2019年三年级英语下册 lesson2 Cats and Dogs教案 冀教版.doc

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2019年三年级英语下册 lesson2 Cats and Dogs教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019年三年级英语下册 lesson2 Cats and Dogs教案 冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019年三年级英语下册 lesson2 Cats and Dogs教案 冀教版课时:1教学目标:1, 知识与技能:通过本课学习,使学生掌握(正确地说,读,写, 用)单词cat, dog, goat, sheep. 学会唱歌曲Old MacDonald Had a Farm. 2, 情感态度价值观:通过游戏,歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的快乐的同时,增强英语学习的信心.教学重点:难点:掌握本课重点单词,学会唱歌曲.教具准备:磁带,单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson2:Cats and Dogs Old MacDonald Had a Farm教学过程:Class Opening and Review1. GREETING2. DRILLReview above, below, on, under, beside, near, far, this, thatBeside. (Hold the book beside body)Above. (Hold the book above head)On. (Put the book on the desk)Under. (Put the book under the chair)Near. (Clutch the book to chest)Far. (Hold the book away from body)This. (Point to the book)That. (Point to someone elses book.)3. MORE DRILLAsk the students to draw pictures for chicken, cow, duck, pig.Ask the students to say the name for each animals.二. New Concepts教学侧记1. DEMONSTRATEDraw more pictures on the blackboard for cat, dog, goat and sheep. Then say the English names for each animal a few times with the students. Write the English names under each picture and say them again a few times with the students.2. STUDENT BOOK: L18N1Point to the pictures as the students say the words a few times. Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.3. STUDENT BOOK: L18N2Explain that the students will learn a song that Canadian children sing. The song is about the sounds farm animals make.Point to the man in the picture. Explain that he is a farmer. In English, tell the students that his name is Old MacDonald.Point to each animal in the picture and lead the class through a discussion.T: (Point to the cow) Whats this C: Its a cow.T: A cow says moo moo. Moo moo. Say it, please, class.C: Moo mooThen teach Dog-woof woof, Cat-meow meow, Pig-oink oinkDuck-quack quack, Chicken-cluck cluckTeach the song line by line.Play the audiotape as the teacher and the students first listen and then sing along.三. Class Closing.教学反思:

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