2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 Module 3《My First Ride on a Train》word话题功能集锦.doc

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2019-2020年外研版高中英语必修1 Module 3My First Ride on a Trainword话题功能集锦Being polite(表示礼貌)【简单介绍】语言是传递信息和表情达意的工具。为了更顺畅的交流,为了建立良好的个人形象,为了避免交流中尴尬或冲突的发生,人们要使用礼貌用语,英语也是如此。英语礼貌歌:Hello! Hi!是你好!,见面问好常用到。Goodbye!是再见!,Good night!道晚安!同学多日不见面,相见问好How are you?答语常用Im fine. Thank you.初次认识新朋友,握手问好Glad to meet you.打扰别人问问题,开口先说Excuse me.别人关心帮助你,感谢用语Thank you.致谢用语要牢记,Thats OK.没关系。有了过错表歉意,Im sorry.对不起。客人来访把门开,Please come in.请进来。Sit down, please.请坐下。Please have some tea.请喝茶。征求意见和请求,May I.?先开头。同意许可Yes./Sure./Certainly./OK!别忘了。英文中一些常见的单词,如:thanks,hello,hi,sorry等,均属于最简单的英文礼貌用语。交谈时对方因感冒而打喷嚏,对方会说:Excuse me,而你会说:God bless you!。来到商店,售货员会礼貌地问一句:Can I help you, please?这些都是语言礼貌原则的体现。人们表达礼貌的方式多种多样。英文礼貌用语例句:1.I thought you were needing me, Mr. Singer.(用过去时表示礼貌);2.May I come in, please?(用情态动词表示礼貌);3.Every piece of luggage has to be examined through.(用被动式表示礼貌);等等。【礼貌用语的运用】Can you pass me.? vs Give me.人们不喜欢别人支配他们去做事情,因此有时想直接得到你想要的可不是那么简单。换掉那些听起来是命令的语句,例如Give me the newspaper,而使用Can you pass me the newspaper?Could you give me five minutes? Vs Go away.你工作非常的忙,但是你的同事却请你帮忙。当你工作非常紧张而不能做其他的事情的时候,只说Go away肯定是不合适的。取而代之,使用以下的短语就能让每个人都觉得愉快了Could you give me five minutes?Excuse me. vs Move.让别人Move out of the way.听起来特别的粗鲁而且这样说很可能会得到别人拒绝。下一次有人挡了你的路,你可以说Excuse me.这样就能避免不愉快的情况出现而得到你期待的结果!Im afraid I cant. vs No.有时侯要拒绝一个朋友的邀请非常的困难。只说No听起来很不礼貌。下一次你要表示拒绝却不冒犯别人的话就可以说,Im afraid I cant.I would like. vs I want.用下面的词表示请求常常被认为很不礼貌,I want取代,I want a cup of coffee,试着向服务生说,Id like a cup of coffee, please.。你就能得到你想要的咖啡的同时也能得到别人的一个微笑了!Would you mind.? vs Stop it!如果有人做你不喜欢的事,而且可能还很不礼貌?你该怎样阻止他们呢?要想得到理想中的结果,不用大声叫嚣Stop talking on your phone in the cinema!,只要客气对他们说,Would you mind not using your phone in the cinema, please?Can you hold, please? vs Wait.在电话中是否选择适当礼貌用语可以使对话更有效或中止对话。如果有人打电话来找人,不要说,Wait。而是,礼貌的问Can you hold, please?【情景会话】AA:Hey Michelle, this is my friend James. He s visiting Shanghai from New York. 米歇尔,这是我的朋友,詹姆斯。他从纽约来上海玩。B:Oh, hi James. Nice to meet you. So, uh, are you visiting for business or pleasure? 哦,詹姆斯你好。很高兴见到你。那你来这儿是办公还是游玩的?C:Well, actually a little of both. I m meeting some business contacts but I m also taking some Mandarin classes too. 嗯,事实上两个目的兼有。我来处理一些生意上的事,同时我还报了普通话班打算学一学。B:That s cool! How s it going? 酷!现在进行得怎么样了?C:Well, I m finding the classes pretty tough actually, but I m having a great time in Shanghai. It s really an amazing city. 嗯,事实上我发现,学习的内容比较难,但是我在上海的时间很充裕。上海真的是很了不起的城市。B:It sure is. Are you staying for long? 当然。你要在这儿待很久吗?C:Only two weeks unfortunately. I wish I could stay longer but. 有点遗憾的说,只有两个星期。我多希望我可以待的时间更久一点。B:Well listen, if you need someone to show you the sights then just call me. I m having a little get-together at my new apartment next week so if you want to drop by then. 如果你想游玩,需要一个人给你当向导就打电话给我。下周在我的新公寓有个小聚会。如果那时你有时间,可以过来玩玩。C:That sounds great. I d love to! Let me take down your number,Michelle. 听起来不错,我想我会去的!米歇尔,能告诉我你的手机号吗?BA:Hello sir, may I help you? 先生,你好,需要什么?B:Yeah, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet. 是的,我不小心将手机掉到马桶里了。A:I see. Well, you have come to the right place. We have over one hundred models of more than twenty leading mobile phone manufacturers. 我明白了,那你来对地方了。我们这有100多款手机和20多个先进手机生产商。B:Sounds good. I dont want it to be too expensive, maybe something mid-range. 听起来不错,我不想买太贵的,中档的就行。A:We have this new HTC smart phone.It comes with the Android OS so you can download applications. It also has a built-in camera, mp3 player and touch screen. It works on the 3G network so you have fast access to the internet wherever you are. 看看这款新的HTC能够无线上网的手机。它带有管理系统,所以你能够下载软件。手机还有内置相机,mp3播放器和触摸屏。可以进行3G上网,这样无论你在哪儿都能快速连到网上。B:What about Wi-fi? 手机有无线网络吗?A:Of course! You can access the internet from any hotspot as well as from home. 当然有。你可以通过网络接口上网或是在家上网。B:One last thing. Is it waterproof? 最后问一下,手机防水吗?CA:Hi. What can I get for you? 你好,想买点什么?B:Id like a half a pound of ground beef, please. 我要半磅碎牛肉.A:Good choice! Our ground beef is extra lean, if you know what I mean. 明智的选择,我们这儿的牛肉很瘦,如果你懂行的话。B:Could I also have half a dozen pork chops and two pounds of boneless chicken breasts? 我还要半打猪排,2磅无骨鸡胸,你这里有吗?A:No, no no no chicken breasts at the moment, but we have some nice chicken thighs. 现在没有鸡胸,但是有很好的鸡大腿。B:No, that wont do. Ill take this smoked ham you have here. 那不是我想要得,我买这块熏腿。A:Okay, is there anything else? 好的,还要些别的吗?B:Is this salami and bologna you have here? 这是意大利咸味腊肠吗?A:Yes! Its very fine meat! Made it myself. 是的,很好的肉,我自己做的B:Sounds good. Okay, thats it. 不错。就买那个了。A:Wait! We have T-bone, rib eye, and sirloin steaks. They are very fresh! Just came from the slaughter house. 等下,这里有牛排,牛里脊肉和牛腰肉,都很新鲜,刚从屠宰场运来。B:Mmm.No thats okay, really. I think thats all for today. 谢谢不要了,今天就买这些吧.A:Okay. That will be thirty-four dollars and fifty cents. 好的,一共是34美元50美分。【典例剖析】情景会话A:Ive just got the examination results. _B:Oh, no! I cant have failed. Surely? A:I am afraid so. I am terribly sorry! B:Whatever am I going to tell me parents. A:Dont worry about that, I am sure they will understand. After all, it was a very difficult exam. B:What am I to do? A:You can always take it again. 剖析:由所给情景语境分析,学生B没有通过考试,这个可以从下面的Oh, no!以及I am terribly sorry!可以推断出来。答案:I am afraid you havent passed.


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