2019-2020年高一英语《Unit 14 Freedom Fighters The Third and fourth Period》学案.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语Unit 14 Freedom Fighters The Third and fourth Period学案一、学习目标 识记下列句子.1. 法律禁止不同种族的人通婚。_2他得到了一次奖学金,这使得他有机会到美国北部的一个洲去读大学。_3金的观点是,黑人不应该被分离,而应该象其他人一样受到尊敬。_4 正是在1963年向华盛顿进军的期间,金发表了“我有一个梦”的演讲,一篇激励各个种族的人民为平等而战斗的演讲。_5所有这些群体的共同要求是无论任何种族、宗教信仰和性别,都应受到尊重,享受工作权、良好的居住条件、教育权和平等权。_6成百上千的桑田和庄稼被毁之以炬。_二、问题与练习IReadingA. Read the text quickly and silently and find out which subjects are included in the passage.1. time and place of his birth ( ) 2. his interest as a boy ( )3. the education he received ( ) 4.Martin Luther Kings marriage ( )5. his belief ( ) 6. his job ( ) 7. his success ( ) 8. the books he wrote ( ) 9. Martin Luther Kings death ( )B. Fast-readingScan the reading passage and decide which of the following sentences(on P27) are true.C. Careful-readinga) What happened in the following time?1929 1955 1963 1964 1965 1968 b)Situation of the black people in the southern states of Americaa. b. c. d. c)Questions: What do you think of Rosa Parks? Was she brave? What can we learn from her?三、目标检测.Read the text carefully. What do the underlined parts mean?( ) 1.Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC. A. go towards B. run to C. walk slowly to ( )2.Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law. A. Marriages between yellows and blacks B. Marriages between yellows and whites C. Marriages between black people and white people( ) 3.All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if People did not have their civil rights. A. rights to marry B. rights of each citizen to freedom and equality C. rights to vote( ) 4.King led a boycott of the bus panyA. refusal to take the bus B. refusal to buy something C. refusal to sell something( )5.He led many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination.A. Peaceful march; treating people better than others because of different racesB. boycott; treating people worse than others because of different racesC. Peaceful march; treating people worse than others because of different racesD. boycott; treating people better than others because of different races. Discussion:1. Martin Luther King, Jr fought for the civil rights of black people in America. Which civil rights did he want black people to get? 2. King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions, not through violence . Give three examples of such peaceful actions. 配餐作业(A组题) 1. Read the text again to get a better understanding.2. Preview the Word Study and Grammar3. What can we learn from Martin Luther King? (B组题)Do Exe3.4 on P 104105 (C组题) WritingWrite about Martin Luther King according to the following subjectsname birth place birth time his family his education his belief his achievements_

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