2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Project 1)教学设计.doc

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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Project 1)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Project 1)教学设计.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3《Tomorrow’s world》(Project 1)教学设计.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年牛津译林版高中英语必修四Unit 3Tomorrows world(Project 1)教学设计课堂设计指导思想:本节课是一节以阅读、讨论为主的活动课。Project是以阅读,语法,及Task的学习为基础,是语言学习从输入过渡到输出的必然结果。Project也是一种开放性研究学习活动,学生在完成背景材料阅读任务之后,在教师的指导下,通过小组协作明确选题,然后经过计划、准备、创作、呈现等一系列步骤完成活动任务。整个活动过程体现了自主学习、探究学习和合作学习。Teaching aims: 1. Read three summaries of the science fiction stories.2. Learn what a science fiction story is like and how to write a science fiction story.3. Work together and make out a summary of a science fiction story.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in 1. Tell students that in this lesson they are going to write a short science fiction story. And ask them to read the guidelines on page 58 and answer the following question:(PPT page 4,鼠标点击,逐条显示)(1) Do you know what science fiction is?(2) Do you know any science fiction stories? Can you share with us?Answers(1) Science fiction is a type of writing based on fantasy and imagination. Science fiction writers often write about what will happen in tomorrows world.(2) (Students answer)2. Tell students that they will be introduced to two science fiction stories. 【设计说明】提问从学生自身的生活经验出发,引入science fiction的概念,激发学生的学习兴趣,导入主题。Step 2 Reading 1. Show students pictures or video extracts from the three science fiction stories while playing the recording.2. Ask students to read the three summaries again and answer the following questions to check their understanding.Journey to the Centre of the Earth(PPT page 5,鼠标点击,逐条显示)(1) Where do the German professor and his nephew travel to?(2) What do they see during their journey?(3) How do they e back to the world above?The Time Machine(PPT page 6,鼠标点击,逐条显示)(1) What has the scientist invented? (2) What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701? (3) What is the world thirty million years into the future like?AnswersJourney to the Centre of the Earth(1) They travel to the centre of the Earth.(2) During the journey, they see a big underground ocean, a beautiful forest, ancient animals that have already disappeared in the world above.(3) A volcano in southern Italy brings them back to the Earths surface.The Time Machine(1) He has invented a machine that can take him into the future.(2) He finds two kinds of creaturesthe Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are gentle and lazy people who are served by the Morlocks. The Morlocks are a group of people who work very hard and e out in the evening to eat the Eloi.(3) The sun no longer shines in that world, so it is cold and scary.【设计说明】用问题检查学生是否理解阅读内容,用影音文件使学生切实地感受到科幻小说的魅力,并进一步产生创作的欲望。Step 3 Discussion1. Tell students that they are going to write their own science fiction stories. And ask them to read the three summaries again and answer the following question: (PPT page 8,鼠标点击,逐条显示)(1) What elements make up a story?AnswerTime, place/setting, characters, plot/storyline2. Ask students to read the three summaries again and find out the basic elements of each story. Divide students into three groups and each group only has to read one of the summaries. (PPT page 9,显示练习要求)AnswerJourney to the Centre of the EarthTime19th century Placethe centre of the EarthCharactersA German professor and his nephewPlotThey travel to the centre of the earth through a dead volcano and experienced a lot of unusual things there.The Time MachineTimeAD 802, 701 millions of years later thirty million years into the futurePlaceon the earthCharactersthe Time TravellerPlotThe Time Traveller invented a time machine that can take him into the future. On his trip, he sees a lot of surprising and even frightening people and things.3. Ask students to have a discussion and think of their own science fiction stories and try to draw an outline of their stories using what they have learned. (PPT page 10,鼠标点击,显示活动简要说明)【设计说明】用实例让学生了解科幻小说创作所需的基本要素,由于Project的任务一般耗时较长,不太可能当堂完成,因此先让学生进行讨论,初步定下故事框架。Step 5 Presentation(PPT page 11,显示标题和活动要求)Ask several groups to present their story outlines.【设计说明】初步定下故事框架,细节留待课后补充完成。Step 6 Summary(PPT page 12,显示summary内容)Make a summary about what have been learned in this lesson.【设计说明】通过小结,再次强调所学内容,明确课后任务。Step 8 Homework (PPT page 13,显示家庭作业内容)plete your science fiction stories in a week and be ready for a presentation of your story to your classmates.【设计说明】明确作业的时间限制,并让学生做好展示自己作品的准备。

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