39 where the cop killer got off,and my mother and I had our first unfortable conversation when I said he might be 40 After that,we had to boycott(抵制) the show.【语篇解读】本文通过“我”和母亲之间的一次不愉快的谈话,阐述了我们彼此对警察持枪杀人的不同看法。21AforgiveBpraiseCfree DaccuseD通读全文可知,“我”希望他们控告(accuse)他。forgive“原谅”;praise“表扬”;free“释放”。故D项正确。22Asoul BairCthroat DcaseB母亲的声音刺破了天空(air)。soul“心灵”;throat“喉咙”;case“实例”。故B项正确。23Aanother BanyCthis DthatA“我”吐了口气,知道要和“我”的妈妈这位退休的警察(cop)有另外一场不愉快的谈话了。another“又一,另一”;any“任一”;this“这”;that“那”。由最后一段的“our first unfortable conversation”可知,A项正确。24Acop BjusticeChousewife DlawyerA参见上题解析。最后一段的第二句中也有提示,母亲是警察。justice“法官”;housewife“家庭主妇”;lawyer“律师”。故A项正确。25ABut BSoCAnd DYetC“我”对妈妈说:“他手无寸铁,而且(And)还是个孩子”。but“但是”;so“因此”;yet“然而”。故C项正确。26Awatched BtouchedCsaw DfeltC在她的脸上,“我”明白了(saw)这一点。watch“看,注视”;touch“触摸”;feel“感到”。故C项正确。27Anaturally BseriouslyCmildly DanxiouslyB她严肃地说:“你不知道整个故事,你没有看见证据。”naturally“自然地”;seriously“严肃地”;mildly“温和地”;anxiously“忧虑地”。故B项正确。28Aif BwhenCthough DuntilD无论你喜欢与否,在证明这个警察有罪之前,他都是无罪的。if“如果”;when“当时”;though“尽管”;until“直到为止”。故D项正确。 29Aeasy BawakeCsleepy DquietD当她继续说时,“我”保持安静。easy“容易的”;awake“醒着的”;sleepy“困倦的”;quiet“安静的”。故D项正确。30Aenormous BtypicalCenergetic DtroublesomeA妈妈说:“他不是个孩子,而是庞然大物(enormous),要是我面对Michael Brown会怎么办呢?我将不会有成功的可能。”typical“典型的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;troublesome“讨厌的”。故A项正确。31A.made BgivenCmissed DstoodDstand a chance表示“有成功的可能性”。make“使产生”;give“给”;miss“错过”。故D项正确。32Acalmed down Btaken downClet down Dfallen downB如果没有武器,“我”的母亲不可能拿下(taken down)一位高个的男人。calm down“镇定”;let down“使失望”;fall down“跌倒”。故B项正确。33Atears BdespairCdanger DvainC当“我”想起她处在危险之中(in danger)时,“我”就会发疯。in tears“流泪”;in despair“在绝望中”;in vain“徒劳”。故C项正确。34Apicture Bmirror Cshape DdrawA当“我”想象(picture)这个扇她的脸、把她推倒在地的人时,胆汁涌向了“我”的喉咙。mirror“反映”;shape“形成”;draw“画”。故A项正确。35Awas born Bwas adoptedCbrought up Dgrew upD“我”在这样一个家庭长大(grew up)“我”的母亲和继父都拥有枪支和无线电收发设备(radios)。bear“生育”;adopt“收养”;bring up“养育”。故D项正确。36Aradios BglassesCwatches DearphonesA参见上题解析。glasses“眼镜”;watch“手表”;earphone“耳机”。故A项正确。37Agifts BstoriesCsnacks DshowsB他们总是带回家一些故事(stories)。gift“礼物”;snack“小吃”;show“娱乐表演”。故B项正确。38Adelivered BenjoyedCtasted DwhisperedD一些故事“我”能听到,而有些是在厨房里小声说的。whisper“低语”;deliver“发表”;enjoy“欣赏”;taste“尝”。故D项正确。39Aadventure BaccidentCincident DcontradictionC在这位杀人的警察免了这次事件(incident)的罪责之前,我们一直在看“Picket Fences”。adventure“冒险”;accident“事故”;contradiction“矛盾”。故C项正确。40Alucky BinnocentCflexible DridiculousB当“我”说他可能是无辜的(innocent)的时候,“我”与母亲有了第一次不愉快的谈话。lucky“幸运的”;flexible“灵活的”;ridiculous“荒唐的”。故B项正确。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Lionel Messi,41. player from the South American country Argentina,is one of the greatest soccer players alive

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