2019年六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(VII)教学案 外研版.doc

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2019年六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(VII)教学案 外研版一、学习目标1知识与能力目标:(1)知识目标:询问原因(why )及回答(because) 。(2)能力目标:学会如何询问原因及怎样回答。2过程与方法:创设情境,学习课文并通过练习,使学生初步掌握如何询问原因及怎样回答,通过听音练习来操练那些容易混淆的单词。3情感态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学到知识。二、预习学案1.学生可以利用字典和课后的单词表预习好本节课应该掌握的生单词,重点是读法和用法。Words: laugh 笑 cup 杯子understand 理解,明白mistake 错误 2.Grammar: 现在进行时,一般将来时的用法(自己认真复习一遍) Why,because 的用法3.自己将课文认真读一遍,找出不太明白的地方,重点做好标记。三、导学案Step1.Warm-up1.Greeting (同桌之间做对话)A:Why are you wearing a raincoat?B: Because its going to rain.2.Let students act the dialogue in roles-Sam, Lingling and AmyLet students act with action and expression(小组成员之间按照对话内容进行角色表演,注意发音,动作和语言)Step2.Presentation:(老师问问题,学生回答)The teacher should ask some questions about last lesson ,Helen Keller and Louise Braille.T:Why couldnt Heller Keller see and hear?S:Because she became blind and deaf as a small child.T:Why couldnt Louise Braille hear?S:He became blind when he was four years old.T:Why are Lingling, Daming and Amy laughing?Because Amy said: Bring caps for the baseball game, but Lingling brought some cups for the baseball caps. Lingling made a mistake. So they are laughing.Step3.The text:Let students look at the pictures carefully, and then let them talk about what they are talking about.(让学生仔细看照片,小组之间讨论)2.Let students listen and follow it, and point at the pictures correctly.(听对话)3.The teacher should play the tape again and let students listen and follow ,pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(再听一遍,注意语音和语调)The sentences:1)Why are you wearing a raincoat?Because its going to rain.2)Why are you wearing a hat?Because its going to be hot.3)Why are you wearing a T-shirt?Because Im going to play basketball.4)Why are you wearing a dress?Because I m going to go to the theater.Step4. 教师精讲why because 的用法,学生整理随堂笔记本。Step5.Then do activity 3 and 4.Listen and say, then sing.Find the answers to the riddles.四、课堂检测(1)按要求写单词Do 过去式Brought 原型Sad 反义词Cap 复数Rain 形容词T-shirt 复数(2)单项选择1.( )are going to swim next week.A.I and he B.I and him C.he and I D.he and me 2. My teacher wants me ( ) the blackboard.A.looking B.look C.to look D.to look at3. Its not easy ( ) for us.A.learn English B.learning English C.to learn English D.learned English4.Han Mei ( ) me an English book this morning.A.bring B.brought C.to bring D.is bringing5. Whats the ( ) ?A.wrong B.matter C.things D.something(3)翻译句子你为什么正穿着雨衣呢?因为快要下雨了。五、课后作业:完成配套练习册上相应的题目。六、板书设计Module 9 Unit2 Because its going to rain学习目标预习:单词 现在进行时,一般将来时用法 Why, because 用法导学案Step1.Warm-upStep2.Presentation:Step3.The text:Step4. 教师精讲why because 的用法,学生整理随堂笔记本。Step5.Then do activity 3 and 4.课后作业

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