2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 15 The Necklace The first period》教案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 15 The Necklace The first period教案一、教学内容及解析1、内容:本单元的中心话题是短剧项链,整个单元的设计围绕“戏剧”展开,内容涉及“编故事表演”、“读剧本”、“如何写剧本”等,目的是将学生引进艺术殿堂戏剧的世界,并让学生初步熟悉戏剧,学会尝试剧本的欣赏、写作和表演。语言知识和技能也都围绕这些话题设计展开。2、解析: “热身”部分设计了三张图片,让学生根据照片内容编故事并表演。“口语”部分给出了三个带有神秘、悬念的情景,要求学生自编短剧,并表演。“阅读”部分是根据法国19世纪后半期优秀的批判现实主义作家莫泊桑的短篇小说项链改编的短剧,共三幕。“语言学习”分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分要求根据英文解释写出单词及根据所给的句子选择适当的词组填空;语法部分是关于情态动词must,can,could, may, might等表示猜测的用法。“综合技能”包含读、写、演等技能,要求学生在对话阅读的基础上编写短剧。二、 目标及解析1、目标:识记目标词;训练口语能力;学会如何欣赏戏剧,提高鉴赏能力;引导学生用英语解释单词和短语,使其掌握目标语法;培养学生综合运用语言的能力。2、解析:本单元除让学生识记一些重要的词、短语和句子外,还通过各个环节内容的设置锻炼学生的想像力,训练其口语、表演能力。在阅读活动中,使学生体验戏剧,通过阅读使学生较全面地了解英语戏剧体裁,提高鉴赏能力。语言学习上帮助学生形成英语直接思维,并使他们自主探究目标语法的功能。综合技能部分要求达到训练学生编写短剧,综合运用语言能力的目的。三、 教学问题诊断及分析本单元内容的教学问题在于学生的英语口语能力相对差,他们能很容易地用母语说出想象的故事情节,却很难用英语表达那些内容。教师可用英语给出适当的线索提示,使学生顺着提示词一步步填充完整故事内容。此外,学生的外国文学背景知识相对薄弱,鉴赏能力不足,教师应在课前为学生补充相应的文学知识。四、 教学支持条件分析录音机,多媒体。可使教学氛围更加充实,学生更感兴趣。五、 教学过程设计六、 教学基本流程 导入看图编故事、表演口语练习完成目标检测小结(一) 教学情景Step1 Lead-inT: When I was a little boy, I always asked my mother to tell me a story before I went to bed. I was deeply attracted by some stories, especially which were full of fun and imagination. What about you? Would like to listen to stories? S: Yes.T: Well. However, today I will not tell you a story. Id like you to tell me a story.设计意图:导入新课,激发兴趣。师生活动:师说生听,师问生答。Step2. Warming up T: Please open your books and turn to p 15. There are three pictures onP15. Now, look at the pictures for a minute carefully. (T asks the students some questions about each picture)Picture 1: 1) what can you see in the picture? 2) What do you think they are talking about?Picture 2: 1) In your opinion, what happens in the picture? 2) What do the boy and the girl look like?Picture3: What are they doing?设计意图:通过提问,使学生充分了解图片信息。师生活动:师问生答。T: Do the pictures have something with one another? Whats the clue for the pictures? Please use the three pictures to make up a story by using your imagination and then try to share your story with others. Lets see whose story is most attractive. Youd better write your story down if you find its difficult to do orally.(T could supply some useful words and expressions on the screen, such as guide, a secret cave, and treasure box)设计意图:激发学生的想象力,锻炼写作。师生活动:学生跟随教师引导,小组活动。Step3 SpeakingT: You have read, seen and heard many exciting stories. Have you written any plays?S: No, we dont.T: Today well write one to give the rein to your imagination. Before doing it , first read the situations and choose one of them to make up a short play, according to the situation you choose. Meanwhile, pay attention to the meanings of a few words: scary, mysterious, dormitory. (T. writes them on the blackboard and explains them to Ss.) Now you are divided into three groups. One group, one short play. After ten minutes, I will ask each group of act out the play in front of the class.(After some time, teacher asks each group to act out the play before class.)设计意图:通过会话练习,锻炼学生的英语口语能力。师生活动:师问生答,小组活动。Step4 目标检测Page18, exercise1 of Word study.设计意图:使学生熟记并会用目标词。师生活动:师讲生听,师问生答。小 结:T:In this class, we have made up a story and a play, you have done very well in class. After class, please remember and use the new words of this period. (Pointint to the blackboard.) Tell your story and perform your play. The more you practise, the better youll speak English. Practice makes perfect. We should always remember this . So much for this class. Class is over.配餐作业建议下列题中任选两组题完成(AB)或(BC)基础题(A组题)Page84, exercise 2 of Vocabulary.设计意图: 使学生掌握重点词汇用法.巩固题(B组题)用所给词的适当形式填空,注意词性转换。1. When Julia laughed we could see that two of her front teeth were _ (miss). 5. We were beginning to worry because it was _ (usual) for David to be so late.设计意图: 帮助学生掌握,并注意一些常用词的词性转换.提高题(C组题)1. 这个工人一整天都在粉刷房子。(have been doing)_.5. 彼德好像在撒谎。(it seems that .)_设计意图: 帮助学生熟悉本节内容的重点词汇并掌握其在句中的用法.教学反思:_

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