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2019年六年级第二单元英语试卷 姓名_ 班级_ 号次_听力部分30分一.Listen and circle.(听录音圈出正确的一组).5%1.BBC PRC UFO 2.cdf pqr qbc3.winter spring summer 4.heavier bigger heavy5.bored angry happy二. Listen and circle(听录音选出正确的图片).5%1 2. 3. 4. 5. 三. Listening and choose (听对话,选出合适的答案)10% 1.A.have a race B.have a fever C.have a headache ( )2.A.bored B. sad C .tird ( )3.A.fine B.sick C.happy ( )4.A.bigger B.smaller C.thinner ( )5.A.going to the cinema B. reades newspapersC. take a trip ( )四.Listen and judge (听音判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”)10%.1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )笔试部分70分一.Read and write.(写出字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写形式)5%1) e 2) p 3) K 4) W 5) f二Read and choose.(读一读,选出不同发音的一个)10%1.A. fanB. todayC. table ( )2.A. soup B. load C. know ( )3.A. week B. ready C. sea ( )4.A. usually B. bus C. umbrella ( )5.A. city B. clock C. face ( )三Read and match.(读一读,连一连)10%happy 更重的 excited 书店sore throat 头痛 bookstore 女演员heavier 更年轻的 cinema 飞机younger 喉咙痛 actress 电影院headache 高兴的 plane 激动的四.Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的填入恰当的横线上).10%A. fever B. sad C. stronger D. science museum E by plane1. I failed the English exam today. I feel _.2. My father is _than my uncle.3. I feel sick. I have a _.4. Im going to Beijing _ next month.5. Liming usually go to the_with his friends.五.Look and circle.(看图片,选择正确的单词).10%1. 2. 3. by plane actresss sad by bus actor excited4. 5. toothache bored Stomachache happy六.Read and choose(选择填空)10%1.( ) _ are you going to do? Im going to play football. A. When B. What C. Where2.( ) -_do you feel? - Im tied. A.What B.How C.Where3. ( )What do you do? Im an _ . A. engineer B. teacher C. singer4.( ) _ are you going to do? Im going to play cards.A. When B. What C. Where5.( )-_are you? -Im 34kg. A.How heavy. B.How long C.How big6.( )当你想了解别人从哪儿来时,问: . What are you from? . When are you from? . Where are you like a glass of tea?7.( )当你想知道别人能看见几把尺子时,问: . How many rulers can you see? . How much is the ruler? . I can see five rulers.8.( ) 当你想了解别人的职业时,问: . What are you do? . What do you like? . What do you do?9.( )当你想知道别人的爱好时,问: . What do you hobby?. . What do you like? . What is your hobby?10.( )当你想知道别人感觉如何时, 问: A. How are you? B. How do you feel? C. Whats your name?七.Write the sentences (重组单词写句子)5%1. sad you today look so2 .is what matter the八Read and tick or cross(读课文判断对错)10%Dear Chen JieIm sorry I cant go to the museum with you tomorrow. Im not feeling well today. I think I have a bad cold. I have a headache. I have a fever. My nose hurt. My throat is sore. I have no take some medicine and stay in bed. My parents will take me to the hospital if I feel worse. Hope you enjoy your visit to the museum.Love,Sarah (1). Sarah feels well today. ( )(2). Sarah can go to the museum with Chen Jie tomorrow. ( )(3). Chen Jie has a sore throat today. ( )(4). Chen Jie will go to visit the museum tomorrow.( )(5). Sarah has a bad cold. ( )听力参考:一. PRC qbc summer heavier angry二1.Whats the matter? Ling ling I have a stomachache.2. How does the baby feel? He feels very excited.3. The man is much taller than the boy.4. Where are you going to this afternoon? Im going to cinema.5. Whats your hobby? I like playing the piano.三.1.Whats the matter?I have a fever.2.How does Linda feel?She feels very sad because she failed the English test.3. You feel so happy ? Why? Because I will go to Beijing tomorrow.4. Im thinner than my brother.5.What are you going to do?Im going to the cinema.四.1. Please go to the library and read magazines.2. How does girl feel? She feels very excited.3. The boy has a sore throat.4. Im so sorry to hear that Mary has a earache.5.Whats the matter? David. I have a cold.试题参考答案:听力部分:一 每题一分PRC qbc summer heavier angry二每题一分略三每题两分BBCCA四每个两分笔试部分一每一小题一分,每一空格半分d f o q J L V X e g二每小题两分AABAB三每小题一分略四每个空格两分BCAED五每小题两分By bus actress excited stomachache bored六每小题一分BBABA AACCB七每个句子2.5分1You look so sad today.2. What is the matter?八每小题两分。


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