2019-2020年新人教版英语高二上Module 6《Unit 5 The power of nature》word教案(一).doc

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2019-2020年新人教版英语高二上Module 6《Unit 5 The power of nature》word教案(一).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年新人教版英语高二上Module 6《Unit 5 The power of nature》word教案(一).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年新人教版英语高二上Module 6Unit 5 The power of natureword教案(一)l 课型:词汇教学l 理论支持:任务型教学;课堂教学有效性l 教材分析:人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书模块6;第五单元;本单元的第一节课(主要针对新单词的学习);上课时间40分钟l 教学对象分析:本课的教学对象是高中二年级学生,学生对自然灾害的常识有一定的了解。学生通过课前预习已经初步掌握本单元的单词读音和拼写,但实际的语言运用能力还有待提高。l 教学目标:1)语言知识:帮助学生掌握和拓展与本单元有关的词汇。2)语言技能:根据不同的语言练习和任务让学生由浅入深地熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇。并掌握学习新词汇的技巧。3)学习策略:运用图片联想记忆生词;在应用中熟悉生词;通过上下文或构词法记单词和猜生词。4)情感态度:在学习中认识大自然的威力、学会尊重大自然并和大自然和谐相处。通过小组学习培养合作学习的精神。5)文化意识:通过学习认识存在与大自然中的各种自然灾害。l 教学重点:To enable students to learn the word formation and the proper use in specific circumstances.(让学会在具体语境中通过构词法和上下文的应用掌握新单词。)l 教学难点:The proper use in specific circumstances, especially in the translation part.(在具体的语境中恰当地运用单词,特别是在翻译练习中)l 教学手段:通过头脑风暴,开发学生的思维,活跃气氛;以感性的方式利用图片展现本 单元的重点单词短语,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生记忆单词;生生互动,以小组为学习活动单位,发挥互助精神,共同提高遣词造句的能力。l 教具准备:多媒体l 教学过程Teaching procedures:Step I Brainstorming (头脑风暴,开发学生的思维,活跃气氛。) With the help of some pictures, answer this question: What kind of natural disasters can you think of? Step II Word guessing games (以感性的方式展现本单元的重点单词短语,激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生记忆单词。) With help of some pictures and flashes, guess the new words / expressions in this unit.Step III Making sentences Group work (生生互动,以小组为学习活动单位,发挥互助精神,共同提高遣词造句的能力。)With the help of the given words from this unit, make sentences to talk about the topics on disasters as much as possible. What impressions do natural disasters give you? Form a description with the help of the given words or expressions. 1. Volcanic eruptionunfortunate, ash, make an effort, adventure, panic, heaven, make ones way, anxiety, fountain, burn to the ground, swallow, courage 2. Typhoon / Hurricaneunfortunate, bathe, make an effort, adventure, panic, heaven, make ones way, anxiety, sweat, courageStep IV Short passages (训练学生猜词能力并掌握在实际语言环境中的词形变化。) Fill the blanks and guess the meanings of the underlined words.Natural disasters e in many shapes and sizes. In order to be (1)_(prepare)you have to know about different types of disasters. Most are related to the weather but some are (a) geological, which means “greatly related to the geography”.Recently I saw a lot of terrible statistics about natural disasters. Over the past years I was (2)_ (impress) by two natural disasters - one was the (b) disastrous Indian Ocean Tsunami in December 2004 and the other was the recent Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast of the USA. Both incidents (3)_(result短语) great losses of life and property .To stand against the bad influence from natural disasters, were supposed to establish a (c) nationwide disaster defense system. Moreover, improving natural disaster management is (d) vital to peoples life and is a necessary (4)_(require) for healthy economic and social development.Step V. Translation1. Pair work (在运用中掌握所学单词,在刚才遣词造句的基础上进行谋篇布局,巩固对重点单词,短语的了解。)Translate the following into English, using the new words and expressions in this unit.与火山、飓风或台风相比较,人类非常弱小。但是有的人却对各种各样的冒险从不感到厌烦。 一次,天堂湖附近那座独一无二的火山突然爆发。喷涌而出的火山灰和岩浆,高度从50米到100米不等。这一绝对奇异、给人留下深刻印象的景象使在湖里游泳的一位小说家激动不已。尽管估计到了潜在的危险,他依然立刻前往火山,只为更近距离地观看这一珍贵的景象。不幸的是,他的车被岩浆吞没,完全被烧毁了,这迫使他取消了计划。看看四周,他发现毫无安全保障,忧虑的汗水开始流淌下来。但是,他努力使自己不要惊慌和颤抖,终于成功地逃离了。他真是勇气可嘉啊!2. Checkup 1) 与火山、飓风或台风相比较,人类非常弱小。但是有的人却对各种各样的冒从不感到厌烦。pared with a volcano, hurricane or typhoon, humans are weak. But some people are never bored by diverse adventures.2) 一次,天堂湖附近那座独一无二的火山突然爆发。喷涌而出的火山灰和岩浆,高度从50米到100米不等。Once, the unique volcano near the Lake of Heaven erupted. Fountains of ash and lava varied from 50 to 100 metres in height.3) 这一绝对奇异、给人留下深刻印象的景象使在湖里游泳的一位小说家激动不已。This absolutely fantastic and impressive sight excited a novelist(who was) bathing in the lake.4) 尽管估计到了潜在的危险,他依然立刻前往火山,只为更近距离地观看这一珍贵的景象。Though evaluating the potential danger, he still made his way to the volcano for closer watching this precious sight.5) 不幸的是,他的车被岩浆吞没,完全被烧毁了,这迫使他取消了计划。Unfortunately, his car was swallowed by lava and burnt to the ground, which made him cancel his plan.6) 看看四周,他发现毫无安全保障,忧虑的汗水开始流淌下来。Glancing through his surroundings, he found no guarantee of his safety. Sweat of anxiety began to drop.7) 但是,他努力不要惊慌和颤抖,终于成功地逃离了。他真是勇气可嘉啊!However, he made an effort to stop panicking and trembling and escaped successfully. What great courage he had!Step VI SummaryWhat have we learned today?1 Learn the words and expressions of U5.2 Vocabulary learning strategies: Learn with pictures. Learn by using. Learn the vocabulary according to the context/word formation.3 Realize the power of nature. Learn to respect nature and get on well with it.Step VII Homework1. Review the words and expression in this unit and get ready for the reading passage of “An Exciting Job”2. P35 Ex. 1 & P36 Ex. 2


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