2019年小学三四年级成人版新概念英语测试卷 (I).doc

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2019年小学三四年级成人版新概念英语测试卷 (I).doc_第1页
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2019年小学三四年级成人版新概念英语测试卷 (I).doc_第2页
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2019年小学三四年级成人版新概念英语测试卷 (I)一、 听写单词,每个单词读两遍。(10分)1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_6、_7、_8、_9、_10、_二、单词辨音,选出与划线部分不同的一项。(10分)( )1、A、sir B、here C、shirt D、skirt( )2、A、hello B、woman C、old D、cold( )3、A、lazy B、am C、name D、cake( )4、A、policeman B、hot C、job D、boy( )5、A、nurse B、short C、dirty D、her三、 单项选择。(20分)( )1、My name is Tom. I _ a new student. A、am B、is C、are D、was( )2、Whats your _? I am a worker. A、worker B、job C、career D、duty( )3、That is _ old car, and this is _ new car. A、a; a B、an; a C、an; the D、a; the( )4、This is a nice dress. Tts very _. A、smart B、young C、old D、red( )5、What colour are the socks? _ yellow and brown. A、Theyre B、They C、Its D、Tt( )6、_ is my friend . _ name is Lulu. A、She ; Her B、Her ; She C、He ;His D、His; He( )7、Those men are lazy. _ are postmen. A、He B、She C、We D、They( )8、This is Mary. _ to meet you. A、Nice B、Good C、Fine D、Well( )9、 _ are you today? I am very well, thank you. A、What B、Who C、How D、Where( )10、Is this your dress? _ Is this your dress? A、Yes. B、Thank you. C、Excuse me. D、Pardon?四、模仿示例写句子。(20分)A: I am a student. - Im a student.1、It is not China. _2、He is American. _3、Here is your skirt. _4、She is not a teacher. _5、That is an apple. _B: Whose bag is this? This is my sisters bag.1、_ This is my fathers tie.2、_ This is Lucys blouse.3、_ This is my friends car.4、_ This is Mr. Greens house.5、_ This is my mothers dress.C: This is my friend. - These are our friends.1、 This is his case. _2、 This is her coat. _3、 This isnt my book. _4、 This isnt your pen. _5、 This is my hat. _五、按要求写单词。(20分)1、fat(反义词)_ 2、go(反义词) _ 3、nice(近义词)_4、same(反义词) _ 5、smart(近义词)_6、black(反义词) _7、that(复数)_ 8、fish(复数)_ 9、boy(复数)_10、knife(复数)_六、翻译。(20分)1、五个小女孩儿_ 2、三头公牛_3、她的短裙_ 4、莉莉的书桌_5、教师节_ 6、妇女节_7、八个鸡蛋_ 8、5个中国人_9、一把绿色的雨伞_ 10、一只可爱的猫_


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