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南康中学20182019学年度第一学期高二第一次大考英 语 试 卷第一部分 听 力 (共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1What will the man do next?AGive the woman a hand.BRead a book.CHave a good rest.2What will the woman probably do tonight?AGive a lecture.BWatch the drama.CWatch a film.3Where does the conversation possibly take place?AIn a library.BIn a reading room.CIn a bookshop.4Who has just had a child?ALinda.BSusan.CBarbara.5What does the man think of young people nowadays?AThey are rude.BThey are forgetful.CThey are hot-tempered.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What is the man busy with?AHis project.BHis emotions.CHis paper.7What does the man worry about?AThe projects grade.BThe deadline of the task.CHis partners feelings.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What are the two speakers going to do?AGo shopping.BVisit a church.CSee an exhibition.9What do we learn about the man?AHe is a tour guide.BHe works in a shop.CHe lives in the town.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Whats the relationship between the speakers?AHusband and wife.BBoss and secretary.CSalesman and customer.11How did Mr. Wellbore e?ABy ship.BBy train.CBy plane.12Whos Mr. Smith?AThe marketing manager.BThe planning manager.CThe sales manager.请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How long is the journey?A5 km.B10 km. C15 km.14What can we learn about the man?AHe has a bad memory.BHe seldom does exercise.CHe spends too much time on the bus.15What does the woman suggest the man do?AEat less and sleep more.BDo exercise and sleep less.CEat regularly and sleep early.16What is the mans attitude towards the woman?APositive.BThankful.CImpatient.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17How many tips has the speaker put forward?A3.B4.C5.18What might happen to the skin after sunbathing?AIt will look more oily.BSpots will appear.CIt will look dull.19What damages your skin most?ASmoking.BSunbathing.CUsing soap.20What is the passage mainly about?AHow to care our skin.BHow to quit smoking.CHow to make up.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ACity CollegeADMISSION REQUIREMENTSAll high school graduates and anyone 18 years of age or older, with or without a high school diploma, are suitable for admission. Individuals under the age of 18 who possess a high school diploma are also suitable for admission.HOW TO ENROLL IN CREDIT COURSESNew and readmitted students must plete and hand in a credit admissions application form available online at .ccsf.edu.BEFORE YOU REGISTER:Learn about your skill level in English and Math through our assessment service;Attend an orientation (新生报到会) to hear about support servicesMeet with a counselor (adviser) to select your courses;Find out if you are required for attending the entrance examinations. HOW TO ENROLL IN NONCREDIT COURSESCourses in Noncredit Programs are free of charge (no enrollment fee). For information on how to enroll in noncredit courses, click here.PARKINGStudents, faculty and staff are encouraged to use public transit. Click here for Parking Regulations.SERVICESCity College services include a bookstore, cafeteria, health center, tutoring center, career and transfer center, counseling, financial aid, library, learning resource center, student government offices, campus police, disabled students programs and more.21. Which kind of the following people could not be admitted to City College?A. A high school graduateB. An adult without a high school diploma C. Anyone who possesses a high school diplomaD. A sixteen boy without a high school diploma22. What do we know about the entrance examinations from the passage?A. All new and readmitted students must take the examinations.B. Those who are poor in English and Math must take the entrance examinations.C. Not all the new students are required to take the entrance examinations.D. The entrance examinations are free of charge.23. Where can this passage be found?A. In a college news report B. In a newspaper advertisementC. In a tour guide D. On an education websiteBVincent Van Gogh was the son of a pastor (牧师) in Holland. Around his early twenties he decided to bee an artist. He felt that color was his main influence and he used it to express himself. The way he painted was very unusual during the late 1800s because he paid much attention to colorful abstract art. Van Gogh had many paintings that have changed the way we look at art. His paintings werent popular during his lifetime because of an illness that was possibly a mental disorder. However, they are now considered to be the most popular forms of art in the world today. In what ways can we appreciate his paintings?Learn about the artistic style of expressionism. In Van Goghs artwork, the style that he used was expressionism, which was the only one of this kind pared to other paintings.Look for key symbols that would help you understand his artwork better such as the background of the objects. Try to understand the artists aims. You can do this by watching the use of colors, perspectives, and the subject. Knowing the artists aims, you will be able to understand why he created the work.Take what you have learned from the artwork and put it in your feelings to see how it affects you and is related to you. This will allow you to make a connection with the artist.24. The article is mainly about _.A. how we should appreciate Van Goghs paintingsB. how Van Gogh expressed himself in paintingsC. why Van Gogh wanted to bee an artistD. why Van Gogh wasnt famous in his lifetime25. Van Gogh wanted to bee an artist because _. A. his father was a famous artist B. he liked to express himself with colorC. he had a serious mental illness D. he grew up in a religious culture26. According to the passage, which of the following about Van Gogh is NOT true?A. Expressionism was usually used to describe his work.B. He was likely to have suffered from a mental disorder.C. When he was alive, his artwork wasnt popular.D. Like many others, he focused on colorful abstract art.27. What can we learn from the passage?A. Van Goghs paintings were difficult to understand.B. Van Goghs illness helped him paint.C. Only after death can painters bee famous.D. We cant understand Van Goghs feelings from his artwork.CPhysics is a different world now. Will there ever be another Einstein? Scientists say a new Einstein will appear, but it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from his nearest rival (对手) , Isaac Newton. Many physicists say the next Einstein hasnt been born yet, or is only a baby now. Thats because the searching for a unified(统一的) theory that would explain all the forces of nature has pushed current mathematics to its limits. New math must be created before the problem can be solved. But researchers say there are many other factors working against another Einstein appearing anytime soon. For one thing, physics is quite a different field today. In Einsteins day, there were a few thousand physicists worldwide, and fewer theoreticians. Education is different, too. One extremely important aspect of Einsteins training that failed to be considered is the philosophy he read as a teenager. It taught him how to think theoretically about space and time. And he was a skilled musician. The interplay between music and math is well known. Einstein would fiercely play his violin as a way to think through a knotty physics problem. Today, universities have produced millions of physicists. There arent many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practical and rewarding efforts. Besides, those who stay in science dont work alone. Its very difficult to imagine an independent person like Einstein ever tolerating this. 28. Which of the following best explains the reason that the next Einstein hasnt been born yet? A. Education today doesnt pay enough attention to philosophy teaching. B. We dont know who will be another Einstein among newly-born babies. C. There were more physicists in Einsteins time than today. D. Math today is limited and cannot help the further development of physics. 29. One of the reasons that made Einstein a great scientist is _. A. the philosophy he read in his teens B. the lack of physicists in his dayC. the knowledge learnt from Isaac Newton D. his decision of not working at Wall Street 30. The underlined word “knotty” here probably means_. A. interesting and useful B. important and meaningful C. difficult and puzzling D. realistic and hard 31. From Paragraphs 3 and 4, how many reasons does the writer give to explain that another Einstein hasnt appeared? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. DThe latest study by the University of Florida has found that eating from smaller, less beautiful, and even paper plates will help prevent overeating. Eating with a fork instead of a spoon can help you lose weight, the researchers say. Much to their surprise, they find that putting mirrors in the dining room will also help reduce weight.The researchers asked 185 college students to choose a chocolate cake or a fruit salad, and evaluated the taste. Those who ate in a room with a mirror scored the taste of junk food much lower than those in a room without a mirror. But the taste of fruit salad remained the same in any case.Lead scientist, Dr. Ata Jami, says that a glance in the mirror tells people more than just about their physical appearance. It enables them to view themselves objectively and helps them to judge themselves and their behavior in the same way that they judge other people.The mirrors were found to push people to pare and match their own behavior with accepted social standards. The researchers believe it proves that people dont want to look in the mirror when they feel they are following the social standards. When they look in the mirror with mouths full of junk food, feelings of disfort and failure can be increased. Therefore, the presence of the mirror lowers the taste of unhealthy food.However, researchers say this is only the case if people select the food they are eating, because they are responsible for that choice. The researchers suggest that mirrors be placed in dining rooms and other eating spaces, so that people will start eating more healthily.32. Researchers are amazed to find that _.A. paper plates make food look nicer B. people using a fork will eat moreC. mirrors can help people lose weight D. people will eat more in front of a mirror33. What can be inferred from the study?A. Some teenagers got involved in it.B. People were required to eat with a spoon.C. People preferred a chocolate cake to a fruit salad.D. The mirror may not affect the taste of healthy food.34. According to Dr. Ata Jami, the mirror _.A. makes people judge others correctly B. makes people well judge themselvesC. is a necessary part of peoples daily lifeD. can only show the appearance of a person35. How does the mirror affect the taste of junk food?A. By making people hungry. B. By showing the social standards.C. By attracting people to healthy food. D. By causing a feeling of disfort. 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。Why should you read every day?When was the last time you read a book? If youre one of countless people who dont make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out. Reading has many benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below.Mental StimulationStudies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of Alzheimers and Dementia. 36 . Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy.Wider KnowledgeEverything you read fills your head with new bits of information, and you never know when it might e in handy. 37 .Stress ReductionNo matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or countless other problems, it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. 38 . And an interesting article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, allowing you to relax. 39 When you read a book, all of your attention is focused on the story the rest of the world just falls away. Try reading for 15 to 20 minutes before work, and youll be surprised at how much more focused you are once you get to the office.Tranquility(安宁) 40 . Reading spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and bring about a sense of calm,while reading self-help books has been shown to help people suffering from certain mood disorders or mental illnesses.A. Stronger thinking skills.B. Improved focus and concentration.C. A well-written novel can transport you to other worlds.D. Reading a good book can also bring about great inner peace.E. Thats because keeping your brain active prevents it from losing power.F. Reading books is also important for learning new languages and cultures.G. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to deal with your future challenges.第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry, 41 number!” and move on. But when Dennis Williams 42 a text that clearly wasnt intended for him, he did something 43 .On March 19, Dennis got a group text 44 him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital, waiting for the 45 of a baby.“Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken,” Dennis 46 . The baby was born and update texts were 47 quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her 48 , she didnt seem to realize that she was 49 the babys photos with a plete stranger. “Well, I dont 50 you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby,” replied Dennis before asking which room the new 51 were in. Much to the familys surprise, Dennis stuck to his 52 ! He turned up at the hospital 53 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindseys husband was totally 54 by the unexpected visit. “I dont think we would have randomly invited him over but we 55 it and the gifts.”Teresa 56 a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website 57 by the touching words: “What a 58 this young man was to our family! He was so 59 and kind to do this.” The post has since gained the 60 of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.41. A. unluckyB. wrongC. newD. secret42. A. copiedB. translated C. received D. printed43. A. reasonableB. practicalC. necessaryD. special 44. A. informingB. remindingC. convincingD. warning45. A. wake-upB. arrivalC. growthD. recovery 46. A. predictedB. interruptedC. respondedD. repeated47. A. passing downB. setting outC. ing in D. moving around48. A. excitementB. anxietyC. opinionD. effort49. A. paringB. sharingC. discussingD. exchanging 50. A. acceptB. botherC. believeD. know51. A. patientsB. doctorsC. parentsD. visitors52. A. dreamB. principleC. scheduleD. promise53. A. openingB. collectingC. bearingD. making54. A. astonishedB. relaxedC. discouragedD. defeated55. A. appreciateB. needC. admitD. expect56. A. foundB. postedC. developedD.selected 57. A. confirmedB. acpaniedC. clarifiedD. simplified 58. A. pityB. problemC. reliefD. blessing59. A. sweetB. calmC. smartD. fair60. A. sympathyB. trustC. controlD. attention第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。For many young people, 61 (go) to university is one of the most important 62 (stage) of their lives. It is the time when young people will move out of 63 (they) home to live with other people, often strangers. 64 (especial) in the US, people often travel very far from home to study. It is a time to be 65 (dependence).At university, you 66 (teach) by lectures and professors who are leading figures in their study. The opportunity to learn from and to discuss with them is 67 drives some people to apply to university. Students are required to choose a major that they wish to study. Apart 68 the academic benefit, life at university can also allow students 69 (develop) their interests in many fields.Therefore, university is a place 70 you attain knowledge, to develop your values and accept those who may be different.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Dear Mr White,I am writing tell you a piece of good news. Last week our school hold a Spoken English petition. I stood out in the petition and won a first place. In my view, it is your kind help which has helped me gain the achievement. During your spare time, you often spent such much time helping me with your spoken English that I made rapid progress. In the petition, I followed your advices on how to behave, which led to my success. Im grateful to you for your help and decide that I will make up more efforts and try to make great progress in the future.Im looking forward to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 请你以“How to be popular”为题,写一篇英语短文。词数100左右,文章的题目和开头已给出,不计词数。 要点提示:1衣着干净、整齐,保持微笑;2诚实,乐于助人;3懂得与他人合作; 4其它。 How to be popularMost people would like to be popular with others,but what is the secret to achieve popularity? In fact,it is very simple _南康中学20182019学年度第一学期高二第一次大考英语参考答案听力 1-5 ABCCA 6-10 ABACB 11-15 CBBBC 16-20 CCBAA阅读理解 21-23 DCD 24-27 ABDA 2831 DACC 32-35CDBD七选五 36-40 EGCBD完形填空 41-45 BCDAB 46-50 CCABD 51-55CDCAA 56-60 BBDAD语法填空61. going 62. stages 63. their 64. Especially 65. independent 66. will be taught 67. what 68. from 69. to develop 70. where改错Dear Mr White,I am writing tell you a piece of good news. Last week our school hold a Spoken to heldEnglish petition. I stood out in the petition and won a first place. In my view, it is theyour kind help which has helped me gain the achievement. During your spare time, you thatoften spent such much time helping me with your spoken English that I made rapid so myprogress. In the petition, I followed your advices on how to behave, which led to my advicesuccess. Im grateful to you for your help and decide that I will make up more efforts and try to make great progress in the future. greaterIm looking forward to hear from you soon. hearingYours sincerely,Li Hua作文范文How to be popularMost people would like to be popular with others,but what is the secret to achieve popularity? In fact,it is very simple In my opinion, what we should do first is to improve our appearance. Its necessary that we have on ord

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