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2019年四年级英语上册句子认读与翻译1. This is my new friend. _2. Nice to see you again. _3. Nice to meet you. _4. Were good friends. _5. e on, boys. _6. This is my mother. _7. Shes beautiful. _8. Be careful. _9. How about you? _10. Lets count from one to eighteen. _11. Wake up! _12. Im late. _13. Why not? _14. Its for you. _15. Happy birthday to you. _16. Its so big. _17. Lets eat it. _18. Good idea. _19. Show me the pear. _20. Pass me the orange. _21. Peel the banana. _22. Cut the watermelon. _23. Eat the apple. _24. Pardon? _25. Lets play a game. _26. Im smart. _27. Excuse me. _28. I know. _29. Its a bat. _30. Lets play football. _31. Lets play with my kite. _32. I like pandas, bears and tigers. _33. Lets go shopping. _34. Can I have a new skirt, please? _35. Oh, dear! _36. Put on your shirt. _37. Its so hot today. _38. Put on your cap. _39. This is for you. _40. Open it and see. _41. Look at those jeans. _42. They are really cool. _43. I like those shoes. _44. You look funny. _45. Look at the elephant. _46. It has big ears. _47. It has a big mouth and a long tail. _48. e here. _ OK, Im ing. _49. How tall I am! _50. Were both tall. _51. Youre tall, too. _52. How funny! _53. We look short and fat. _54. We look like twins. _55. Happy New Year. _56. Lets go and see Miss Liu. _57. Lets act. _58. Line up! _59. Were neighbours. _60. Start counting from 10 to 14. _问答搭配(要求会认读、翻译、连词组句)1. Where are you from? Im from America.2. Have some fruit. Thank you.3. Whats your father? Hes a teacher.4. Whats your mother? Shes a doctor.5. What class are you in? Im in Class Two, Grade Three.6. Whats your number? I m number thirteen.7. Whats seven and eight? Its fifteen.8. Whats the time? Its seven twenty.9. Whats this in English? Its a pineapple.10. Whats that in English? Its a potato.11. Do you like watermelons? Yes, I do. No, I dont.12. Are you sure? Yes, I am.13. Is it green or red? Its green / red.14. Shall we go to the zoo? OK. / Great! / Good idea! / Super. / Cool. Lets go.15. Shall we go swimming? OK. / Great! / Good idea! / Super. / Cool. Lets go.16. Can I have some cold water, please? Sure. Here you are.17. Hows the weather today? Its sunny.18. Wheres my new T-shirt? (单数) Over there. 19. Wheres my hat? Here it is. (单数)20. Where are my jeans? Here they are. (复数)21. Whats in it? A dress.22. Can I help you? Please show me that jacket.23. Can I try it on? (单数) Certainly. / Sure. Here you are. 24. Can we have a look at those jeans? Sure. Here you are.25. May I try them on? (复数) Certainly. / Sure. Here you are. 句子解释答案This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。 Nice to see you again. 再次见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Were good friends. 我们是好朋友。e on, boys. 过来,孩子们。 This is my mother. 这是我妈妈。Shes beautiful / pretty / nice. 她真漂亮。 Be careful. 小心。 What / How about you? 你呢? Wake up! 快醒醒。Lets count from one to eighteen. 我们一起从1数到18。 Im late. 我迟到了。 Why not? 为什么不是(不对)呢? Its for you. 给你。 Its so big. 这么大呀。Happy birthday to you. 祝你生日快乐。 Lets eat it. 我们一起吃吧。 Good idea. 好主意。 Show me the pear. 给我看看这个梨。 Pardon? 请再说一遍,好吗?Pass me the orange. 递给我橘子。 Peel the banana. 剥个香蕉。 Cut the watermelon. 切西瓜。Eat the apple. 吃苹果。 Lets play a game. 我们一起做个游戏。Im smart. 我很聪明。 Excuse me. 打扰一下。 I know. 我知道。Its a bat. 是个棒球棒。 Lets play football. 我们一起踢足球吧。Lets play with my kite. 我们一起去放风筝吧。 Lets go shopping. 我们一起去买东西吧。I like pandas, bears and tigers. 我喜欢熊猫,熊和老虎。 Oh, dear! 噢,天哪!Can I have a new skirt, please? 我能买(要)件新裙子吗? Put on your shirt. 穿上你的裙子。Its so hot today. 今天这么热啊。 Put on your cap. 戴上你的帽子。This is for you. 这是给你的。 Open it and see. 打开看一看。Look at those jeans. 看那条牛仔裤。 They are really cool. 真酷!I like those shoes. 我喜欢那双鞋。 You look funny. 你看上去很滑稽。Look at the elephant. 看那只大象。 It has big ears. 它长着(有)大耳朵。It has a big mouth and a long tail. 它长着(有)一张大嘴和一条长尾巴。e here. 过来。 OK, Im ing. 就来。 How tall I am! 我多高啊!Were both tall. 我们俩都很高。 Youre tall, too. 你也很高。 How funny! 真有趣!We look short and fat. 我们看起来又矮又胖。 We look like twins. 我们看上去像双胞胎。Happy New Year. 新年快乐。 Lets go and see Miss Liu. 我们一起去看Miss Liu.Lets act. 我们一起表演吧。 Line up! 站队。 Were neighbours. 我们是邻居。Start counting from 10 to 14. 开始从10到14报数。问答搭配(要求会认读、翻译、连词组句)Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Im from America. 我来自.Have some fruit. 吃些水果吧。 Thank you. 谢谢。Whats your father? 你爸爸是干什么的? Hes a teacher. 他是一个Whats your mother? 你妈妈是干什么的? Shes a doctor. 她是一个What class are you in? 你在几年几班? Im in Class Two, Grade Three. 我在Whats your number? 你是多少号? I m number thirteen. Whats seven and eight? 7加8等于加? Its fifteen.Whats the time? / What time is it? 几点了? Its seven twenty.Whats this in English? 这个用英语说是什么? Its a pineapple.Whats that in English? 那个用英语说是什么? Its a potato.Do you like watermelons? 你喜欢吃西瓜吗? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Are you sure? 你确定吗? Yes, I am.Is it green or red? 是绿的还是红的? Its green / red.Shall we go to the zoo?我们一起去动物园,好吗?OK. / Great! / Good idea! / Super. / Cool. Lets go.Shall we go swimming? 我们一起去游泳,好吗? OK. / Great! / Good idea! / Super. / Cool. Lets go.Can I have some cold water, please? 请问,我能喝些凉水吗? Sure. Here you are.Hows the weather today? 今天的天气怎么样? Its sunny.Wheres my new T-shirt? 我的新体恤衫在哪里? (单数) Over there. 在那边。 Wheres my hat? 我的帽子在哪里? Here it is. 在这。 (单数)Where are my jeans? 我的牛仔裤在哪?(复数) Here they are. 在这。(复数)Whats in it? 里面有什么? A dress.Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?(您要买点什么?) Please show me that jacket. 请给我看看Can I try it on? 我能试试吗?(单数) Certainly. 当然可以。/ Sure. Here you are. Can we have a look at those jeans? 我能看看那条牛仔裤吗? Certainly. / Sure. Here you are.May I try them on? 我可以试试吗?(复数) Certainly. / Sure. Here you are.

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