2019-2020年高一英语《unit6 lesson2(I)》教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语《unit6 lesson2(I)》教案 北师大版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高一英语unit6 lesson2(I)教案 北师大版1.2. Describe your favorite buildings, or your dream houses or buildingsTeaching procedureLead-inStep 1 Ss finish Ex. 6 and learn about the way of using stresses on different words to emphasize different aspects.学习重音的使用CW5Step 2T gives a model of the description of a building from 6 aspects: Name, Period, Location, Style, Materials, Features回忆巩固第一课时所学词汇,掌握介绍建筑的大致脉络CW5Step 3T asks Ss to work in pairs and describe one of their favorite buildings to each other without telling the name of the building. The other Ss then try to guess what building their partner is talking about.Ss do the description according to the given model in 给学生充分的时间准备,为在全班同学面前展示做铺垫。学生使用词汇和句型进行综合性表达,并体现语言的交际性。PW28Step 4 T asks several Ss to introduce their favorite buildings to the whole class and the rest of the students to guess. 展示活动成果,鼓励学生用英语进行表达的兴趣。CW7HomeworkWrite an essay about one of your favorite buildings.


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